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I Need To Know The Movies You Remember But Literally NOBODY Else Does

If anyone remembers D.E.B.S., I need you to message me immediately so we can talk about it.

I don't know about you, but I love movies. Like, I put my AMC A-List membership to USE, baby!

And along the way in my movie watching journey, I've watched a lot (and I mean A LOT) of films, some of which feel like I'm the only one who remembers them.

Like Small Soldiers, the movie about sentient toys that run on military-grade AI and unleash violence and havoc on a group of unwitting children (LOL).

What about Susie Q? Starring The Power Ranger's Amy Jo Johnson, this film follows the ghost of a 1950s girl who died the night of her prom, as she tries to get the boy who now lives in her old house to find some land deeds????

Screenshot from "Susie Q"

Or what about the movie D.E.B.S.? Remember how a secret test within the SAT determined if you had what it took to become a super secret agent in a plaid miniskirt?

Screenshot from "D.E.B.S."

I know I'm not the only one who feels like I remember a movie that nobody else does. So, I'm coming to you, the BuzzFeed Community, asking you to share the films that you think you're the only one who remembers.

Tell me the name of the movie, what made it stand out to you, and why people should still watch it now in 2023. Hopefully, you'll find some other people who remember the same ones!!

Submit your answers in the comments below, or if for any reason you'd like to remain anonymous, you can send in your submissions using this Google form.

Your submission may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!