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People Who Grew Up Religious — What Are Things You Still Feel Guilty About Even Though You No Longer Believe?

I thought we signed up for everlasting life, not everlasting guilt.

A lot of people who grow up in a religious household end up leaving their faith behind, but that doesn't mean remnants from the teachings they struggled with aren't still left behind.

Often the ideals of religion follow us into our adulthood whether or not we still believe in them, and it can be frustrating and difficult to move beyond them.

Like, maybe you were taught that taking pride in yourself took away from your love of God, and to this day, you struggle with being able to celebrate your accomplishments or even believe in yourself.

Or, perhaps you learned that you needed to maintain your purity, and having sex outside of marriage would dishonor God, so you still feel guilty after sleeping with someone.

It could even be something as small as feeling bad when you drive over the speed limit because it's technically breaking the law and that's a "sin."

I think it's helpful to talk about these kind of things so we can see that not only are we not alone, but to discover how other people are healing from ways of thinking that no longer serve them. So, whatever things you still struggle with, I want to hear about them. Tell me what you were taught, why it was considered "bad" or "sinful," and what has helped you start to move beyond them.

You can tell me your stories in the comments below, or you can submit them anonymously using this Google form.

Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!