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18 Living Nightmares For People Who Shed A Lot Of Hair

Srsly, your hair is everywhere.

The average human sheds between 50–100 strands of hair a day.

1. Coming across a knot.

2. Hair looks purposefully woven into the fibers of your clothes.

3. You cannot touch another human being without getting hair all over them.

4. You keep getting poked in the eye by that one hair you can never find.

5. A lover runs their fingers through your hair and takes a handful with them.

6. Someone asks to borrow a brush not knowing it's so full of hair it looks like a small animal.

7. Just looking at your hairbrush (aka "the graveyard").

8. You most certainly have developed carpal tunnel from all the brushing.

9. When you accidentally touch your hair after styling it.

10. Waking up and realizing you can donate your pillow to make wigs.

11. Cleaning out the drain and discovering what is surely a child's ponytail.

12. When you think there is a bug crawling on you, but it's just a hair.

13. When you realize no matter where you eat, there is ALWAYS hair in your food.

14. Hanging out at a friends house and everyone can easily spot your hair all over the place based on the color.

15. When your pets have more of your hair on them than their actual fur.

16. When you're daydreaming and are inadvertently left with spool of hair around your finger.

17. When you go to your hairdresser and they jokingly point out all your hair on the floor before they even get started.

18. Every time someone says, "The stress from losing your hair just makes more hair come out."

But you just keep smiling and let your freak flag (very gently) fly.

Thumbnails via Flickr / Creative Commons: twilightjones, Kerri Lee Smith, Robin Howe