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    Before Buying A Swimsuit Online, Follow These 4 Tips

    Spring is almost here and summer is on its way, which can only mean one thing: Bathing suit season is fast approaching. Whilst most of us are online shopping devotees, it’s amazing how many people still say they would be reluctant to buy their swimwear online. Much of this reluctance is because good swimwear is all about the fit, and it can be difficult to judge the fit of a suit by images alone. But buying your suit online is fast, convenient, and can often save you money. It also means you can try on your suit in the comfort of your own home, rather than in the glaringly unflattering light of a fitting room. Ready to give online bathing suit shopping a try? Here are five things you need to know to make sure you get it right:

    1) Know Your Size

    2) Shop Somewhere Reputable

    3) Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

    4) Make Use of Social Media