A Canadian Marine Park Is Suing A Teenager For $1 Million

    The marine amusement park says Zach Affolter has made a "propaganda film."

    Marineland is suing this 19-year-old from California for $1 million over a short film he's making about the marine park's last killer whale, Kiska.

    Affolter is a marine biology student at Humboldt University in California. He said he grew up wanting to be a Seaworld trainer, but came to realize that cetaceans are too intelligent and social for captivity. His 10-minute film is told from Kiska's perspective and portrays her despair at being trapped in a tank by herself.

    Kiska is the last orca in captivity in Canada. The roughly 40-year-old whale has lived almost her entire life at the amusement park in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Animal rights activists have described her as "the world's loneliest orca."


    This post was updated with comment from Marineland.