Zooper Dooper Have Just Released Their First Ever Single Flavour Pack In Lemonade And That's Cool And All, But Give Us Fairy Floss ASAP

    It's Zooper Dooper season!

    Zooper Doopers are an iconic part of Australian culture — especially during summer (aka Zooper Dooper season) when they're the only thing stopping you from overheating on a 35 degree day.

    With eight classic flavours available in a pack, it's no surprise that people have their favourites — and would lobby for a single flavour product to be available.

    Well, Zooper Dooper have listened to the masses and have released their first-ever single flavour pack in — wait for it...lemonade!

    After hearing the news, I was honestly surprised at the choice of flavour, but then I realised you can't even get lemonade in the regular Zooper Dooper packs.

    Plus, according to Bega Dairy and Drinks Marketing Director, Sharon Winton, they wanted something that was universally appealing for their first single flavour offering — hence the classic choice of lemonade, which will be super refreshing come summertime.

    So, this is a win-win — although I am petitioning for Zooper Dooper to bring out single packs of fan-favourites like fairy floss and raspberry ASAP.

    In the meantime, if you want to get your hands on Zooper Dooper lemonade, you can head to your local Woolies or independent grocer.

    They're only available for a limited time, so remember to stock up (while practising social distancing, of course).