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29 Things Every Cotton On Employee Has Experienced At Least Once

Nothing will ever beat that sweet staff discount.

1. You would constantly use the staff discount to supplement your growing wardrobe.

2. And you'd spend your break trying on all the latest clothes.

3. The stress of having 15 minutes to calculate the day's budget, count the tills and tidy up any mess during opening shifts haunts you.

4. Plus if your shift lasted until the end of the day, that meant having to vacuum the entire store.

5. Dealing with rude, annoying customers was always the worst.

6. Especially the ones you caught trying to shoplift a bunch of clothes.

7. Or the ones who came in last minute on a Thursday night and destroyed all the piles you had just tidied.

8. When your area manager was visiting, you had to be on your best behaviour.

9. Which meant greeting every single customer...

10. And if you were by yourself, trying to unpack stock, work the tills and manage customers all at the same time.

11. You would use your best retail voice when trying to sell charity items.

12. And became fiercely protective of the brand whenever someone tried to bad mouth it.

13. Even when the store was busy, you still found time to gossip with your co-worker.

14. Or if it was a slow day, you would just endlessly refold the t-shirt or undies piles.

15. You never had a clue what sort of music was playing in the store, which made it kind of awkward when customers asked about particular songs.

16. You were excited AF when you were finally trained to close the store.

17. That is until your tills didn't add up, even after you double checked them with the system a million times.

18. If you worked at the Body store, you slowly learned how to tell someone's bra size on sight.

19. And you somehow managed to accidentally open up an occupied change room on more than one occasion.

20. Even though it was smelly work, you often volunteered to go on a bin run to escape the madness of the store.

21. Ditto having to check for an item in the back whenever a customer asked.

22. Having to remember all the different promotions during a sale was slightly stressful.

23. You hated when customers only bought a $2 water bottle because it ruined your average sale amount.

24. In December, all the Christmas casuals would start and you would desperately try to remember all their names.

25. And as it got closer to Christmas, you never wanted to listen to the work holiday playlist again.

26. Working during the sales period would start off fine, but by the end of your shift it would turn into a train wreck.

27. And sometimes it would get so busy, you would forget to do the banking on time and freak out.

28. Even worse was being called up for an extra shift and then having it cancelled just as you arrived.

29. But at the end of the day, you worked with a great bunch of people and wouldn't trade your job for anything.