32 Pictures That Pretty Much Look EXACTLY Like Your '00s Childhood

    My brain hurts from all this nostalgia.

    1. Falling in love with your Poo-Chi because your parents wouldn't get you a real dog.

    2. Playing with your huge collection of Bratz dolls because you had a ~passion for fashion~.

    3. Decorating all your homemade birthday cards and school art projects with Rainbow Magic pens.

    4. Feeling extremely important because you had your own account on the home computer.

    5. Begging your parents for a Club Penguin membership so you could hang out with all of your friends.

    6. Collecting all the different Polly Pocket sets even though you already owned more than enough.

    7. Checking in and seeing what's new on the streets of Neopia.

    8. And CONSTANTLY forgetting to feed your poor Neopets.

    9. Messing about on Kid Pix during your technology lessons at school.

    10. Getting excited for your school's annual Scholastic Book Fair.

    11. Decking out your room with Bang On The Door merch because you were a ~groovy chick~.

    12. Shedding a tear when your beloved Tamagotchi died.

    13. Going to Blockbuster on a Friday night to rent a movie.

    14. Spending hours making scoobies to put on your key rings and backpacks.

    15. Having your future determined by the results of your friend's chatterbox.

    16. Signing in and out of MSN Messenger to attract the attention of your crush.

    17. Thinking that distressed, flared jeans were THE most fashionable thing to exist.

    18. Showing off your new flexible ruler and zip up pencil case at school.

    19. Taking a peek at your book's library card to see who had borrowed before you.

    20. Uploading all your favourite songs to your iPod Nano.

    21. And then attempting to recreate this iconic ad with the dancing silhouettes.

    22. Buying phone charms to accessorise your flip phone.

    23. Spending way too many hours playing flash games on sites like Newgrounds and Miniclip.

    24. Exploring the world of Runescape and having to mine iron and ore to make armour for your noob character.

    25. Making every decision based on a Yes/No rubber.

    26. Playing the Windows pinball machine game when you had nothing better to do.

    27. Spending your entire weekend playing Cooking Mama, Nintendogs and Super Mario Bros on your Nintendo DS.

    28. Swapping Yu-Gi-Oh trading cards at school.

    29. Annoying the hell out of your family because you insisted on wearing your Heelys everywhere.

    30. Signing your autograph on everyone's bear during graduation.

    31. Losing many hours of sleep trying to finish all the levels on The Simpsons: Hit and Run.

    32. And finally, collecting every single flavour of Lip Smacker you could get your hands on.