25 David Rose GIFs That Are Basically You Studying For Your Exams

    I've said it once and I'll say it again — David Rose is forever a mood.

    1. When it's the start of exam season and your mum and dad start hovering around and helicopter parenting you.

    2. When you get your schedule and see that you have multiple exams on the same day.

    3. When you get invited to a group study session with a bunch of people you don't really like.

    4. But then they mention that there'll be plenty of snacks, which convinces you straight away.

    5. When you've been analysing your English texts for too long and still have no idea what exactly Shakespeare was trying to say.

    6. When your teacher is explaining something that you don’t understand — and you still don’t get it, but you nod anyway because you don’t want it to be awkward.

    7. When you take snack breaks every five minutes as a reward for summarising a chapter of a textbook.

    8. When your best friend is kind enough to share their colour-coded study notes.

    9. When you share a hilarious meme in the online discussion group and no one comments on it.

    10. When you planned to study for the day, but just ended up watching Netflix and scrolling through videos on TikTok.

    11. When you and a friend are quizzing each other on practice questions, but it's clear they know a lot more than you.

    12. When you crack open a fresh can of your favourite energy drink and remember that you've already had three.

    13. When you told your parents that you were logging off social media so that you could concentrate, but they catch you online five minutes later.

    14. When you're confident with one of the answers you've put on a practice question, but then you end up being completely wrong.

    15. When it starts getting closer to the exams and everyone starts comparing how many hours they've already studied.

    16. When you're at the point where literally everything is stressing you out, so you decide to clean your room.

    17. When someone asks why you're awake at 5 a.m. and it's because you pulled an all-nighter.

    18. When you see that people are attempting to sell their notes for a ridiculous amount of money.

    19. When you momentarily consider quitting school to follow your dreams of being a successful YouTuber.

    20. When your parents come into your room randomly and ask how your studying is going.

    21. When it's the night before your first exam and you come to the realisation that this is as good as it's going to get.

    22. And then you wake up the next morning feeling completely unprepared.

    23. When you walk out of the exam room and everyone immediately starts comparing answers.

    24. And what's worse is that they're different to the ones you had.

    25. And finally, when you realise that all the stress and worry wasn't worth it in the end because you tried your best and that's all that matters.