19 Adorable Aussie Animals That Will Bring A Bit Of Joy To Your Self-Isolation

    This is the wholesome pick-me-up everyone needs today.

    1. First off, look at this adorable sleeping koala who looks as snug as can be.

    2. And check out this little guy, who is enjoying a mid-arvo snack.

    3. Don't forget about teeny tiny bub over here, peeking out from the safety of mum's back.

    4. Have you ever seen how freakin' cute baby wombats are?!

    5. Just look at this goofy, lil' smile!

    6. Or what about a baby kanga? All cuddled up, looking soft and warm.

    7. And with puppy dog eyes that are guaranteed to melt your heart.

    8. Okay, okay, but look at these DINGO PUPS — have you ever seen anything as smol, as floofy or as CUTE?!

    9. And then when they grow up, they turn into these HANDSOME boys.

    10. Speaking of handsome, take a look at this picture-perfect Tasmanian Devil.

    11. And these tiny babies, who are giving me so much attitude.

    12. Oh boy, this Tassie Devil is a HUGE mood.

    13. Oh hello, Mr Possum! Nice seeing you out and about today.

    14. And Miss Quoll — getting her daily scritchy scratches in.

    15. How good are quokkas?! Especially with that cheeky smile and bonus blep!

    16. And wow, if only my hair looked as good as this kookaburra's quiff.

    17. Check out the smug expression on this echidna — he knows how gosh darn cute he is.

    18. Whereas this sweet wombat looks a tiny bit shy.

    19. And I've saved the best 'til last — because this floofy baby emu is sure to make you scream in glee.