Oi, Aussies — You Can Now Watch Nostalgic Faves Like "Round The Twist" On YouTube

    *Weeps in nostalgia.*

    Now, I may be biased — but growing up in Australia, we had some damn good kids shows.

    You had your daily dose of weird from Round The Twist, followed by the relatable AF storylines on Mortified and — my personal favourite — the OG internet romance in Noah & Saskia.

    Even though it's been years since any of us have watched them, self-isolation has been making me feel nostalgic for the ~good old days~, if you know what I mean.

    And luckily, the Australian Children’s Television Foundation has done us all a solid by uploading full-length episodes of all our fave '90s and '00s shows on YouTube.

    Yep, you read that right. You can go on to YouTube, search up Twisted Lunchbox — the name of the channel, which I kinda love — and start watching back-to-back episodes of say, Round The Twist.

    And once you're done with that, you can then binge-watch Lockie Leonard, Mortified, Noah & Saskia, The Girl From Tomorrow, The Genie From Down Under and Flea-Bitten.

    Now, if you need me, I'll be parked on my bed, reliving my entire childhood through these TV shows.