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    23 Reasons Why You Should Never, Ever Visit Southeast Asia

    It's the worst.

    1. Let's cut to the chase: Southeast Asia is pretty shit.

    2. Seriously, this region could do so much better than this.

    3. This is a World Heritage Site, you say? Well it was clearly rigged!

    4. What is this?? Sunset???? More like sunSHIT!

    5. I've seen places more cinematic than this, honestly.

    6. MEH.

    7. And as if the surface of the sea isn't disgusting enough, this creature has to be there.

    8. And these spiky underwater things????? Why do they exist???

    9. This body of water is so disastrous, even Jesus had to come down and save it.

    10. Southeast Asian's attention to detail is so-so at best.

    11. There's seriously no place that's Instagrammable at all!

    12. And don't even get me started with the food!

    13. No layers of flavor whatsoever!

    14. Ugh. How unappetizing.

    15. GAGGING.

    16. Sure, a market in the middle of the river. How original.

    17. Even their regular markets look soooooo conventional.

    18. Talk about conventional, how standard is this structure on top of a mountain?

    19. Wow. Is this really all you got, SEA?

    20. So please, do yourself a favor.

    21. And never...

    22. EVER...

    23. Visit Southeast Asia.

    Or IDK, maybe you should visit, if this is your kind of thing. ;)