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    20 Things On Amazon That Make Perfect Gifts

    No, but like, the perfect gifts.

    1. A pack of waterproof playing cards, because what's better than poker night with friends? Poker night by a pool. If your giftee loves anything that keeps their cards safe while playing in the yard or at the beach — or just wants something that survives water rings from their drinks — then this gift will basically be like winning the jackpot.

    2. A 4-in-1 bedside lamp that is a charging station, lamp, sound machine, and alarm clock! All while looking chic and compact enough for your hard-to-buy-for friend who seems to have everything.

    a reviewer's lamp on a nightstand

    3. A weekly tear-off meal planner for the person you know who runs their kitchen like it's a 5-star restaurant. Plus! Planning weekly meals is great for knowing *exactly* which foods to buy (and how much of them to buy!) which tremendously cuts down on food waste.

    a reviewer's weekly meal plan in a floral design, hanging on their fridge

    4. An aesthetically pleasing set of 60 (!!!) dual-tip calligraphy markers that, get this, can diffuse into a watercolor by adding a touch of, you guessed it, water! So whether your giftee is looking to bring out their inner Bob Ross, or they're just looking for a marker-fine-tip pen duo to help them bullet journal, they're sure to thank you immensely for this colorful gift.

    5. An awesome Oxo Good Grips 3-in-1 Avocado Slicer, which splits, de-pits, and slices avocados in just a few movements —basically, if your best friend keeps sending you bowl recipes on TikTok, then they'll love this nifty gadget.

    A customer review photo of their tool next to a sliced avocado

    6. A reading light that wraps around the neck and can act as a gift for your boo and you! A gift for your partner because they can read until the wee hours of the night, and a gift for you because their bright lamp won't keep you up at night.

    a reviewer wearing their reading light

    7. A portable travel kettle if your boo is always on the go, but is very specific about their coffee or tea! This travel kettle has different heat settings for various types of hot drinks, keeps liquids warm, and has a thin shape that fits into any bag!

    8. A "typewriter" label maker that connects to an app to print labels! This is perfect for the serial note-taker you know who is a fan of functional decor.

    9. An amazing rice cooker (that I bought this past Prime Day!), because they'll basically receive the gift of endless perfectly-cooked rice. This cooker comes in either a 3-cup or a 6-cup size, which is great for gifting to someone off to ~dorm life~ or for someone who has to cook for the fam! Oh, and if your giftee is keen on multi-purpose things, this bad boy will cook oatmeal, quinoa, and even stews!

    the rice cooker in white on a reviewer's countertop

    10. A horizontal candle if your bestie is the type of person who wants to light a few candles without having to worry about going through their entire candlesticks. This candle rolls through the wick holder, which only allows the part of the candle above the wick holder to burn. Once the flame reaches the bottom of the wick holder, the candle self-extinguishes, saving the rest of the wax spiral for the next time your giftee wants some candlelight.

    a reviewer's image of their candle burning

    11. An all-in-one matte and shimmer eyeshadow palette that comes with a Lorac key so that your MUA-to-be sibling can de-pot and re-arrange the colors for travel! This palette has virtually every color they'll need for simple sculpting to glitter-filled smoky eye looks.

    the palette with an eyeshadow key

    12. A colorful wireless keyboard and mouse set, because having an ergonomic setup is the name of the game when it comes to working from home! This is great for your boo, who spends hours and hours at their desk and is looking for a more comfortable (and cute!) way to work. (Pro tip: pair this with a laptop stand and their work posture will be better than ever!)

    a reviewer's keyboard and mouse set in green

    13. A nifty cosmetic organizer that will FINALLY give a home to all your skincare-obsessed sibling's products. Unlike other acrylic organizers, this one has a compartment for large jars and tall bottles to keep them clean and organized.

    14. A glass and stainless-steel oil sprayer, because a fine mist of olive oil is a heck of a lot more consistent than a drizzle. If your foodie pal is into making things like kale chips, this is perfect for getting olive oil onto every single leaf for a tasty and crunchy feel each time.

    15. A nostalgic fuse bead craft set that'll make anyone's heart smile — not just those under the age of 11! This set contains plastic beads that your giftee can arrange into whichever design they'd like to create, and then, with the help of some adult supervision, iron the designs, fusing them forever! I used to play with these beads all. the. time. as a child and, trust me, I'd still be thrilled if I were given this gift today.

    16. An at-home gel manicure kit if your best friend is all about DIY beauty these days. They can have fun (and some inner peace) with the meditative self-care that is doing one's own nails, and then reap the benefits with a manicure that'll last them for as long as a salon-quality gel manicure would!

    17. An easy-to-release tiny ice cube tray, because the pinnacle of having fancy, Reel-worthy iced coffee at home is placing fancy ice cubes inside. If your friend isn't an avid coffee drinker, this works with anything they love to serve chilled on ice — especially when wow-ing guests!

    18. A makeup eraser perfect for your work spouse who loves their eyeshadow and mascara, but likely doesn't love the process of removing everything at the end of the day. This super-soft towelette removes makeup with warm water and light scrubbing for a clean face ready for its skincare routine.

    19. A splurge-worthy towel warmer, because what's worse than stepping out of a shower onto a cold tile floor? Feeling the cool air of said bathroom against wet skin! This will keep your giftee's towels nice and toasty and will feel like a warm hug after their ablutions.

    The circular-shaped bin in grey with a lid and wood handle and a small screen on the front

    20. And a Dr. Dennis Gross LED mask with three different settings: red light for diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, blue light for eradicating acne, and even purple light, which targets both lines and acne for those who experience adult breakouts. This has been a game-changer for me, a person who wants a line-free complexion but is still too afraid to dip into in-office injectables. If this sounds like your partner, then they'll love you for this one.

    a reviewer wearing the mask

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.