17 Movies That Are Historically Inaccurate, But Get A Pass Because They're So Good

    "That movie crosses the absurd into awesome, and I love it."

    Let's be real – a lot of the movies that are "based on a true story" are not exactly... true.

    But, a movie can be both inaccurate and enjoyable. So, when u/Agreeable-Beach-3009 asked the good people of Ask Reddit "What's a historically inaccurate movie that gets a pass because of how good it is?", I knew I had to share the more popular answers.

    1. Anastasia

    2. Gladiator

    3. Braveheart

    4. The Greatest Showman

    5. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer

    6. Gangs of New York

    7. 300

    8. The Blind Side

    9. Inglorious Basterds

    10. Titanic

    11. Enemy At The Gates

    12. Steve Jobs

    13. The King

    14. Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

    15. Argo

    16. Balto

    17. Amadeus

    Note: submissions have been edited for length/clarity.

    Shoutout to u/Agreeable-Beach-3009 and everyone who shared their favourite inaccurate movies in the Ask Reddit Thread. Which movies do you think deserved to be on this list? Tell us about them in the comments below!

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