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11 Things That Are Bringing You Joy In 2020

Hasta la vista, pants!

2020 has us all feeling a little bit strange...

...OK, a lotta bit strange. As we're all adjusting to our "new normal" (whatever that may be), just remember there are some aspects of your life in 2020 that are actually kinda awesome:

1. You have LOTS of comfy clothes now.

2. You never have to go to the gym again.

3. In fact, you've probably figured out a few things you can totally live without...

4. ...and some things that you absolutely CANNOT live without, like finally being able to visit your dentist and orthodontist!

5. Your home is waaaay more cozy than before.

6. Your bucket list has been fine-tuned to perfection.

7. You have some new skills that you didn't have before.

8. You're probably spending a LOT less money this year.

9. Your friends are still your friends.

10. You're finally caught up on all the shows you've been meaning to binge-watch.

11. And most importantly: Your pet is LOVING this year.

Images via Getty Images.

There's still plenty to smile about this year! Now, in the name of self-care, you can get Invisalign® treatment, the world's most advanced clear aligner system, to get a video chat–ready smile for you or your child!!