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Little Things That Can Make Your Day

It's the small things in life that count. Like a random act of kindness, or finding a forgotten fiver in your coat pocket. Intel knows this, which is why they want you to celebrate the little things that make life better.

1. When your find that sweet spot with the shower temperature.

2. Finding money in your coat pocket.

3. When the milk looks like it's running dangerously low, but you have juuusssttt enough for your cereal.

4. When you throw something in the bin, and it lands in there first time.

5. Remembering that baby goats exist…

6. Being offered a lift on a cold day.

7. When you friend helps you out of a hole at work.

8. When you manage to get your hair up in a topknot first go.

9. When you go to pay for something, and you have the exact change in your pocket.

10. When a stranger's baby smiles at you.

11. When your alarm goes off…

12. Free food. Always.

13. When you realise it's going to snow.

14. When the train doors open right in front of you…

15. When you're wearing boots and "accidentally" splash in a puddle.

16. When you FINALLY manage to scratch an itch.

17. Waking up to the smell of bacon frying.

Want to see another little thing that makes life better? Check out Intel's How It Work video:

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