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11 Things That Happen When Your Friend Takes Up Photography

F-stahp. And take better photos with the Dell Venue — the first tablet with a 3D RealSense camera, available at the Intel Experience in participating Best Buy stores.

1. You get twice-daily reminders to "like" your friend's photography business...

2. ...and they start doing that weird thing with the fingers.

3. Selfies become "self-portraits."

4. Also, you're a model now...

5. your tagged photos triple in like a month.

6. Your friend starts watermarking EVERYTHING.

7. And suddenly, they're all obsessed about capturing "the golden hour" or whatever...

8. ...and making black-and-white duplicates of color photos.

9. Your feed turns into wedding and senior pictures of people you've never seen before...

10. ...and a lot of portraits that look like this:

11. And worst of all, hashtag overload.

What happens when you add a 3D camera with Intel RealSense technology to a tablet? Come in and find out at the Intel Experience at select Best Buy stores.