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    Can You Get Through These 10 Photos Without Having Any Of Your Phobias Triggered?

    Let's see how brave you actually are...

    Rules of the Game

    Go through each photo and see how they make you feel. If any of your phobias get triggered, you lose.

    Let us know at the end how far you made it before getting scared. Good luck!

    Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders

    Ophidiophobia - Fear of Snakes

    Acrophobia - Fear of Heights

    Aerophobia - Fear of Flying

    Cynophobia - Fear of Dogs

    Claustrophobia - Fear of Enclosed Spaces

    Astraphobia - Fear of Weather Phenomena

    Trypanophobia - Fear of Shots

    Agoraphobia - Fear of Being Alone in Open Spaces

    Trypophobia - Fear of Holes