16 Reasons Why Having A Period In School Was Absolutely Mortifying

    You better hold in that sneeze or you'll flood the school!

    I’m sure we can all agree that school wasn’t great – we would’ve done anything to not be there every day! And then there’s the never-ending cycle of periods.

    Many of us had to deal with this for ~years~. Shall we take a second to reminisce together about those school days we'd rather just forget?

    1. First things first, the pain was unbearable.

    2. It was a mission to go to the bathroom, and you would end up being late to class.

    3. If Aunt Flo showed up unannounced, you’d have to buy supplies at school.

    4. And their pads looked like they were fresh out of a moshpit!

    5. If you didn’t want to look like Tommy from Rugrats, you'd have to ask around.

    6. Sometimes you’d have to stack up on toilet paper like there was no tomorrow.

    7. Accidents did happen, but you never knew whether to acknowledge it or not.

    8. Sometimes you'd have to just face up to the embarrassment, and cover up the crime scene.

    9. If you fell victim to painful cramps, teachers acted like you had some kind of disease.

    10. Sitting down to do exams whilst on your period shouldn’t have been allowed.

    11. The teachers ALWAYS thought you were exaggerating about the pain.

    12. There was often a separate bin in the bathrooms for sanitary products, but it was ~really~ hard to find.

    13. The skirt and tights combo on your period felt like an actual punishment.

    14. Having to do double P.E. on your period was an absolute joke.

    15. And every so often, we were greeted with a bloody present when we went back to the changing rooms.

    16. And finally, the emotions you could get through in a day were equal to entire human spectrum!

    What was your worst period experience at school? Let us know in the comments below!