This Desi Instagram Model Will Be Your New Fashion Inspo, And She's Only Three

    Lulu has been slaying Instagram since she was a baby.

    Meet Houston-based three-year-old Instagram fashionista Deena Hafeez, better known as Lulu.

    Born to an Indian-origin dad and Pakistani-origin mum, three-year-old Lulu's fashion game is RIDICULOUS.

    Here she is with her aunt, being a freaking natural #InstagramBaddie.

    "She loves dressing up and taking pictures. She's always that one kid that's ready for pics and selfies," Lulu's photographer Ifrah Atiqi told BuzzFeed.

    "Most of the clothes I are from Janie and Jack, Zara, and Gap," the little model's mum further said.

    She's now a ~seasoned model~ and is absolutely nailing some #cahj summer looks here.

    Her cozy couture is also matchless.

    "She truly believes she's a Disney princess and had her royal coronation," Atiqi told us. But Lulu also makes an amazing super heroine.

    She has been in the Instagram fashion game since she was just a tiny little baby.

    Watch out, Kim K, the glam is strong with this one.

    You can follow this pint-sized fashion inspo on Instagram @deena_lulu.