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    RSO Spotlight: Operation Smile

    Are you interested in getting involved next year, #FutureRedbird? Operation Smile is a non-profit Registered Student Organization (RSO) here on campus that positively impacts our local community, and nation, as well! If you are interested in learning more about this RSO stay tuned!

    What is Operation Smile?

    Operation Smile is a non-profit medical organization that focuses on providing surgeries for children with cleft palates around the world.

    What does your RSO do for the campus?

    What majors are you looking for?

    All majors are welcome, because having the heart to care and give back is not limited to one major! The most common majors among our members are speech pathology, biology, and business, but everyone should check us out!

    Are there any events students should look out for next semester?

    How can you become apart of this RSO?

    Who should students contact if they are interested in joining this RSO?

    If you are interested in joining, please contact our Public Relations Chair, Abbie Teeling. Her email is

    We hope you enjoyed learning about Operation Smile. We can't wait to see your smile here on campus next fall, #FutureRedbird!

    Make sure to follow Operation Smile on social media in order to keep in touch!

    Instagram: @operationsmileisu
    Facebook: OperationSmileISU