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11 Things Only People Who Love IKEA Will Understand

*gazes longingly at IKEA kitchenware*

1. Planning your trip weeks in advance by writing and rewriting your shopping list and poring over the website and catalogue.

2. That feeling you get when you walk in and everything smells like cinnamon buns and potential.

3. You really only needed one thing...but maybe you need two things. Or five.

4. Then you start feeling like maybe you'll just redecorate your entire home.

5. You have your favourite pieces that you pray never go out of style, and you check regularly to see if there are new fabrics or colours to add to your collection.

6. And every time you go, it seems there's something beautiful that you hadn't noticed before.

7. Planning a shopping break for meatballs or a hot dog (or mashed potatoes or salmon or all of the above) is almost as satisfying as finding the perfect coffee table.

8. The Market hall is a lifesaver, tbh.

9. Most importantly, it has everything you might want to make your own very impressive, mature blanket fort at home.

10. Honestly, half the fun is getting to look at the beautiful rooms and get some #inspo for your next home makeover.

11. And the new catalogue is, like, a top five highlight of your entire year.

You're in luck! The new IKEA catalogue is out now. Check it out!