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Here's Why "The Bizarre Case Of Ivy Kay" Has Us Rushing Over To IKEA

Cobwebs, squeaky floors, and outdated furniture — the perfect combination for a great mystery thriller. Tune in July 26 to watch The Bizarre Case of Ivy Kay unfold.

In our lives, we all know an Ivy Kay — someone who works their fingers to the bone, yet is so eager to tackle the next day. Maybe that's even you.

Ivy working at the desk at the hospital (before she knocks over the coffee).

But where Ivy Kay's story takes a turn will leave you shook.

Billboard with pictures.

In the midst of a routine burnout, Ivy Kay's life suddenly changes in the blink of an eye, and no one knows where she is.

Rhonda beginning to get a bit emotional. Tom looks at her lovingly and puts his arm around her.

Well, Ryan and Shane, as well as Ivy's friends and family, have committed themselves to revealing the truth behind the mystery of Ivy Kay.

Two people sitting in their car in a stakeout.

And while they've explored a few different leads, there's one they can't quite shake off.

Picture of IKEA logo on the front of the store.

What could possibly link Ivy Kay's chilling mystery story to a Swedish furniture store focused on home decor and interior design?

Picture of man pushing shopping cart outside of IKEA store.

It's what makes The Bizarre Case of Ivy Kay so baffling. How does a story of a woman so run-down and in need of a boost turn out to be so...bizarre?

Grainy, out-of-focus photo of Ivy outside an IKEA.

It's no coincidence this mystery feels way too close to home. Catch The Bizarre Case of Ivy Kay on July 26 to unravel the surprising truth.