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What Products Should Anyone With Short Hair Own?

Tell us what hair products keep your short cuts looking amazing!

Having short hair is super freeing, but the upkeep can take some work.

Curling and styling hair every morning is annoying.

And getting it cut regularly (since short hair grows so fucking fast) can be a drag.

In the end, when you find a product that you can't live without, it makes things *so much easier*.

So we want to know: what are the best products for people with short hair?

Does an in-shower styler make your hair super supple and movable?

If your hair is curly, does a bit of styling gel keep your coils in place all day?

Or maybe a pomade basically does all of the styling for you?

Whatever products you use to get your short hair into cool-ass styles, tell us what they are and why you swear by them!

Share your must-have hair products and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!