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    Fuck, Marry, Kill: GOP Edition

    A NOTE: The definitions of "fuck" and "marry" used here are very, very loose. Think S&M-dom, riding-crop-happy fuck and highly contractual, purely utilitarian, NDA-laden marriage.

    Given the opportunity, which of these GOP leaders and associates would you subject to unspeakable acts of **hypothetical** debauchery?

    Counselor to That One Guy Kellyanne Conway

    Con: If you kill her, seven blond, wire-haired Afghan hounds will rise in her place and spread lies across mainstream cable news with renewed enthusiasm.

    Pro: If you marry her, you maybe get to help redefine contemporary history—as it's written!

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions

    Pro to pretty much any of these choices: You get to exercise your reverse-Napoleon complex constantly, singularly or sporadically.

    Con: actually having to do any of those things to/with him.

    Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon

    I'll withhold my vote on this one. *Continues waxing official replica Orc-hide whip.*

    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

    Very little to say here. That Granzaddy thing certainly isn't working for me.

    Press Secretary Sean Spicer

    As witnessed in Shonda Rhimes' political draMASTERPIECE, Scandal, having connections with the press secretary can prove useful in situations requiring a little leverage. That said, this personally is most def not a marry.

    Oval Office Inhabitant Donald J. Trump

    He Who Unfortunately Shall Not Be Named Less Frequently, pictured below expressing his size-related predilection for... Political victories.

    NOTE: The kill vote on this is HYPOTHETICAL. As in NOT A CALL TO ARMS. This is a BUZZFEED QUIZ.