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10 Ways To Make Friends As An Adult

Grown-up life is no joke. When did it become so hard to make new friends? Here are some ways to work with what you've got. And if all else fails, you can always count on the Hyundai Elantra to be there when you need a buddy.

1. Compliment someone on their attire.

2. Exercise fads are all the rage.

3. Write silly messages to a co-worker on the same Google doc.

4. Talk about taxes. That's the top source of conversation amongst adults.

5. Talking to an adult on the phone is a no-no.

6. Speaking of going out, try doing a double date.

7. Grown-ups love pranks. Try punking someone next time you're at the beach. They'll love you forevermaybe

8. Start a conversation at the water cooler about water coolers. People will respect your cleverness.

9. Adults are really passionate about TV, so when someone starts talking about a popular show, make sure you wildly overreact.

10. Invite a stranger on a road trip!

Inspired by the new Hyundai Elantra. Make a new friend.

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