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    Becoming Blonde And Forgiven

    This week on our blog, our creator Haley Warner will share her testimony and share how she became 'Blonde and Forgiven.'

    The girl who had it all together, or so people thought.

    "But Haley you light up a room, you can't feel bad about yourself."

    "But Haley you are so beautiful and everyone loves being around you, you can't feel lonely."

    "But Haley you have so much going for you, you can't be depressed."

    Those were phrases I heard time after time as I told people what I was struggling with. Since I was 13 years-old I have dealt with depression and eating disorder complexes. In December of 2016 I was diagnosed with clinical depression, and had no strength to keep living.

    It puzzled everyone in my life that I had silently been dealing with my depression and restrictive behaviors. No one really knew what to say or how to act around me because they all felt that my depression made no sense. They saw me as something so different than what I saw myself as.

    They saw me as a girl who had it all.

    It isn't just about being saved.

    One night I felt myself led to listen to God's word through worship music. This was new for me, since I had never been technically "saved" or considered myself a follower of Christ.

    As soon as the worship music started playing my depression seemed to calm down, which was something that very rarely happened.

    Through out the next few weeks I started discovering the truth in God's word in the bible.

    "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 NIV

    This verse became my strength, God still loved me even at my darkest. I soon was saved in my church and gave my life to Christ. But in reality, I didn't just get saved in the Christian faith, Jesus saved me from myself.

    The detours made sense.

    Over the past three years I had felt lost, but once I started to pay attention to what God had done for me over the past three years, it all made sense.

    He sent me in directions that I had no clue about until they happened. He knew I would face rough waters in December of 2016, so he sent his son to save me. He knew I needed to get out of the friend group I was in, so he ended those friendships. He knew I needed someone to love me fully and completely the way that Christ does, so he sent my boyfriend.

    Every detour, every bump in the road, every sleepless night has finally made sense. For God sent His son to save me and heal me.

    I continue to discover more of myself in Christ, but I am absolutely sure that God will be by my side every step of the way.

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    Her story is strong & so is her faith. Our creator Haley Warner shares part of her testimony in this week's blog post. #ChristianGirl #Testimony