ISIS Appears To Have Borrowed The NHS Logo To Promote Its Hospitals

    A new video produced by ISIS media uses logos similar to the UK's NHS in order to attract new recruits from abroad.

    Official ISIS media channels have published a new propaganda video comparing the militant group's health service to the NHS.

    As you can see, the similarities are...uncanny.

    The video, which runs at just over 15 minutes long, shows a number of ISIS recruits working in hospitals in the militant group's strongholds of Alleppo and Raqqa.

    ISIS members are seen driving ambulances, treating wounded patients, and handling newly born babies.

    The video mainly features a number of foreign fighters, including men from Chechnya, Afghanistan, and India.

    One doctor also featured in the video is an Australian man (below) identified as Abu Yusuf al-Ustrali.

    The video was designed to further ISIS's propaganda message, according to Charlie Winter, a jihadism researcher at the anti-extremism think-tank Quilliam.

    While Winter could not confirm whether the branding was deliberate, he told BuzzFeed News that the video was "another layer" of ISIS propaganda, aimed to recruit foreigners from Western countries.

    "ISIS is trying to emphasise the state side of its function," he said.

    "It's published similar videos about its education system, consumer services, and the police, and now it's showing off its hospitals."

    Winter also said that the video was designed as an attempt to assert "legitimacy" of ISIS's self-proclaimed Islamic State, to show that "everything was in control".