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12 Mums Share What No One Tells You About Newborns

Two things can be true: Parenting a newborn is completely amazing! But it can also be really hard at times.

There are countless unknowns when it comes to life with a newborn.

Each one is their own little person, but one thing they all have in common is that they can and will be unpredictable.

But that doesn't mean motherhood needs to be bewildering. 

Between the sleepless nights, cluster feeding and midnight pooplosions, we've been part of enough newborn babies and mums' lives to know a little insider support and know-how from other mums will go a long way in making this time a little less mystifying and overwhelming. 

We tapped into our Huggies brains trust of mums around Australia to share with you 11 of our very best tips that'll help you navigate the unknowns of those first challenging weeks:

1. Your little one is exactly who they’re meant to be and you’re doing a great job.

2. Sleep deprivation is both the absolute worst...and totally normal. At least you can help bub with their shuteye by choosing a nappy that helps keep leaks at bay.

3. You’ve just brought life into the world and sometimes your mind might take a little while to catch up.

4. Feeding can be so hard, but it won’t be that way forever. Soon, introducing solids will be the next fun challenge!

5. Be prepared for bulk pooplosions by stashing good quality nappies and wipes that absorb mess like Huggies in every room — you'll thank yourself later.

6. Things don't just neatly wrap up with birth at the end of the third trimester.

7. You won't have seen anything quite like your baby's first poo before.

8. You'll feel all of the feels.

9. There will come a day when you leave your baby for the first time.

10. You'll never be more invested in skincare — protecting your little one's skin, that is.

11. Baby development isn't linear.

12. Feeling a pang of loneliness from time to time will probably happen.

Let Huggies be there during those midnight nappy changes and every one in between.

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