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12 Dads Share Advice They Wish They Got Sooner

From nappy pants to googling poop, these dads are giving future fathers the heads up they never got!

If the journey of fatherhood has thrown more than a few curveballs your way — we know exactly how you feel!

We've been part of enough dads and tots' lives know that the steep learning curve of fatherhood is universal — and who better to equip you with the insider knowledge that'll make this time smoother than other dads? 

We tapped into our Huggies brains trust of dads around Australia to share with you 12 pieces of advice that'll help you along on the weird and wonderful adventure with your little one:

1. Be prepared for anything and know your (fully stocked) baby bag inside out.

2. Learn the art of distraction!

3. Never skimp on the baby wipes, more is more.

4. You'll look at your partner in a whole new light.

5. Nappy Pants change absolutely everything.

6. Get ready to google absolutely everything.

7. Get ready to start speaking in the third person, forever.

8. Watching sport at home on a Sunday is no longer relaxing.

9. Who you are will rub off on them more than you could ever imagine.

10. Your baby can be sleeping like a dream — and then you hit the four month mark. Beware.

11. There's a better way than guessing which side of the nappy is the front and which is the back.

12. And finally, bath time will become your favourite time.

Life with a little one moves fast — and Huggies Nappy Pants are made to move through life with them.

Made with a super soft waist band, SlimFLEX absorbent core and easy tear open sides, Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants have got you and baby — to make change time a breeze for everyone involved.