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15 Tiny Little Things That Completely And Totally Ruin Movies For People

"When someone says, 'This isn't a movie, it's real life.'"

Movies are great, but sometimes little things reeeeaaallly get in the way of enjoying them. That's why, when Reddit user u/Lucaswebb asked, "Reddit, what instantly ruins a movie for you?", they received thousands of responses.

Here are 15 of the answers.

1. "Working class single mom, two to three kids. Lives in a $2 million dollar house."

"Let's pretend this house isn't millions of dollars" written over the the house from "Misses Doubtfire"

2. "When the monster shows up and kills some extras instantly but just picks up the main character to throw them across the room, and then the main character doesn't have any injuries."

3. "Ridiculously unrealistic hackers."

4. "When a character starts reciting a line from a book or poem and another character finishes it, and then all of a sudden they're in love."

5. "Random destruction that holds no weight and is never mentioned again."

A car flying between buildings in "Furious 7"

6. "When someone says, 'This isn't a movie, it's real life.'"

7. "Someone pushing open an access panel in an elevator to climb into the shaft to do something heroic. Been in loads of them, never seen one where you can do that."

8. "Incorrect medical jargon, particularly medications."

9. "Movies based on books that had NO romance or romantic plots, but then they're shoehorned into the movie anyway and usually take over the main plot."

10. "When teenagers are played by unrealistically hot grown-ass adults."

Rachel McAdams was twenty-six when she played Regina George in "Mean Girls"

11. "For me and most fellow veterans I know, it's whenever they have characters in military uniforms. Unless they have done their research, there will probably be something wrong with the uniform that most people who have been in the military will spot instantly."

12. "Carrying or pretending to drink from obviously empty coffee cups. Hate it."

13. "'If you kill them, you'll become just like them!' So all those countless goons who were slaughtered don't count, huh?"

14. "When they try to explain the science in science fiction, it always makes it less believable."

15. And finally, "Someone's hair/makeup magically looking good when it makes no sense. It's so unrealistic and takes me out of the scene."

"Sure, this makes sense," written over Katniss in "The Hunger Games"

Note: Answers have been edited for length and/or clarity.