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11 Little Moments That Give You The Most Holiday Joy

The holiday season can be stressful, but it’s made up of beautiful moments. Get the perfect holiday gift packs to be ready for the holidays at Walmart.

1. The first time you see holiday lights in the center of town and get that extremely cozy feeling.

2. The specific joy of buying a present and knowing that it’s just right.

3. A baking night with the whole family.

4. And the smile on the mailman’s face when he gets the cookies you left for him.

5. When you see how extremely excited the kids are, which makes you extra excited too.

6. When you're decorating the tree and find an ornament that you sort of consider an old friend you haven't seen in a while.

7. When you're untangling strings of lights and decide to have fun with it.

8. When you light the menorah on the first night of Hanukkah and feel holiday warmth run down your spine.

9. The look on your child's face as they open the gift you knew they'd love.

10. The calm of Christmas morning, sitting in pajamas, sipping something warm, surrounded by your family.

11. And the peace of quiet nights while everyone is home for the holidays, when you heat up leftovers, sink into the couch, and enjoy being together.

Enjoy every minute of this holiday season, and get everything you need at Walmart. Head to Walmart to find the perfect holiday gift packs at everyday low prices.