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    Top 5 Realizations From LDR 2010

    H. Tracy - LDR 2010


    My philosophy of leadership has always been to lead by example, never asking anyone I lead to do more than I would be comfortable doing. That being said, I set the bar high for myself and those I lead in order to maximize success. This course has shown me some validity in my style, but I would love to hone it even further. Here are some of the most surprising things I discovered during my time in Leadership Fundamentals.


    Before we begin, here are 3 of my most important core values:

    Knowledge - Knowing the who, what, when, and how. As a leader, it is crucial to have an in-depth knowledge of whatever it is you do, as others will look to you for guidance

    Wisdom - The only thing more important than having knowledge is sharing it. Being a resource to those around you opens up new possibilities for them and you.

    Leadership - I am a firm believer that everyone should at least attempt to be a leader. Although anyone can be a leader, not everyone enjoys it. However, it is important to try in order to discover more about yourself.

    There are no right or wrong answers

    Conflict is inevitable... but important

    People are different. Really different.

    It's okay to have a stance on an issue.

    Leadership is everywhere


    Overall, I feel that this class has helped me become more comfortable with myself and others as a leader. Next semester, I plan on working towards completing the CLCE Certified Student Leader program. With regards for my leadership, my followers can expect improved commitment and communication. I expect myself to really reflect on what it is I do as a leader, and to make positive changes based on that.