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16 Things You Only See In Louisiana

Louisiana is a special place. It's the home of Swamp People! Join other fans at Swamp Nation and tune in to new episodes of Swamp People Thursdays at 9/8c on HISTORY.

1. Gator rides (fun if you don't get eaten)

2. A three-day mud festival

3. Complete with jumping in puddles.

4. This Ron Swanson look-a-like who also woodworks

5. A stadium with bad timing

6. The best pork sausage

7. Mailboxes bigger than NYC apartments

8. Cauliflower that likes Mardi Gras

9. (and people, too)

10. Babies hanging out in cakes

11. A driver that's proud to be an American

12. Airboats faster than your car

13. More voodoo than you could shake a medicine stick at

14. Their own spelling of "Go"

15. Fans who dress up like superheroes

16. And cajun food that dreams are made of