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This New Sunscreen Is Your Must-Have Summer Accessory

I never knew I needed a new kind of sunscreen — until I tried Hint.

We hope you love the products we recommend. Just a heads-up that this post is part of a partnership with Hint, but all the opinions in here are 100% mine. I really dig this sunscreen.

Growing up, I HATED wearing sunscreen. I felt like the biggest dork when I did. Then I went to Warped Tour my senior year of high school and got such a bad sunburn I had blisters on my shoulders and forehead for weeks.

I use sunscreen every day now, but I hadn't found a lotion that I was just over the moon about...until I tried Hint sunscreen.

Hint Sunscreen is made by the same folks behind Hint Water (that tasty water that tastes like the fruit-infused stuff you get at a spa). And you can get it for $14.99 at Target and CVS.

One of my favorite things to do during the summer in NYC is read in parks. But since I'm lounging in the sun, I've gotta apply sunscreen every two to three hours. All the sunscreens I've tried are either too thick, too oily, or sting too much.

I've been working with Hint to raise awareness for their new sunscreen. One weekend, I decided I'd try it myself. It comes in three scents: grapefruit, pineapple, and pear. I'm a sucker for pineapple, so I picked up that one.

It's in a spray can. Previous sprays I've used did the trick, but they could also sting or feel a bit filmy when I put them on. This felt super light, cool, and smooth going on. And my fingers didn't feel grimy after! Woohoo! AND IT SMELLS LIKE ACTUAL DANG PINEAPPLE.

The last time I got this hyped about a product was when I bought a bidet (you should get one; seriously, your body will thank you), but I was truly blown away by Hint. I always just thought sunscreen was supposed to be a bit uncomfortable, but Hint helped me see the light.

Here is who I would recommend this sunscreen for.

* Anybody who already uses a lot of sunscreen. Why not consistently apply a sunscreen that smells and feels great?

* People who love to spend a lot of time outdoors. This sunscreen fills the air with fruity awesome scents so your outdoor activity will smell like a dang tropical vacation.

Find your own favorite fruity scent of Hint sunscreen today!