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    Why Women's Sexuality Continues To Be The "Real" Villain On The Bachelor

    Hate Corinne because she's a 24 yo with a Nanny, not because she has an overactive vagina

    So if anyone has watched The Bachelor at all in the last few years, you know there is always at least one "villain" character that the producers decide to portray as such. It seems more often than not with the female contestants, the villain is either bat-shit crazy or highly over sexualized. Enter, Corrine; this season's leading villain. From jump street she has led the charge for Nick's heart with her vagina...I mean boobs... I mean competitive spirit. Of course, the other women are not pleased. This coupled with the excessive screen time she is given has brought us to peak bachelor villain status.

    What you might also remember from last night's episode was Vanessa calling Nick out for his actions which essentially enable Corinne to act the way she does and make the women question if HE is here for the right reasons (see how I flipped the script on that one?). She questioned whether he was actually looking for a wife or just someone to f*ck around with.

    Vanessa's Canadian Goddess realness started to make me think...on the one hand, Corinne trying to win her way into Nick's heart through the tiny hole in his penis seems to be everything that is wrong with our society today and how it has taught women that they can only be valued for their sexuality.

    On the other hand, Corinne is just a simple by-product of an incredibly over sexualized culture that continues to places far more value on women's sexuality than men's and sends the message that the only way a woman can land a man is through her sexuality. Why does this have to make Corinne the villain? This feeds into the other cultural stigma which is that women who are sexual are bad, and a sexual woman is a threat to all other women. Even some men. Why does Corinne's sexual approach make her the villain? Why not just the "overly sexual one", like Samantha from SATC? Instead of labeling them as good or bad, they could just be depicted for who they are: The Canadian, the nurse, the overly sexual one, the kinda crazy one that will end up a fan favorite (Alexis), the other Canadian.

    The real villain here is not Corinne for using her sexuality (although that does not mean I like her....she still has a nanny for pete's sake). The "villain" is ABC for propagating the patriarchal agenda of demonizing women's sexuality. First it was Ursula, now Corinne. No one is safe.

    Listen, I'm not saying you have to like Corinne. She's another insecure bat-shit crazy entitled millenial from southern Florida who has a NANNY while supposedly running her family's very vague multi-million dollar company. What does the company do? Make strips of red tape for weak attempts at disguising product placement by a major network? (Side note: in tonight's episode we see Corinne use Redi-Whip to try and entice Nick (even though they sort of tried to mask the brand's name), and then after that segment a redi-whip commercial came on. THEN she is describing to the girls that Raquel takes care of her and makes her "cheesy pasta" and no matter how hard she tries she can NEVER make cheesy pasta as good as Raquel. After this segment there is *GASP* a commercial for VELVEETA, perhaps the cheesiest of all cheesy pasta. Coincidence? I think not.)

    All I'm saying is don't hate her because of her sexuality. Dislike Nick for enabling this behavior. Or better yet hate the producers and ABC for continuously demonizing female sexuality. I personally can't stand her because she's clearly just been put on there by the producers to make crazy dumb drama and feed into the stereotypes. It's time to get her off the show and make room for the genuinely interesting ladies vying to be the future Mrs. Vial.