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    Top/Free 3 OCR Apps For Extracting Text From Images On Android!

    Life would have been so easy if we could just steal words from the Images. Don’t worry here are the top Free OCR apps to save your life.

    1.#Google keep If you are not aware, it’s true that Google Keep, one of the most minimalist and efficient notes taking app can recognize the text in images. Well, it’s nothing new here. Google has been working on OCR technology from the days of Google Docs and they have carried over the feature to Google Keep.

    2.Text Fairy Google Keep is useful if you work on OCR occasionally. But if you are looking for a robust app using which you can do OCR in bulk, you can give Text Fairy a try. The app magically transforms the image into text in no time. Once you take a photo or insert an image, it will enhance it first of all. You will be asked if you need two columns text or just a single column and finally, the app will start recognising.

    3. CamScanner. CamScanner free version allows a user to create scanned copies of images and turn them into a PDF. Recently the app received an update and a plugin was pushed using which the app can do an OCR on your scanned documents and make them searchable.