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    Facts You May Not Have Known!

    Hmm, interesting!

    1: Competitive art used to be in the Olympics!

    Between 1912 and 1948, the Olympic Games awarded medals in sculpture, music, painting, and architecture!

    2: Some cats actually are allergic to humans!

    Though it's uncommon, cats can be allergic to humans. It's not humans are allergic to cats; it's cats that are allergic to humans!

    3: Hight-heels were originally worn by men.

    In the 10th century, men in Europe adopted the now-gendered fashion choice of heels to make it easier to ride their horses: Adding heels to their boots made it easier to stay in their stirrups.

    4: Too much water can kill you!

    Drinking too much water can be deadly. When guzzling a lot of liquid, you can suffer from water intoxication or hyponatremia, which occurs after an obscene amount of water is consumed, often during endurance events when participants are also losing sodium through their sweat.

    That's about it.