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    Society Treats Women Similarly To How They Treat Cats And This Is A Problem

    A late night connection that brought out both the feminist and the cat-lady in me. I once watched a video of a man going down a hole to save a cat. He laughed when the cat jumped out, but the comments were not so friendly.

    1. The man in the video assumes the cat is helpless, hence his decision to "save" it.

    Clearly, the cat was apt enough to save itself because it jumped right out when it was ready. Many times, this is the case with women. They get stuck in a situation, and a man comes along thinking that he can "save the day," even though the woman can find herself out of the rut on her own time.

    2. Comments On the Video Brought Out the Cat-Haters

    Now, not everyone likes cats. I get it. But the common referral to the cat as an "asshole" implies that these commentors thought the cat "owed" it to the man to be rescued just because he went down the hole in the first place. The cats suddenly become dicks when they do not comply with the man's intentions. I guess instead of jumping out of a hole, woman are more likely to say "No, thank you" to men during these kinds of occassions. Sometimes, men get pissed at women for not accepting their help, thus implying that the men were expecting the women to say "yes" in the first place. Here, both the cat and the woman are assumed to be helpless creatures that cannot survive without help.

    3. Physical Affection

    This comment goes beyond the video, but it is a relevant parallel. The majority of people do not like cats because a cat's physical affection is often portrayed in few and far between instances. Similar is the case for women who may not be as affectionate as others. Again, the example of someone petting a cat and being scratched is someone who if forcing affection onto something that DOES NOT WANT AFFECTION AT THE MOMENT. The cat can run away; a woman can (again) say "no." In both cases, men sometimes force themselves upon whatever he please because he believes he is superior to the other. This is sometimes still the case with men regarding women as mates.

    4. To Love or Not to Love

    On the same track, a cat will often love then change its mind. Yes, cats don't really give warning signs to their mood changes. But sometimes, women don't either. So if a woman is showing affection/giving love/whatever and then stops, men should take the fucking "no" as a hard an affirmative "no." Men sometimes think that just because affection has started, they are owed for it to be continued until THEY are satisfied. Nah mate, doesn't work like that.

    My point here is to point out the parallels between why people don't like cats and how bigots/assholes/misogynists treat women. In this case, dogs (as "man's best friend") are the submissive housewife who does everything she is told while the cat is the independent working women who lives life on her own terms. And we all know society is not too kind to the independent woman.