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    3 Steps To Better Health In 2017

    Since I was able to drop 50lbs, correct my high blood and high cholesterol, I wanted to share 3 steps that I used to get the ball rolling. After that, it was a matter of choosing the type of diet that I would use. For me, it was basically a low carb (exception of beans and oatmeal) with plenty of fruits and veggies. The only meat I ate until I got down to 200lbs from 250lb was Tuna. I ate 5 times per day smaller portions. Knowing what know now, I eat Kippers instead of Tuna. I also drank a lot of water. (Maybe about a half gallon a day) To loose weight today, I would do intermittent fasting. I did that 2 months ago and lost 20lbs. But my point is the 3 steps. Many of the diets will work if you have a method for sticking to it. Find what works for you. I do go over the intermittent fasting here on a blog post.

    3 Steps for Reaching Your Health Goals in 2017

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    Talking about how to reach health goals in 2017 using a 3 step system.