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This Interactive Quiz Will Determine Where To Go On Your Next Adventure

If life is a highway, this quiz is your perfectly equipped vehicle. Find out where you're meant to be headed below!

To help stop the spread of the coronavirus, right now it’s important to avoid nonessential travel and practice social distancing, as recommended by health authorities around the world. We hope you’ll find our content a joyful distraction that’s entertaining, inspiring, or worth bookmarking for a future trip. Stay safe and informed by checking government health sites. Oh, and please wash your hands.

Ready to pack the car and hit the open road? Show us how you travel in the video below and we'll determine where to venture on your next excursion:

Answer each question thoughtfully in order for your perfect destination to be revealed!

First thing's first: In the video above, what kind of luggage are you packin'?

You've got room for one additional item. What'll it be?

Alright, let's hop in the car! Which seat are you calling dibs on?

Pick a genre to jam to in the video above, please.

We've got a bit of a drive — how do you take your temperature?

We're on our way, but could use some refreshments. What's your pic for on-the-go snacks?

Ok...this drive is getting long. Are your shoes staying on?

We've reached our final question! What are you choosing for the last stretch of this drive?

Now that we know how you like to travel based on the above video, we can determine where you should head on your next adventure.

Did you get the destination you thought you would or something seriously different? Leave us a comment and let us know!