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Do You Have What It Takes To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse?

Will you end up as dinner for a bunch of zombies or will you live to warn the rest of the world? Take our interactive quiz and find out!

So you've binged every single zombie movie and TV show, plus you have an axe on hand (just in case). You probably think you're ready for the zombie apocalypse, amiright? Take our interactive quiz below and let's find out for sure.

First you'll meet our zombie survival expert, who will fill you in on the post-apocalyptic situation.

Then she'll ask you to make a series of important — like LIFE-OR-DEATH IMPORTANT — decisions.

And these guys totally bite, so choose your answers carefully. Your life could depend on it!

After you've answered all the questions, we'll tally your results to see if you have what it takes to survive (yippie!) or if you'll perish in the upcoming zombie apocalypse (boo, hiss).

So how did you do? Did you survive, or did you become zombie bait? Let us know in the comments below!