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24 Little Things That Make Us Insanely Happy

It's true what they say: it's the little things that make you happy. Something we hope Hector soon finds out. Hector and the Search for Happiness is in cinemas August 15.

1. When you pay for only one drink, but two fall out

2. Bubble beards

3. Putting googly eyes on things

4. When you see an old couple who are still obviously in love

5. Kitten paws…

6. …And puppy ears

7. When your favourite tune comes on

8. Getting new shoes

9. Getting something in the post - that isn't a bill

10. When you finally remember the reason why you went into a room

11. Sharing a private joke with your friend

12. Flipping the pillow to the cool side

13. When you hear an ice cream van

14. When someone RTs your bad joke

15. Two words: Bubble. Wrap.

16. Warming a towel on the radiator before you use it

17. Being the person who manages to open a tough jar lid

18. When you invent a new snack…

19. A really good pen

20. Peeling PVA glue off your hands

This is what happens when I get bored. I love putting Glue on my hand and then peeling it lmfao

21. When a baby holds your finger with its tiny, tiny hand

22. Getting to your laptop charger before your 1% battery cuts out

23. Finding an empty train carriage

24. When you save up and can FINALLY afford that perfect dress…

Maybe you can pass some of this info over to Hector:

View this video on YouTube

Hector and the Search for Happiness is in cinemas August 15.