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    Why Everyone Should Love The Alchemist

    Paulo Coelho wrote a book riddled with inspiring quotes about life, and here are 10 to prove it.

    1. "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."

    2. "I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."

    This quote is by far a personal favorite. You may run into people along your journey of life, but once you find someone truly special, you'll think it's fate. Yet, every event in your life helped you to get to that one specific person. The universe has helped you along the way through accomplishments and failures to find love.

    3. "Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own."

    4. "Don't think about what you've left behind."

    Everyone gets stuck at one point in their life, it's just a matter of how long you choose to stay there that differs. Some can only focus on what they've lost or missed out on, and others recognize the lost opportunity and take it as a lesson to do better for the next time.

    5. "Every search begins with beginner's luck. And every search ends with the victor's being severely tested.

    6. "If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better."

    We always look to the future and where we want to be in 5 or 10 years. What we never do, is look at how to get there. That is the present moment. What can you change today that will help you get closer tomorrow?

    7. "When each day is the same as next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day the sun rises."

    8. "When we first begin fighting for our dreams, we have no experience and make many mistakes."

    Similar to quote #1, it's okay to make mistakes. If you're passionate enough to follow you're dreams, failure will just make you stronger. You may begin to go through uncharted territory and be pushed out of your comfort zone, but you'll be better for it.

    9. "When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a story current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision."

    10. "Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity."

    Take some time. Really enjoy your surroundings, take a leap of faith, and talk to strangers. You never know what you'll learn or how those moments could change your perspective.