We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    44 Products Parents Will Actually Get Their Money’s Worth Out Of

    As a parent, if there's anything that can save you time, energy, and from getting a headache it's definitely worth it.

    1. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which is an all-purpose cleaning paste that'll help you tackle all of your kid-made messes but make it *~pretty in pink~* at the same time.

    buzzfeed editor's before and after of their yellow le creuset pan being cleaned with the pink stuff
    a reviewer's before photo of their dresser covered in sharpie and after it had been cleaned with the pink stuff
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    After hearing what incredible things The Pink Stuff can do, I finally ordered it and tried it for myself. Honestly, wow! It really does work wonders. I tried it first on my Le Creuset cast-iron pan (seen above, right) and really was amazed at how just one pass with The Pink Stuff (and a scouring brush) took off almost every stain! I can't wait to try it on literally everything in my home that needs a deep cleaning.

    Promising reviews: "Favorite cleaning product of all time!! This cleaned my walls so well and my kids had colored every inch of my walls. The price is so affordable and the product is strong on stains!" —Marina

    "AMAZING! I was heart broken when I saw that my daughters had wrote on the dresser with SHARPIE! I tried SO MANY different chemicals and nothing worked! I found this on TikTok and said 'Welp let me try my luck and see if it really works!' And let me tell you I am still SHOCKED at how amazing this product works!!!! Yayyyy! I'm so soo soo happy to see my dresser white again!!!!😭😭😭 Thank youuuu!!!!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE LITTLE KIDS IN THE HOUSE!!!!"Gabriela Portillo Solorio

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    2. LeapFrog 100 Words Book that'll interact with your eager-to-learn little one and teach them all kinds of useful words in both English and Spanish!

    reviewer's photo of the 100 Words Book for kids
    reviewer's gif demonstrating how the book works

    Find out why this parent calls it "one of our favorite toys for our son" on TikTok.

    Promising review: "This was a recommended product I saw off Facebook and again on TikTok — so I had to see if the hype was worth it. IT IS WORTH IT! My toddler (almost 2) loves the book for the sounds and names of all the categories in the book. This is a great book to gift others with toddlers or to help your little one develop. I love this!" —Megan C.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.69.

    3. A grape cutter because who on earth wants to spend their precious time cutting grapes??? This lil' gadget will ensure your kiddo's favorite fruit is the perfect size without costing you an entire afternoon.

    reviewer's gif showing the grape cutter in action
    reviewer's photo of the grape cutter

    Watch a mom quartering grapes in a flash with this tool on TikTok.

    Promising review: "Yes. TikTok made me buy it. It’s awesome In my opinion. I use it for my fruit salads and my son's snacks. It’s helpful, and I think it saves a bit of time." —Amanda

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    4. Crayola Globbles, a fun lil' gadget kiddos can use to burn off some steam and provide some much-needed entertainment. Don't worry, they won't leave residue on your walls.

    Six colored balls in yellow packaging
    Reviewer's video showing the sticky balls sliding down the wall
    Reviewer holding the balls in pink, purple, orange, yellow, green, and blue colors

    Promising review: "I waited over two months to write my review! My daughter is four and plays with these DAILY! YES they do attract dirt and hair HOWEVER they are so easy to rinse off, it's not a big deal! We took these to a family gathering and ended up giving two away because they were SO loved! The two we gave away went to a 12-year-old and my 19-year-old brother. They discovered throwing them at the ceiling fan and watching them shoot across the room which was pretty entertaining! None of these have busted or ripped and they are definitely NOT gentle with them! I will definitely be buying more!" —Kindle Customer

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.97 (also available in a 16-pack).

    5. sandwich cutter and sealer that'll make it easier than ever to make Smuckers Uncrustables copycats at home — embrace your love of kid-friendly meals once and for all!

    The sandwich cutter and sealer
    Reviewer's photo showing homemade uncrustables

    Promising review: "These have been a GAME CHANGER in this house!! My son has always begged me for Uncrustables but my wallet didn’t agree with them. I LOVE being able to make them at home and customize them to exactly what they would like them filled with! I make two weeks' worth of sandwiches at a time and store them in sandwich bags in the freezer so in the morning during the school year we can just grab and go! Love them!" —Katherine Smaczniak

    Get it from Amazon for $15.96

    6. A FridaBaby medicine dispenser syringe you'll pat yourself on the back for buying when you discover your tyke actually despises medicine. This beauty doubles as a pacifier and will make giving them their recommended dosage with ease.

    A syringe with a pacifier medicine dispenser
    Another view of the pacifier-style medicine dispenser

    Promising review: "This thing is worth its weight in gold! A must have in my opinion because it makes life so much easier. We use it with gripe water or Tylenol around her immunizations. We bought it because she would cough and sputter because she wouldn't swallow well when given it in the cheek even in tiny amounts. It makes it a much faster process because all she has to do it suck like using a normal bottle or paci, and she has never turned away because of taste either. It also happens to soothe like a regular paci afterward. Great buy." —Sullivan

    Get it from Amazon for $12.84.

    7. An enzyme-based spot cleaner that'll have your little one's clothes looking like you just pulled them off the rack in a store.

    You can also use it on carpets, bedding, cloth diapers, etc.

    Promising review: "I just purchased this. It took stains out of baby clothes and I used it on the fabric on a toddler chair and it looks brand new. I wish I would have taken before and after photos! Love it already! I had read some reviews about it leaking during shipping but I received it with a tight lid in a bag with a spray too lid separate so no leaking!" —Brianne

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in seven sizes).

    8. Spillproof Munchkin snack catchers so your tyke can grab a lil' treat whenever the mood strikes without making a crumbly mess all over your rug.

    Two snack containers in blue and green
    A child model's hand pulling a cracker out of the blue snack cup
    Reviewer's video demonstrating how the container prevent snacks from falling out

    My best friend's kiddo has this and insists on carrying it around everywhere!

    Promising review: "These are a must-have for a small toddler and their snacks. The top is soft and flexible so I don’t have to worry about my little guy scratching his little hands when he’s digging around in the cup. Very easy to clean and they’re priced well. Buy them now!" —Wooty

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $6 (available in two color combos and a four-pack).

    9. car seat buckle release tool that'll save both your nails and your precious time! No one wants to struggle to open those (thankfully) extremely secure buckles while they're kiddo is hitting a pitch that could likely break glass.

    The red tool
    a reviewer using the car seat buckle release tool

    This gadget doesn't attach to the car seat, so no need to fret about kiddo's unbuckling themselves while you're driving.

    Promising review: "Love that my kindergartner can unbuckle himself. It makes morning school drop-off SO MUCH EASIER! And he likes the independence of being able to do it himself!" —Lauren

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in five colors).

    10. A high-density foam guard to prevent any unnecessary bumps and bruises your baby might do their best to acquire — soften up your coffee table's sharp edges, the wooden backboard of your changing table your tyke ALWAYS wants to slam their head on, and every other piece of furniture in your home while you're at it.

    A rolled up brown foam bumper with corner protectors
    reviewer's image of the brown tape installed on their brick fireplace

    The set includes 18 feet of edge guard and 8 corner cushions, capable of covering 20.4 feet of surface area. Also, comes with 3M double-sided tape (36 feet of tape for the edge guard), while the corner guards are pre-taped.

    Promising review: "Great product that saved my son a trip to the ER! Funny story, when I installed these to cover my fire place brink corners I did so only to stop the nagging of my wife. BUT not 10 minutes after finishing the install did my son come up to the fire place and trip falling head first into the foam covered brick corner... THANK GOD I finally listened to my wife! Instead of a trip to the emergency room, he just bounced off of the foam and went about his business unharmed!" —Chris Y.

    Get it from Amazon for $21.57+ (available in four sizes and three colors).

    11. Sink extenders so you won't need to muster up Herculean strength every time your surprisingly dense toddler wants to wash their sticky little paws. 

    A child washing hands in the sink using a sink extender on the faucet
    A faucet extender attached to a faucet

    Promising review: "Must-have for toddlers and small children! LOVE this! My 1- and 3-year-old love washing their hands now, and my back gets a nice break. Adding the faucet extenders and a stepstool to our bedtime/morning routine has been a godsend. Great bargain for the price." —TeaBea21

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $11.49.

    12. And a pack of brilliant light switch extenders that'll let tykes turn them on all on their own! Don't be surprised if you catch them humming Kelly Clarkson's "Miss Independent" soon.

    A child reaching for the light switch extender
    Reviewer's photo of a child reaching for the light switch extender

    These install in minutes on standard light switches.

    Promising review: "Must-have for toddlers! Perfect solution! As my toddler's independence soars, so do frustrations. This light switch extender pack was a great buy. He can now turn on the lights in his room and bathroom. Installation was easy and works as expected." —AW

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $11.98 (also available in packs of one and three).

    13. Outlet covers, so when your mini-me becomes mobile seemingly overnight and is suddenly interested in doing nothing but sticking their tiny fingers into any exposed electrical sockets, you'll be prepared.

    Eight plastic outlet covers

    Promising review: "I had some outlet protectors already, but my 10-month-old daughter figured those ones out. These ones are nice because they are discreet. They sit flush with the outlet. They aren’t distracting so my daughter doesn’t find interest in them. And they are too thin for her to pry them off. I actually kinda had trouble getting them out of one of my outlets, but I find that a good thing. They are definitely childproof. Can’t beat the low price either. And they arrived very quickly." —Bazoo Studios

    Get a pack of 30 from Amazon for $5.99+ (available in three colors; also available as an 8-pack, 60-pack, and 120-pack).

    14. A Baby Brezza baby food maker, a must-have for when your tyke starts eating solids. Jars and pouches of baby food can get a bit pricey day after day, so save yourself some dollars and blend some meals up yourself!

    a mother and child making baby food in a baby brezza baby food maker
    a baby brezza one step baby food maker

    This gadget cooks/steams and then blends baby foods all-in-one!

    Promising review: "Purchased this product for my 6-month-old who is now eating solids for the first time and I was surprised that it worked so well in the first try. I made sweet potato and it turned out great, the puree was smooth and the perfect consistency. I cleaned, peeled and diced the potato. Then added the chopped veggie to the glass container added water to the water reservoir and set the timer. Once the timer was completed it automatically blended the potato to puree consistency. Overall I am very very happy with this purchase and the first meal. Btw my son loved the sweet potato." —DC

    Get it from Amazon for $129.99+ (available in three styles).

    15. Magnetic locks you won't need to be a handy man to seamlessly install — you stick 'em in and then use a provided magnet to lock/unlock your cabinets as needed. Easy peasy.

    Display image of all the product offerings
    reviewer's video showing them opening the drawer with a magnetic key

    The set comes with locks (with strong 3M double-sided tape on the back) and two keys.

    Promising review: "These are awesome! I spent hours with a drill and screwdriver installing push down locks on cupboards five years ago. I now have another crawling baby, and those ones are all broken. I was dreading installing new ones and saw these. They literally go on in seconds, the bracket means it lines up perfectly, and the adhesive is strong! My older kids think the magnet key is super fun. Baby stays out of the chemicals, and I put one on the trash door so the dog stays out of the trash so everyone gets to live longer. Win-win. I also love that you can 'turn' them off and on so when my kids are bigger we can flip the switch but if little kids were visiting, we could put them back on."Joseph J. Krakker

    Get a set from Amazon for $23.79+ (available in five quantities).

    16. Bumkins washable bibs that'll turn mealtime into a fashion show (hehe) while also protecting your little one's clothes from all kinds of gross baby food stains.

    a baby wearing a mario themed bib that says 'feed me
    a baby wearing a minnie mouse bib
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    My son has these bibs in a variety of styles: Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, and Mickey Mouse. They're super cute and make for silly photos, but best of all, they can be easily rinsed off or thrown into the washing machine. I've put the bibs in with his regular laundry and then dried them on cool — they come out nice 'n' clean. We also have a Bumkins Nintendo-themed splat mat I simply could not live without, as it catches all the food debris my son tosses over the edge of his highchair.

    Promising review: "This is easy to put on and easy to clean. We just rinse, wipe and dry. I can see our son may be able to take it off one day but that's part of the process. I like how light it is compared to the silicone bibs we have." —hmfan24

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in 34 styles and sets).

    17. A stretchy Boba Wrap you can wrap around your body so you and your baby can snuggle wile you're on-the-go. Cuddling and being productive at the same time? Sounds like a parenting dream come true!

    A model wearing a baby in the grey wrap
    reviewer's photo carrying their baby in the grey wrap

    Promising review: "I have tried three carriers. This carrier is fantastic. It is stretchy, breathable, and lightweight. My 3-month-old wants to be held and carried around when she's awake. This carrier makes that so much easier. I have two older children and having my hands free to do things for them makes everything easier. " —MomBoss

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in 13 colors).

    18. A leave-in conditioning spray for curly hair free of parabens, sulfates, and phthalates you can count on to revive your mini-me's precious curls after an eventful night of rolling around like a wild thing. (How do they get such intense bed head?!?)

    Reviewers say this spray will leave wavy or curly hair (from 2a–4c hair) shiny, soft, and bouncy.

    Promising review: "A must-have. Best product I’ve found for my little one's hair." —Jose Orellana

    Promising review: "You need this! My 2-year-old daughter has curly frizzy hair. And I have tried sooo many leave in conditioners to tame her hair. Nothing thus far has worked. But this stuff is amazing! Truly defines her curls without any hold or crunch. Soft bouncy curls. The smell is quite strong- but it does smell good. If you are sensitive to smells you might want to prepare yourself ahead of time for this. I will buy this again and again. So glad I found something that works for my toddler's curls." —mike

    Get it from Amazon for $9.69 (also available in a two-pack).

    19. A baby butt spatula you'll either laugh or cringe at but will thank your lucky stars that you thought to purchase it when you see how much nicer it is to apply diaper cream to your baby's booty with it instead of your finger.

    Both my mom and my mother-in-law poked fun at me for getting this lil' spatula but I have ZERO regrets. I love my son more than life itself, but I am more than pleased to not have to put my finger in his butt after he's recently pooped and I think that is OKAY! I'd like to think he's happier to have a lil' spatula do the job ANYWAYS! That being said, this lil' tool is fantastic as it's super easy to clean, doesn't waste any product, and suctions onto my changing table with ease.

    Promising review: "If I could give this little tool 10 out of 5 stars I would!!! It makes the whole process of applying diaper rash ointment SOOOOO much easier. And this thing cuts down on how much diaper rash ointment is wasted because your fingers are not getting covered in ointment. I HIGHLY recommend this product to anyone with a baby!!!" —Hazel-91

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (available in four colors).

    20. An iconic Sophie the Giraffe teether your little one will, for unexplained reasons, likely cherish and love chomping away on as their pearly whites start to (painfully) poke through.

    editor's child chewing on sophia the giraffe
    editor's child chewing on sophia the giraffe
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    Sophie the Giraffe has become a valued member of our family. I ran out to buy it when my son started teething (badly) as he simply refused every other type of teether we already had (of course). I was skeptical as to why a toy giraffe would cost nearly $30, but I soon learned it clearly had magical powers. Sophie has apparently been around for over 55 years (who knew!) and is made entirely of natural rubber. She has various chewable parts (ears, horns, and legs) that Noah was able to grasp onto himself way easier than any other teether. She's becoming my go-to baby shower gift, and we simply don't leave the house without her!

    PSA: Do not wash Sophie with water or if you do, do not get water into the squeaker hole! I've seen a number of TikTok videos noting that if you do this the inside can potentially get moldy.

    Promising review: "I was super hesitant to spend $25 on a teething toy. It’s honestly just a regular squeaky toy, but the other reviews were spot on, and my child absolutely LOVES his Sophie. Something about that rubbery smiley giraffe is just so darn appealing to babies. She is without a doubt one of his very favorite toys, especially once he started teething." —Courtnee Thompson

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in two styles).

    21. A pack of toilet seat covers that'll bring you peace of mind knowing your toddler's tush never has to touch a grime-filled public toilet. You might want to use it yourself, TBH.

    Promising review: "Must-have! If you have a toddler these are a MUST! We travel and it gives us peace of mind knowing that no matter where we are, as long as we have these covers we can safely take her to the bathroom and everything is OK. Before we found these, I used to be super stressed when she would ask to use the bathroom and we were out and about but not anymore. They have cute colors and are big enough." —Dayanna Pita

    Get a pack of 24 covers from Amazon for $9.99 (also available in a 48-pack and XL size).

    22. A shopping cart cover to create a barrier between your kiddo and all of the unseen germs lurking around — certainly can't hurt and will also prevent them from, literally, sucking on the cart itself (babies are wild).

    a baby sitting in a grey shopping cart cover with white stars
    a baby sitting in a grey shopping cart cover with white stars
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I have this for my son (pictured above) and am *very* glad that I do. As you can see from his first time in a shopping cart at Target, all he immediately wanted to do was chew on it — which is disgusting and germy! The cover protected him from sucking on unknown grossness...thankfully.

    Promising review: "Love! I was in the market for a nice shopping cart cover. My newest baby definitely is one that puts everything possible into his mouth, so a shopping cart cover was a must this time around. It's easy to unfold and fold up. A little tricky to put on the first time, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. It seems to be fairly padded. Covers a standard Walmart cart thus far. I believe it will work for high chairs as well. I do wish it came with its own toys. I would definitely recommend for children who are comfortable sitting up on their own." —Alicia

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in five styles).

    23. A Tushbaby hip carrier you may have seen across your TikTok travels — parents love how much it saves their backs and that it has a ton of pockets for storage.

    reviewer showing how the carrier wraps around their waist and make it easy to hold a baby
    reviewer showing close up of the carrier and how it has a front pocket

    It's recommended for children between 8 and 45 pounds and can be used in four different holding positions — feeding/breastfeeding, side carrying, front facing, and face-to-face. 

    Tushbaby is a small business run by three California moms — they specialize in products that bringing a little more ease to everyday parenting life.

    See it in action on TikTok

    Promising review: "This has been one of MANY items I have purchased thanks to TikTok, and I'm glad I did. Super easy to use, easy to adjust, and most importantly it helps with support tremendously. It comes with pockets and a place to hold bottles/sippy cups, which can be very handy. My 8-month-old weighs around 30–35lbs, and he's basically attached to me 24/7, carrying all day was killing my back and arms! Thank God for this invention, my arms and back can rest." —Jennifer Calle

    Get it from Amazon for $84.99 (available in four styles). 

    24. touchless forehead thermometer with a built-in sensor that'll make taking your tyke's temperature a breeze. Perfect for any parents that err on the side of caution and find themselves checking their kiddo's temp anytime they look a bit flushed (ahem, me).

    The forehead thermometer in white
    Reviewer taking temperature of their child

    Promising review: "This is a great thermometer — accurate, looks great, a must have! If you have kids, forget about sticking a thermometer in their ears. I have four kids now, and a thermometer is a must have. Hold this thing close to the forehead, push the button in, and you get a reading in about one second. This thing looks good, feels good, and is accurate. We’ve used multiple thermometers in the past. The head scanner that you run across the forehead...no good. In-ear thermometers...accurate, but expect a battle. Rectal thermometers...very accurate, but expect a war. This is the easiest one out of all of them. We find it especially useful when we need the quick 'I don’t feel that great' check...i.e., man cold. Overall, highly recommend!."—BearDownChi1

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    25. modern highchair from Stokke that'll transform into a perfectly sized mini chair as your child grows. They'll be able to use it right up against your kitchen table to dine alongside the family, and it'll look great alongside your other furniture.

    a trip trap high chair in walnut wood
    a reviewer's white trip trap high chair
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    This highchair can really do it all. It holds up to 300 pounds (!!!) and it has an adjustable seat and footplate positions for the utmost comfort. Additionally, when your tyke outgrows the need for a highchair, you can remove the pieces to turn it into an actual chair for their playroom! We've tried a few high chairs out (as is a perk of my job, obviously) and this one is my crowned winner. My son fits the mostly comfortably in it, it's the easiest to clean (BY FAR!) and the legs don't stick out very far (so no one is tripping over them). I love that it comes in an array of stylish colors (we have walnut to match our wood floors and furniture) and that it can be used into toddlerhood. 

    Promising review: "I have tried several other high chairs and they are so difficult to clean and bulky. I wish I would have started with this one! You can pull it right up to the table, it's not bulky at all, and it's so incredibly easy to clean. Don't let the price scare you... Spend the money... Out of everything baby/toddler related, a high chair is the thing you use the most on a daily basis and for the longest amount of time so making sure you love it is crucial!" —Kelli Novak

    Get it from Amazon for $219 (available in 13 colors).

    26. An inexpensive portable white noise machine that'll be your saving grace when it comes to getting your little one to sleep in an unfamiliar place. Go ahead, book that vacation and know that you'll be (somewhat) prepared to take on bedtime.

    The portable white noise machine

    Promising review: "We use it at night, during the day at home, and even on the go. With our first baby we had white noise on our phones, this just makes our lives so much easier. We just leave it next to the baby with timer, and she sleeps for a few hours." —Tatiana Figueiredo

    Get it from Amazon for $19.59.

    27. An ingenious cup catcher you can count on to save you from endlessly bending down to grab the cup your surprisingly strong tyke has thrown with the strength of The Hulk across the room (which never fails to be quite impressive, TBH).

    a reviewer photo of the cup catcher holding onto a cup about to fall
    the cup catcher on a cup

    Promising review: "These are fantastic for keeping my child from dropping her sippy cup over and over during meals. I'd recommend to any parent who just wants one thing to be easier. But isn't that all of us?"Leigh Powers

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in 12 styles). 

    28. baby nail trimmer that'll gently file down their surprisingly sharp lil' claws without you having to worry about cutting them too short — a truly frightening task for new parents.

    a reviewer filing their baby's nails
    the nail file tool set

    For the first few months of my son's life I used this tool regularly (before I moved onto actual nail clippers). It's fantastic, very gentle, easy to use, and didn't wake my little one as I filed down his nails while he napped in my lap. I even changed the head to one of the more rigid ones and used it on my own nails! It's a great product any parent will be happy to have in their line-up. 

    Promising review: "My 2-month-old baby girl smiled throughout her 'manicure' with this nail file — no tears! Much easier than clipping her nails. There are different files and speeds so you can choose what’s right for your child. It is easy to use and change the files on and off. This is a must-have for new moms! Will be recommending this to all my friends and family for their children." —Steve Benson

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in six colors).

    29. Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine to act as a two-way audio monitor, a night-light, a white noise machine, alarm clock, and a sleep trainer. Fingers crossed you and your kiddo will get some sleep this decade with the help of this gadget!

    a hatch rest next to a mother holding her baby

    I have both a Hatch Rest and a Hatch Restore, and they’ve both been essential to my baby’s nighttime routine. We keep the Hatch Rest in our bedroom and the Hatch Restore in my son’s room. 

    I love that I can control both the lighting and sound of the devices on my phone with Hatch’s easy-to-use app. My husband typically gives the baby a bottle before bedtime in his room, while he’s doing that I turn on the “rain sounds” that we’ve been using as white noise for our little one. However, the most helpful feature on both devices is the ability to adjust how bright the light is. We’re still getting up for middle of the night feedings and diaper changes so it’s been invaluable to be able to raise the light a bit when doing so but then be able to quickly lower it once the baby has settled back into sleep. It’s also not a harsh light and has a bunch of different color options so it’s been easy enough to find a brightness that suits our needs.

    The Hatch Rest is ideal for parents as it also has a sound monitor option. For the hour or so Noah (my baby) used to sleep in a bassinet in our room before my husband and I got into bed, I was able to listen in and hear if he was fussing, crying, etc. We were also able to set it to a specific program so the light/sounds turn off on their own in the morning (one less thing for us to think about). 

    Promising review: "My favorite feature about this product is that I can control everything through my phone. If I'm in a different room in the house, but I want the nursery to play birds chirping for the baby, I can do that through my phone. The audio baby monitor works very well and the speaker quality through the Hatch is terrific. I also love that it's travel-friendly, so we use this baby monitor whenever we're on the go. Lastly, the night-light is perfect when I'm changing the baby's diaper at 3 a.m. or during a middle-of-the-night feeding." —Chelsea

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99 (available in two styles).

    30. A cradle cap comb that'll remove dry skin from baby's scalp so gently they won't even notice — shoutout to the soft rubber bristles on this comb.

    My son had a few areas of cradle cap on his head that was, honestly, pretty gross. I used a gentle shampoo, a wash cloth, and this brush to remove it painlessly while he was in the bath. He didn't even squirm, he just let me repeat the process three times until all the cradle cap was gone. The thin comb was so essential to the process and quickly removed all the flakes.

    Promising review: "The pictures posted here are legit. It makes removal so much easier and gives more consistent removal than my previous method of washcloths or just scratching the cradle cap off with my fingernails. It’s amazing and gross and wonderful. My babe doesn’t even flinch when I spend 10 minutes clearing his scalp of all the goo. It seems to be soothing to him. I just apply baby shampoo, then brush a little with the blue brush. Then I slowly start to comb in sections all in one direction. Then I go back and forth in multiple directions. It’s shocking the amount of dead skin that comes off. I’ve even used it successfully in his eyebrows (he gets some cradle cap there, too). This is a KEEPER!" —ZMomUtah

    Get it from Amazon for $4.19.

    31. Fisher-Price kick and play piano you may have seen on TikTok or heard about from other parents — it'll keep your kiddo entertained for MONTHS, which is a lot more than other toys can boast about.

    a gif of a baby kicking the fisher price piano
    the fisher-price kick and play piano in pink
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Check it out on TikTok!

    I have this toy and even have a backup of it for my parents' house — it's that good. My son is a very energetic little guy and has been fond of this toy since he was about 2-months-old! He loved aggressively kicking the piano (of course), pulling at the toys on the bar, and (once he learned how) would often flip onto his stomach and hit the keys of the piano with his hands. Now that's he's mobile, we've detached the piano and he plays with it separately.

    The attached mat can also easily be tossed into the washing machine and the dryer, which was essential for my kiddo as he spits up on everyyyyything. Overall, this toy gets a 10/10 from me, even if the songs do get a bit annoying (just part of the territory these days!).

    Get it from Amazon for $39.88+ (available in seven options).

    32. sling diaper bag for when you're just heading out on a quick errand and don't need to lug around a massive bag of items — this smaller option will do the trick!

    a model holding a sling bag with a disney princess pattern on it
    a model holding a sling bag with a snow white princess pattern on it

    I have this bag in the Disney Princess print of this sling bag and gifted the Beauty and the Beast one to my best friend — we both love them! It's the perfect size to hold a bottle, some diapers, wipes, and a burp cloth (just the essentials) which is great when I'm taking my baby along for a short outing. I typically put my own things (wallet, keys, mints) in the zippered front pocket, so i only need to take one bag out of the house! I also, as a big Disney fan, love the design. I've gotten tons of compliments from other parents which is always an added bonus!

    Get it from Amazon for $41.30+ (available in six styles).

    33. Reusable puree pouches you can fill with your own homemade baby food or a store-bought one when you and your mini-me are on-the-go. They're super easy to clean, seal really well (they open from the side!) and simple for babies to eat from.

    editor's baby eating out of a reusable baby brezza pouch
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    My son is going through a phase where he's refusing to eat anything that *isn't* in a pouch. One of my mom friends suggested trying these out, so I promptly added these into my cart. They arrived swiftly and have been a great solution to our dining problem! They're easy to fill, as the side opens like a ziplock bag, and even easier to rinse and reuse. We've been using them regularly and are thrilled with them. You can also fill and freeze them if you want to meal-prep your kiddo's food for the week.

    Promising review: "These reusable pouches are great. They are easy to fill and use. They have been uncomplicated to wash and I have been very glad I purchased." —Kelly

    Get a set of 10 from Amazon for $10.99.

    34. And reusable pouch tops that'll fit any one you've purchased from the store — yes, even that VERY specific brand that's the only one your kiddo will seemingly CONSIDER eating. It has a no spill control valve you'll thank your lucky heavens for when your little one is eating in the car.

    a baby eating from a food pouch
    a reviewer showing the pouch lid on an apple sauce pouch

    In addition to being dishwasher, freezer and boil-safe, these tops are BPA-, PVC-, lead-, and phthalate-free.

    Promising review: "My now 2-year-old has never, ever eaten more than a few sips out of these pouches, of any kind. I got this spill proof lid to put on it.... she's on her second one in a matter of minute. I think the problem was she didn't like getting messy or having me constantly pull it away. This gave her so much more control and It prevents them from being squeezed all over. Wish I discovered it a year and a half ago!" —Amazonian

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.95(available in two color options).

    35. A pack of child-safe charger covers, so when you're not trying to revive your forever-dead phone you won't have to worry about your baby gnawing away on the rogue wire.

    Geddy's Mom is a small business that develops gadgets to keep baby safe and clear of things that could hurt them.  

    Promising review: "Every parent of young kids needs this! This is a really cool little gadget that gives me the peace of mind that one of my little ones won't decide to put a charger in their mouths while I have my back turned. It is definitely my new go-to for baby shower gifts. The design is super cute and easy to use. Just snap it over your charger when you are done charging to protect your family!" —AV

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in four colors).

    36. A starter set of Chicco Duo Newborn Hybrid Baby Bottles with glass on the inside but plastic on the outside that'll ensure your baby's milk will only touch pure glass. This means no gross smells, aftertaste, or discolorations over time!

    a gif of editor's baby drinking out of a chicco duo bottle
    two tall bottles two small botles and two pacifiers
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Before my son Noah was born we were hoping he’d like the Chicco Duo bottles (since, at the end of the day we knew we’d end up using whatever brand he preferred). These were our first choice because they have such unique features that other bottles don’t — so we were absolutely thrilled when he took to them right away!

    On the inside of each bottle is a super thin layer of unbreakable glass that prevents babies from drinking directly from plastic. I know what you’re thinking… glass = heavy… but you’d never even know there was glass in these bottles! They’re so light weight my baby has no problem already trying to hold them up on his own. Their other great feature are the nipples they come with. They have a slow release design to help prevent your little one from chugging their bottle and developing gas bubbles in their bellies. Additionally, they’re shaped for intuitive latching which I can only assume would be helpful for parents who are both bottle feeding and breastfeeding their babies.

    We’ve purchased three sets so we always have a bottle at-the-ready, but you can easily clean these by hand or in the dish washer and use them in a sterilizer or bottle warmer without concern. Big win for babies and parents !

    They're also dishwasher safe, can be used in a bottle warmer or sterilizer, and are free of BPA, BPS, PVC, and phthalates.

    Get the 8-piece set from Amazon for $49.99+ (also available in six styles and in pink).

    37. washable rug, so when your mini-me inevitably spits up or pees on the carpet in the nursery, you'll be able to pop it right into the washing machine.

    a multi-colored mickey rug
    a round blue mickey rug

    Ruggable's rugs are honestly a work of art — not just because they look great regardless of what room you put them in, but because they can handle a stain like no other. I have a Mickey Mouse rug (seen above to the left) in my baby's room, but my sister (who has three big dogs) has truly put the quality of their rugs to the test. Within a week of owning one she successfully cleaned blood, poop, and coffee off of it without a remnant of a stain left behind. 

    Promising review: "I love this rug so much! It’s perfect for kids and pets, and it’s so easy to keep clean. I actually use it where my kids eat and it hasn’t gotten stained at all. 100% would recommend!" —Ashley C

    Get it from Ruggable for $109+ (available in 11 sizes and 3 styles).

    38. A Miku Pro Smart Baby Monitor, which uses patented sensor fusion technology to track baby's vitals and nursery conditions. We really are living in the future.

    all the pieces of monitor kit
    the miku camera over a crib
    Amazon, Amazon

    It also tracks your baby's breathing and sleeping patterns, plays sleep sounds and lullabies, and allows you to talk to them through a two-way microphone. This is the monitor I use in my son's room, and I have been nothing but impressed with it. I love that I can pull it up on my phone at anytime in the night, that it shows his breathing in real time, and that it isn't an eyesore in his room. It also has a fun feature that lets you snap a screenshot of your baby when they're on camera — trust me, you'll find them in many silly poses you just might want to capture.

    Promising review: "This monitor is great! I'm so happy that I got it! The monitor was highly recommended by a number of friends I was hesitant with the price, but it is 100% worth it. After ordering, it came very quickly, and was packaged nicely. I was so excited to unbox it. It was very easy to set up, and I had no issues connecting it to my internet. I was nervous about this, as many reviews mention it being challenging. The picture quality is very strong, even in night mode. I look forward to using it more, and the peace of mind that it will give me while my baby sleeps." —Stephanie Lawley

    Get it from Amazon for $398.

    39. A simple Graco swing that'll carefully sway baby from side to side so you can hopefully put them down for a little and actually get some laundry done. (Imagine?)

    a gray swing with a star mobile above it

    While there are heavily praised high-tech swings on the market, there's a chance your baby might not be interested in all of that fuss! I was lucky enough to test out one of the more advanced swings, and guess what? My son hated it. However, this simple Graco swing was my absolute saving grace during the first few months of parenthood. It was basically the only place my son would calm down and relax (he's been VERY energetic and has always been on the move). The simple swaying (paired with his favorite movie, Encanto) ensured that I'd get a bit of peace to tackle other things around the house that need to be done. He was often distracted by the stars that would swing above him (though note that it is not a spinning mobile) and spent quite a bit of time trying to reach them. Whatever works, amiright?

    Promising review: "This swing saved my life! I couldn't put my baby anywhere or in anything without him waking up 10 minutes later. I was getting so tired and couldn't get anything done around the house... until I bought this swing! He loves being in it whether he's asleep or awake. I also like that it plugs into the wall so you don't ever have to worry about batteries going dead. I've had it for about a month now and it's still going strong. I highly recommend this swing!" —Lyndsey Parker

    Get it from Amazon for $109.97 (available in two styles).

    40. A Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced parents will be able to rely on to help them make their baby a bottle in a flash — which is *much* appreciated when they're screaming their head off because they've decided they're hungry.

    a baby brezza formula advanced pro
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    The number one item I simply could not live without is the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced. Literally I would happily spend my last penny on this product because it has made that much of a difference in my life. 

    It’s essentially a Keurig for baby bottles. It has the capability of mixing formula with the proper amount of water and dispensing it at the *perfect* temperature for baby. It has a button on it so I can easily choose how many ounces I want for my son’s bottle, depending on how recently he’s eaten sometimes we need only need 2 oz instead of 4 oz, etc. The bottle settings will stay in place so while my baby is screaming (he gets hangry!) I just have to place a bottle under the dispenser and hit the “start” button. It’s so easy I can literally do it with one hand while holding him. 

    The spout has to be cleaned every four bottles, which I just do with hot water and a paper towel, and the water needs to be refilled once a day (like a Keurig). Other than that, all I have to do is ensure the formula container is filled. My husband set it up like a baby bar cart in the nursery so we don’t have to stumble down our stairs to the kitchen while bleary-eyed and half asleep in the middle of the night. It really is a godsend and I don’t know what I’d do without it! 

    Get it from Baby Brezza for $183.99 (available in two colors) or Target for $199.99 (in white).

    41. And a Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer, because why not add another gadget into the mix? This one will automatically sterilize bottles, breast pump parts, and other accessories with natural steam.

    the machine while it is on and filled
    the editor's uncovered baby brezza botle sterilizer
    www.amazon.com, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    As a new mom I’m quickly learning what items are a necessity in my day-to-day, one of them absolutely being the Baby Brezza Sterilizer. 

    As an infant my baby boy was going through about 12 bottles throughout the day/night, as he was eating about every 2–3 hours, which means I always needed to have the bottles and nipples clean and ready to go. “Back in the day,” as my parents and my in-laws have told me, you’d need to boil every part of the bottle in water on the stove. Who has time for that??? Certainly not me in 2023. Thanks to this sterilizer I don’t have to bother with any of that!

    After washing the bottles and nipples (I use Dapple’s lavender bottle soap and a Dr. Browns cleaning brush), I place each piece on the rack inside the sterilizer. Once it’s filled with six bottles, I remove the rack, pour filtered water into the bottom section of the sterilizer, replace the rack, pop its dome back on, and set it to sterilizer and dry for 30 minutes. It’s honestly fantastic and super easy to use. TBH, I’d say this is a must-have for anyone who formula feeds and breastfeeding mamas who also pump/use bottles. Added bonus? You can also use it to sterilize pacifiers and any breast pump parts. It’s a fantastic item for any parent, trust me.

    Promising review: "You guys...if you are expecting (or trying to get a gift for someone who is)...GET THIS PUPPY NOW. I ended up getting this after a few sleepless nights and not feeling like my bottles were staying clean while drying on the grass counter mat. This has been a lifesaver. It is so easy to use and works in a hurry. The best part = it dries your bottles too. No more waiting around for them to dry. Every evening I load em' in and they are sterilized and dried within 45 to 60 minutes. What could be better?! Definitely a game changer everyone should have on their list." —MorganS

    Get it from Amazon for $109.99.

    42. A splurge-worthy Bugaboo Fox 3 bassinet and seat stroller set you'll pat yourself on the back for selecting once you realize how lightweight it is and how smooth it rolls along the sidewalk.

    buzzfeed editor with a gray bugaboo stroller
    a couple walking with their child in a stroller
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Bugaboo

    This is the main stroller we decided to go with — and not just because it's pretty to look at (shout out to the many color options!). It was extremely easy to put together and only took my husband about 30 minutes. It's simple to disconnect the bassinet and the coordinating car seat with the click of two side buttons. Overall it's very versatile and comes with a handful of useful accessories you can tack on to your parenting wish list. For example, I also have the footmuff insert to keep my tyke nice 'n' snug during winter outings and it's already been great to have on-hand! I've used this stroller more times than I can count — it's a breeze to fold up and pop into the trunk. I can't say enough good things about it, TBH.

    Promising review: "This stroller is an absolute dream! We used to have just a standard stroller with our first baby, and the wheels were SO loud and bumpy on any sort of crack, but the Fox 3 doesn't jolt or make any noise. It even handles grass easily too! I don't know how they do it, but it's amazing! We took the bassinet out for a stroll, and baby loves to look out the mesh windows — genius! The leather handles feel luxurious, it turns on a dime, and folds and stores easily too. I wish the instructions had some words to go with them, but we were able to figure it out and put it together rather quickly. I'm so glad we took a chance on this one. Worth every penny!" —JulieP

    Get it from Bugaboo for $1,011.75 (available in 18 styles) or from Amazon for $1,011.75 (available in two colors).

    43. And a Bugaboo Butterfly stroller designed for traveling families — it's sleek, suuuuper compact, and has a spacious storage compartment despite its smaller size.

    the black Bugaboo Butterfly stroller unfolded on a hardwood floor
    the same stroller all folded up in a compact, backpack-like shape
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I recently received the newest stroller from Bugaboo and so far I can say it’s definitely worth the splurge. Honestly, the brand just continues to impress me and makes my life as a new mom easier and easier.

    It’s super lightweight (16 pounds total) and actually does pop up/close without hassle. You truly only press in two buttons and it unfolds like magic. My husband and I couldn’t believe how simple it was to put together and how compact it is when closed. I’d also say the Butterfly is a great stroller option for anyone who lives in a city or has a smaller living space.  

    It has a strap so you can literally throw it over your shoulder and carry it — perfect whether you’re traveling or just bringing it back and forth from your car. I took my son to visit my parents in North Carolina and it fit in an overhead compartment without a problem. The wheels handles bumps and debris with ease. We've been using it anytime we're on-the-go or running a quick errands instead of our bigger stroller option. Overall, I’ve found it to be a great stroller option and will totally recommend it to any new parents going forward!

    Get it from Bugaboo for $429 (available in three colors and ships within three weeks) from Amazon for $449 (available in three colors).

    44. Pottery Barn's "Anywhere Chair," which is perfect for staging those adorable (but hard to snap) monthly photos of your little one. It'll also look super cute in their room or playroom, and eventually they'll enjoy lounging in it.

    editor's son sitting in a blue child-sized chair with white trim
    editor's son sitting in a blue child-sized chair with white trim
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    In the meantime, I often find myself sitting in it while hanging out with my son in the playroom (hahaha). This chair is super cute and you've probably seen variations of it all over social media. It comes in tons of colors/styles so you can pick one that's perfect for your decor! We've been using it to take my son Noah's monthly photos (which is getting increasingly hard to do as he gets older) and it's been great to see how much he's grown from month to month! It's not a *necessity* item per se, but it is a cute and enjoyable one that'll be there for your kiddo as they grow.

    Get the navy chair from Pottery Barn Kids for $129+ (originally $149, available with or without custom monogramming) and check out all of the other style options.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.