We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    40 Products For Parents Who Barely Have Time To Sleep Let Alone Clean Their Home

    Maybe with the help of these cleaning products you'll be able to squeeze in a nap of your own. Fingers crossed.

    1. Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer, because why not add another helpful cleaning gadget into the mix? This one will automatically sterilize bottles, breast pump parts, and other accessories with natural steam.

    the machine while it is on and filled
    the editor's uncovered baby brezza botle sterilizer
    www.amazon.com, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    As a new mom I’m quickly learning what items are a necessity in my day-to-day, one of them absolutely being the Baby Brezza Sterilizer. 

    As an infant my baby boy was going through about 12 bottles throughout the day/night, as he was eating about every 2–3 hours, which means I always needed to have the bottles and nipples clean and ready to go. “Back in the day,” as my parents and my in-laws have told me, you’d need to boil every part of the bottle in water on the stove. Who has time for that??? Certainly not me. Thanks to this sterilizer I didn’t have to bother with any of that!

    After washing the bottles and nipples (I use Dapple’s lavender bottle soap and a Dr. Browns cleaning brush), I place each piece on the rack inside the sterilizer. Once it’s filled with six bottles, I remove the rack, pour filtered water into the bottom section of the sterilizer, replace the rack, pop its dome back on, and set it to sterilizer and dry for 30 minutes. It’s honestly fantastic and super easy to use. TBH, I’d say this is a must-have for anyone who formula feeds and breastfeeding mamas who also pump/use bottles. Added bonus? You can also use it to sterilize pacifiers and any breast pump parts. It’s a fantastic item for any parent, trust me.

    Promising review: "You guys...if you are expecting (or trying to get a gift for someone who is)...GET THIS PUPPY NOW. I ended up getting this after a few sleepless nights and not feeling like my bottles were staying clean while drying on the grass counter mat. This has been a lifesaver. It is so easy to use and works in a hurry. The best part = it dries your bottles too. No more waiting around for them to dry. Every evening I load em' in and they are sterilized and dried within 45 to 60 minutes. What could be better?! Definitely a game changer everyone should have on their list." —MorganS

    Get it from Amazon for $109.99.

    2. Arm & Hammer Deodorizer Odor Busterz you can keep in the bottom of your garbage can to fight off even the stinkiest of smells — there's nothing worse than opening your kitchen garbage after throwing out broccoli the night before. 🤢

    I have a similar item in the bottom of my baby's diaper pail and it really does make a difference! Reviewers also note it's been a great addition to their laundry baskets as well.

    Promising review: "We consistently take out the garbage from our diaper pail, and even though the odor is sealed into the pail sometimes there can be a lingering odor when you go to change the bag. I decided to pop two of these in the pail underneath the plastic bag to see if it would help combat the smell and it’s like magic. We haven’t noticed any scent so far and they last a long time, more than three months of odor control! (We have a 3.5-month-old.) Definitely will be throwing one of these into my husband's tennis bag!" —Maddie Vasiliev

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $5.98.

    3. A dryer vent cleaner attachment that'll pull all of the hard-to-reach pieces of lint out of your dryer. I truly can't think of anything more satisfying, TBH.

    Reviewer using the dryer vent cleaner
    Reviewer photo of sock and lint sucked out of the dryer with the vent cleaner

    This adapter is compatible with most vacuum cleaner pipes, so all you have to do is attach it to your vacuum and guide it around your dryer to suck up excess and hard-to-reach lint. Too much lint buildup not only slows down the drying process, it's also a fire hazard, so this handy device can actually be considered a safety tool!

    Promising review: "Yes, we had a sock in our dryer vent!! This past summer, the lint trap broke on our dryer. Our kids ran the dryer regardless! What a disaster. Received my vacuum kit today, and now my clothes are dry! I sucked up the sock, as well as a piece of lint roller tape. Great product!" —Laurel Enoch

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in four colors).

    4. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which is an all-purpose cleaning paste that'll help you tackle all of your kid-made messes but make it *~pretty in pink~* at the same time.

    a reviewer's before photo of their dresser covered in sharpie and after it had been cleaned with the pink stuff
    buzzfeed editor's before and after of their yellow le creuset pan being cleaned with the pink stuff
    www.amazon.com, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    After hearing what incredible things The Pink Stuff can do, I finally ordered it and tried it for myself. Honestly, wow! It really does work wonders. I tried it first on my Le Creuset cast-iron pan (seen above, right) and really was amazed at how just one pass with The Pink Stuff (and a scouring brush) took off almost every stain! I can't wait to try it on literally everything in my home that needs a deep cleaning.

    Promising reviews: "Favorite cleaning product of all time!! This cleaned my walls so well and my kids had colored every inch of my walls. The price is so affordable and the product is strong on stains!" —Marina

    "AMAZING! I was heart broken when I saw that my daughters had wrote on the dresser with SHARPIE! I tried SO MANY different chemicals and nothing worked! I found this on TikTok and said 'Welp let me try my luck and see if it really works!' And let me tell you I am still SHOCKED at how amazing this product works!!!! Yayyyy! I'm so soo soo happy to see my dresser white again!!!!😭😭😭 Thank youuuu!!!!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE LITTLE KIDS IN THE HOUSE!!!!"Gabriela Portillo Solorio

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    5. A cacti-inspired bottle brush cleaning set you'll love because it'll look cute on your kitchen counter while also doing a fantastic job in helping you scrub all of the yucky milk residue out of your baby's bottles.

    a set of bottle brushes that look like cacri
    a set of bottle brushes that look like cacri

    Promising review: "I usually don’t write reviews. But I love, love this. I think it’s so cute. Instead of those normal bottle cleaners that are bright ugly colors. The container that it comes in, it works and does collect the water. Would definitely recommend it, especially as an all-in-one bottle cleaner that looks cute and has a container for the water." —Hinojosas

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

    6. And a Boon drying rack with a surprisingly chic design that'll provide you with the perfect spot to dry your little one's bottles and accessories without ruining the entire look of your kitchen.

    Former BuzzFeed editor and mother of two Chandni Reddy is a big fan of this drying rack:

    "Is it possible for a drying rack to be life changing? Why yes, it is. I caved and bought this grassy patch after my kitchen started to look like an episode of Hoarders. This thing instantly organized my kitchen by creating a dedicated spot for baby stuff. Bottles, pump parts, sippy cups...this bad boy can hold a LOT (at least six bottles and four cups at once) and dries everything quickly. Did I mention it's a heck of a lot more cheerful and stylish than your regular drying rack?"

    I *also* have this drying rack! We keep it next to our full-sized drying rack and as my son has gotten older we've also started using it to dry reusable food pouches (and all the pieces that go along with that) as well as his sippy cup and any teethers we've washed.

    Promising review: "Newborn twins are a mess. They took over our house within moments of coming through the door. For this type A mama, it was a horrifying side effect of the two most precious things in the world. A friend gave us one lawn at our shower and we promptly hopped on Amazon and bought a second to manage the sheer volume. The lawn and the accessories are a convenient and cute way to keep your bottles and pump parts organized. There is ample space in one for one baby's needs." —Lacey

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99 (available in three colors).

    7. A handheld Dirt Devil vacuum so lightweight you'll be able to clean and dance around your living room to the endless loop of Ms. Rachel songs your kiddos are watching without fear of tripping over a cord.

    Promising review: "This is such a wonderful vacuum! The fact that it is handheld makes it very easy to store and easy to use. We have a 600-square-foot studio with all-wood floors and it doesn't take more than 10 minutes to vacuum the entire apartment. The crevice tool is incredibly useful for nooks and crannies that gather dust, and the attachable nozzle has been great for vacuuming our rug. We have a delicate faux sheepskin rug that really shouldn't be vacuumed using such a powerful tool, but with the nozzle it's much more manageable and doesn't cause too much shedding. The filter is very easy to clean, though fills up pretty quickly, so make sure to clean it more frequently than not! Very happy with this purchase — it has made cleaning the apartment so much easier!" —Sting

    Get it from Amazon for $37.99.

    8. A Wet & Forget shower cleaner you can use to clean your shower with the least amount of effort ever — seriously, you just leave it for the day then rinse it off and enjoy how sparkly and clean the glass will be! A must-have for parents who simply don't have the time to deep clean the bathroom each day.

    Reviewer image of before and after dirt stained shower and clean shower
    White bottle that reads Wet & Forget Shower

    Promising review: "Wet & Forget does an amazing job maintaining my shower's cleanliness with weekly use. As a single parent, I like things that make life easy. First time I used it, I sprayed Wet & Forget on before going to work then rinsed it off when I got home and I wasn't content with all the results yet was impressed at how well it cleaned the chrome which I wipe daily so it doesn't get water spots. I decided to give the shower a good deep cleaning and started using Wet & Forget every Monday and since then, I'm very happy with the results. Personally, I would describe this Wet & Forget as 'a great way to maintain your showers cleanliness thru weekly use.' Bottom line ... you're responsible for the initial cleaning you want to maintain." —My D 1

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    9. A set of cleaning K-Cups that'll rinse away all the coffee grounds from your past beverages and ensure your next ones taste fresher than ever — you're gonna need 'em now that you have a tiny human to take care of all the time.

    Reviewer photo of Quick and Clean pod in k-cup machine
    Reviewer photo of coffee residue in water after using Quick and Clean k-cup

    Promising review: "I bought this product because the needle in my Keurig 2.0 keeps clogging, causing inconsistent brew and taste. These cleaning cups fixed both of my issues and I especially liked that it was really quick and easy to use… I put the cleaning pod in and ran one cycle, then took the pod out and ran a rinse cycle to clean out any leftover grinds. FAST, EASY, and GREAT results…VERY HAPPY!!" —Corey West

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

    10. Affresh cleaning tablets to toss into your dishwasher and easily get rid of that yucky smell that seems to appear after a few washes — it'll banish lime and mineral build-up and leave your dishes (and, more importantly, your kiddos botles and cups) nice 'n' clean.

    Before results of inside dishwasher after using Affresh cleaner
    After results of inside dishwasher after using Affresh cleaner

    I have these tablets and use them all the time! They work especially great after the bottom of my dishwasher has gotten stained with residue from detergent or rusty-looking liquid after I've run my baking sheets through the wash. I love knowing I can just pop one into the dishwasher 1, 2, 3, and end up with a clean machine.

    Promising review: "After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher, due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and just not getting clean. Then I saw a product test review for Affresh in Good Housekeeping magazine. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway, so I added that to my order. I did not expect the results I got! The glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I am amazed!" —Sheila

    Get it from Amazon for $8.50.

    11. And a box of washing machine cleaning tablets you can use to easily remove any odor-causing residue from inside your machine — you don't want little one's clothes to smell, do ya?

    a box of affresh cleaning tabs
    the clean inside of a washing machine

    You can use this product on both front-load and top-load washing machines. I ran it through the old washing machine that was left in my new house (beggars can't be choosers!) and it came out nice and clean. 

    Promising review: "Works great. My washer started smelling like sour clothes. In turn, my clothes were smelling sour as well. I plopped an Affresh Tab in the washer and let it do its magic. After it was done I opened the washer and to my surprise there was no smell at all. This is a six-pack so buy one box for half a year or two boxes, and only have to order once per year. Definitely recommend." —jcski

    Get it from Amazon for $10.16 (also available in a six-pack).

    12. A pack of Tide To Go pens, because even if you already own one you'd absolutely benefit from stocking up and keeping one in every bag you own — no more worrying about ruining your favorite white top when you're out to dinner or on a coffee run.

    Promising review: "I used this on my daughter's doll that couldn't be put in the washer due to having a voice box. She's had this doll for a while, it's had juice applied on it, the dog has stolen it a few times, plus the material just attracts dirt and fuzz balls. Holy crap what a difference! Saved me from having to go buy a new one." —Chery

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $7.88.

    13. portable car vacuum that'll help you battle the seemingly endless amount of crumbs that endlessly make their way in between your seats now that you have a tiny, messy human as your most frequent passenger.

    an image of crumbs and debris in a car
    the same car cleaned by a portable vac

    Promising review: "I was a little skeptical at first seeing all the mixed reviews but I wish I had taken a pic of my driver side cause that was the worst of it but there was a lot of buildup from me just not having the time or energy to clean my car but this vacuum is AMAZING! You can see the clear difference between those two photos. 11/10 would HIGHLY recommend." —Kayla

    Get it from Amazon for $21.79.

    14. A scrubber brush to attach to your drill (!!!) and help you clean your tub/shower like you've never cleaned it before but without the arm workout. You won't think twice about if there's any grime lurking in the tub before plopping your toddler directly in it each night.

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    The white is a soft bristle, best for wheels, carpet, upholstery, glass, and leather; the yellow is a medium bristle, best for bathroom, bathtub, shower, tile, and porcelain; the green is a medium bristle, best for kitchen, stoves, cabinets, countertops, and linoleum; the blue is a medium bristle, best for boats, pools, canoe/kayaks, hot tubs, and plastics; the red is a stiff bristle, best for outdoors, siding, brick, garage, and gutter; and the black is a hard bristle, best for grills, loose paint, furnaces, ovens, and industrial use. 

    Additionally, Drill Brush is a small business based in New York!

    Promising review: "I've been eyeing these for a few months and finally caved. Man do I regret not picking them up as soon as I saw them! They work GREAT! We rent an apartment that has a 30+ year old shower/tub. I've used everything from abrasive powders, gels that sit to most recently the bathroom magic erasers and nothing really got the grime out. These WORK and they work fast. Ten minutes with my handy drill and the shower has never been cleaner. I love that I don't have to throw money out on cleaning products anymore and that I can be a little more environmentally friendly with no waste and no chemical cleaners! Just a little dish soap, baking soda and a spin of the brush. If you're on the fence, just buy them!" —Becky Adie

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six strength types).

    15. The Clean Ball, a sphere with a cage-like design and a sticky inside that'll collect all the stray crumbs from inside of your diaper bag with literally zero effort on your end. Absolutely magical.

    a pink caged ball inside of a pencil case

    Promising review: "The evidence it works is right there when you pull it out to clean it. It is so covered in crumbs that clearly were in the bottom of my diaper bag and no longer are and it really actually does come clean but stay sticky. Love it. Wish I had it sooner." —Patrick & Camee

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in three colors).

    16. A set of toilet fizzing bombs that'll quite possibly make you excited to clean your potty! All you have to do is drop one or two of these in the bowl, swish them around in the water a bit with a cleaning wand, wait five minutes, scrub, and flush — magical.

    bag of toilet bombs next to some of the toilet bombs
    Juniperseed Mercantile / Etsy

    Juniperseed Mercantile is a woman-owned small business based in Littleton, Colorado. 

    Promising review: "This product is amazing! 15 minutes later and my toilet is looking brand new with minimal effort. I would recommend this to everyone!" —shelby rieth

    Get a pack of eight from Juniperseed Mercantile on Etsy for $13.

    17. An all-purpose cleaner featuring the scents of frankincense and myrrh that are said to be grounding and clearing. Why not bring all the good vibes you can into your home?

    a bottle of cleaning concentrate
    Good Vibes

    Good Vibes is a Black woman-owned small business in Philadelphia that makes an array of plant-based cleaning products. The product itself is very soapy, so be sure to dilute it properly before going to town on all of your surfaces.

    Get it it from Good Vibes for $12.50.

    18. A flexible cleaning brush that'll pull all of the hard-to-reach pieces of lint out of your dryer. I truly can't think of anything more satisfying, TBH.

    the flexible bristle brush cleaning out the dryer vent

    Promising review: "Works perfectly for scrubbing the stuck lint out of the insides of your dryer. Everyone who owns a dryer should have these, they're basic safety equipment. Clean that lint, and reduce the fire hazard and make the machine more efficient. They're long enough, strong enough, and just flexible enough without being too flexible." —Winged Wolf

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    19. A stainless steel cleaner you can count on to help you (temporarily) banish all of those sticky little toddler-sized fingerprints that have somehow made their way across your fridge and dishwasher....

    a model cleaning their microwave with the product

    This plant-based cleaner will remove streaks, smudges, and fingerprints from all stainless steel surfaces — sounds very therapeutic to me! Additionally, Therapy Clean is a small business!

    Promising review: "This is by far the best stainless steel cleaner I have ever used. So easy to apply and I wipe it off with a clean microfiber cloth. It lasts months and I have twin toddlers that are always touching my appliances. No finger prints at all. I highly recommend. Completely safe , no chemicals. Great product." —martha

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95.

    20. An enzyme-based spot cleaner that'll have your little one's clothes looking like you just pulled them off the rack in a store.

    You can also use it on carpets, bedding, cloth diapers, etc.

    Promising review: "I just purchased this. It took stains out of baby clothes and I used it on the fabric on a toddler chair and it looks brand new. I wish I would have taken before and after photos! Love it already! I had read some reviews about it leaking during shipping but I received it with a tight lid in a bag with a spray too lid separate so no leaking!" —Brianne

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    21. A microfiber spin mop and bucket with over 127,000 5-star reviews on Amazon, which is unbelievable because it's a MOP. It'll likely become one of your most-used cleaning tools.

    My husband asked for this mop for Father's Day in 2022 and has been telling everyone in his life about it ever since. He adores it! It's so easy to use, it's lightweight, and he has no issue squeezing the water out with the spin tool. It's worked wonders on our wood floors!

    Promising review: "I never thought a mop could change my life! This mop cuts at least a half hour off my cleaning time and since I can ring it out so well it does a fabulous job on my hardwood floors without worrying about puddles of water which could do damage! The triangular design is great for corners too! I also like how I can toss the head in the washing machine to clean it. I would highly recommend this mop!" —kheiser67

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97.

    22. A furniture repair kit featuring markers and crayons in a variety of colors you can whip out the second your favorite piece of furniture gets damaged by your kids' wild antics or a chair scrapes into your wood floors.

    six wood colored markers
    a reviewer showing how they repaired their scratched chair with the wood colored markers

    Promising review: "I really didn’t expect much when I ordered this kit. But the 40-year-old chairs were badly scratched (many pets and kids) and I figured why not try? Wish I’d taken a 'before' photo. I firmly rubbed the burgundy color in. It dried matte, so I washed over the repaired areas with more alcohol on a soft rag. Then gave the leather a gentle buffing. Couldn’t be more pleased — or surprised. The chairs truly have a new life!" —Ann

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    23. washable rug, so when your mini-me inevitably tracks dirt and mud onto the carpet in the nursery, you'll be able to pop it right into the washing machine.

    a multi-colored mickey rug
    a round blue mickey rug

    Ruggable's rugs are honestly a work of art — not just because they look great regardless of what room you put them in, but because they can handle a stain like no other. I have a Mickey Mouse rug (seen above to the left) in my baby's room, but my sister (who has three big dogs) has truly put the quality of their rugs to the test. Within a week of owning one she successfully cleaned blood, poop, and coffee off of it without a remnant of a stain left behind. 

    Promising review: "I love this rug so much! It’s perfect for kids and pets, and it’s so easy to keep clean. I actually use it where my kids eat and it hasn’t gotten stained at all. 100% would recommend!" —Ashley C

    Get it from Ruggable for $109+ (available in seven sizes and 3 styles).

    24. A humidifier tank–cleaning fish you'll cherish as much as Ariel (the Little Mermaid) does her BFF Flounder — it'll kill up to 99% of odor causing bacteria in the tank you've been keeping in your baby's nursery to keep their lil' nostrils moist during nap time (amazing).

    a humidifier with a little fish floating inside

    Promising review: "These things are AMAZING! I went from having to Clorox my ultrasonic humidifier tank every few days to every month, if that. I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to not have to worry about it! I feel like they work quite a bit longer than advertised, but that may depend on water temp, if the water is distilled (this is what we use, as our water is REALLY hard otherwise) vs filtered vs not, etc. Will definitely buy again!" —CindyR

    Get it from Amazon for $6.28.

    25. Dawn Platinum Powerwash Dish Spray, which smells so freakin' good you might just get distracted from how wonderfully it works! All you'll have to do is spray it onto caked-on food and grease, wait a lil', then rinse or wipe it away to reveal a perfectly clean pan. 

    reviewer's grill with burnt on grease
    reviewer's now clean grill

    I recently tried this stuff for the first time and can confirm it's fantastic. I use it on my frying pans and the grill pans from my Griddler (which is ALWAYS a pain to clean). It loosens all the gunk and makes it much easier to clean burnt bits and pieces off. It also really does smell incredible — very fresh and delightful!

    Promising review: "This is the best partner in the kitchen!! You need it now and always. Great for hard stains and even for a quick clean. I always have back ups never run out. RUN DON'T WALK TO ADD THIS PRODUCT TO YOUR CART RIGHT NOW." —Carlos G

    Get it from Amazon for $17.50 for a bundle.

    26. Extra thick magic cleaning pads you can use to tackle a whole slew of messes in your life by just running it under a little water. Sticky substances on your kiddo's toys? Fare thee well. Grime on your stove top? See ya later! These lil' beauties can tackle it all.

    a reviewer's tile floor while being cleaned by the magic eraser
    a thick white cleaning pad being used to clean a burner on a stove

    Promising review: "I have less of a family, and more of a circus. There's six of us, including the dog. Three children under the age of six. And more grubby hands/fingers than I'd like to think about. I needed an all in one, and, boy, have I found it! Aaaand it's easily half the price of the leading brand! Especially with twins (everything baby related gets purchased twice) we need every penny stretched! It just so happens that we don't have to sacrifice quality, and I really appreciate that." —Mrs. Hawkins

    Get a box of 20 from Amazon for $13.95.

    27. A nontoxic dusting spray made of water, vinegar, olive oil and essential oils — it smells so good you may be tempted to wear it as perfume.

    a bottle of cinnamon orange cleaning spray
    Pardo Naturals

    Pardo Naturals is a Black-owned and woman-owned small business in Covington, Georgia.

    Get it from Pardo Naturals for $9 (available in four scents).

    28. Grandma's Secret, a spot remover that'll remind you to respect your elderly — it's *that* good. It'll make blood (!!!) pet stains, oil, paint, and other pesky substances vanish into thin air.

    white leather couch with tons of pen scribbles on it
    the same couch without the pen scribbles

    Promising review: "This stuff is so amazing. I'm a witness. My 2-year-old baby wrote all over my white leather couch. I tried multiple different things and nothing worked but Grandma's Secret Spot Remover. I love this stuff." —L. Nix

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    29. A handheld Oxo microfiber duster you can run around the house with to remove dust from every table, shelf, and staircase in your home — an essential task for anyone with a kiddo who insists on crawling EVERYWHERE at the speed of light.

    a red handheld duster
    reviewer's wall with half of wall clean and half of it dusty

    I have this duster and it is faaaab! It really does pick up a *ton* of dust from every crevice of my home — I like to use it on our stairs. I typically just shake it outside to remove the excess dust and then either put it away until next time or get right back to dusting.

    Promising review: "I truly hate to dust, but also hate a lot of dust around. I saw these dusters featured online and figured I'd give them a try. They are really great. I just dusted in the downstairs floor, including my study and computer area, keyboard, screen, and all. Easy peasy. I haven't washed the covers yet (I have two), but hope that will work as well." —Judy Rae

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    30. And a duster designed specifically to clean blinds that'll make cleaning those pesky window coverings a breeze — buh-bye dust!

    a blue duster for blinds
    reviewer's very dusty cleaner

    The set comes with five microfiber sleeves that can be washed and reused.

    Promising review: "Really wasn't sure if this was going to work, I've used something similar many years ago. It works remarkably well! Cleans top and bottom of the blinds, is easy to use with some cleaner. Definitely a game changer, I've already cleaned three sets of blinds since I got these today. Bravo!" —Lisa C. Wear

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (available in two colors).

    31. A magnificent toilet cleaning gel stamp from Scrubbing Bubbles, so when you finally get around to thoroughly cleaning your bowl it'll do the heavy lifting until the next time you think to yourself "when was the last time I cleaned this thing?"

    a model using the stamp inside the toilet

    I have this product and it really does work! It took me a minute to figure out how to apply it, but after reading the enclosed directions it was a cinch! You quite literally stamp it into the inside of the toilet bowl and leave it be. It smells super refreshing for a long time — as if you've cleaned your toilet every time you flush.

    Promising review: "Okay I was so confused when I opened this but honestly it’s easy to use and after I completely deep cleaned my bathroom, I tried one of these stamps on my toilet. I was sooo skeptical and was confused how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $5.69.

    32. An instant carpet spot remover spray, so when your little one flings tomato sauce or a smoothie pouch all over your carpet you can say "no biggie" and actually mean it.

    Promising review: "I’ve used this stuff for around six years now. My carpet is old and needs to be replaced, but that costs a lot of money. Only the bathrooms and the kitchen don’t have carpet. Everywhere else, carpet, including where my kids eat. This has cleaned up food, makeup, some paints, markers, grease, dirt... the only thing it didn’t help much with is when my son spilled a bowl filled with red Easter egg dye on the carpet. But it did lighten it a lot so, I call that a win. Because things like paint, nail polish, and a lot of food dye are always going to be difficult. if you have young kids and lots of carpet, I would recommend getting two spray bottles (we keep one upstairs and one downstairs), then buying the gallon sized bottle for refills." —DiannaW

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65.

    33. An automatic cleaning toilet bowl cartridge to pop into the top of your tank — it'll last up to three months and clean with every single flush. Now that's a cleaning product worth testing out.

    Promising review: "This works absolutely phenomenally. I would clean the bowl area every weekend like clock work to remove mold or something…Our municipal water system may not inject enough chlorine to prohibit? But toilet cleaning is a breeze now!!! Works on the Kohler new low-flush systems…amazing. No chlorine damage to rubber parts either like other devices! Pretty simple instructions to install." —CdrW

    Get it from Amazon for $10.26 (and you can snag refill cartridges here).

    34. Or Instant Power Toilet Tank Cleaner, which is designed to remove rust and other minerals that may have built up inside your toilet. You won't need to scrub at all (!!!) — just let it do its thing knowing it won't damage your pipes and will leave a delightful citrus scent behind.

    a reviewer's before and after of their toilet tank using the product
    the toilet tank cleaning product being poured into a tank

    Promising review: "I didn’t have much calcium or other hard mineral deposits in my two toilet tanks. But there was a fair amount of slimy sediment. One treatment cleaned up the tanks about 90%. I ordered another bottle of the cleaner and gave each tank a second treatment. The tanks now look like brand new! The important thing is to give the cleaner enough time to work. I put the cleaner in the tanks before I went to bed so it worked overnight." —Jack

    Get it from Amazon for $7.66.

    35. A soap dispensing brush that might just make your kids want to help clean the dishes — it looks kinda fun, doesn't it?

    someone scubbing a soapy pan with the dish soap-filled brush that fits in their palm
    a reviewer photo of the soap brush fitting into a tiny rammekin

    Promising review: "I'm loving this little brush. I had purchased another dish brush a while back from the grocery store and the bristles were so stiff that it often splattered soap everywhere. This one isn't like that. The bristles are stiff, but soft enough that they tend to cling to what you're brushing, so they don't cause that splatter effect. I also like that you can open the whole thing up by taking its top off to refill it, giving you plenty of room to pour in the dish soap. The ability to easily remove and replace the brush is another very handy feature. Both are easy to do and it's well made, so they're not likely to come open or undone unexpectedly." —Elliria

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    36. A stain stick you'll consider to be an extra appendage with how often you'll find yourself using it — kids really are *quite* messy,

    the white wunderbar stain stick

    This coconut-based soap stick will become an integral part of your laundry routine. Use it to pre-treat all kinds of stains — oily smudges, makeup, food, dirt, etc, won't stand a chance. It's developed by Celsious, a Black-owned and woman-owned small business in Brooklyn, New York.

    Get it from Celsious for $8.

    37. A cleaning spray made just for your car, so the next time you spill your coffee all over yourself or your kid dumps their soda in between the seats, you'll still be covered.

    a spray bottle of the car guys super cleaner
    a reviewer's back seat of their car covered in stains
    the same back seat all clean

    Car Guys' Super Cleaner can be used on upholstery, canvas, leather, vinyl, plastic, and rubber.

    Promising review: "I have used every product that you can find on the shelves of your local store. When I sprayed the cleaner on the light beige interior of a 25-plus-year-old car, the interior turned to its original color. After years of detailing, I had assumed at this point, the color was set and that's it — not with this stuff. While cleaning it I literally said out loud, 'No way, no way,' because I was in disbelief at how amazing it worked, and the results are in the compliments I receive from friends." —Andrea Garcia

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97.

    38. Washable microfiber mop pads you can use with your Swiffer WetJet and finally stop spending so much money on disposable options.

    A reviewer holding up their Swiffer with the green pad on the bottom
    A reviewer's used pad looking very dirty and having collected lots of dust

    One pad can last up to 100 washes and works on pretty much any surface, from wood to tile to stone.

    Promising review: "These are life changing. I used a Rubbermaid spray mop for years that I never really loved and when it broke I got a Swiffer and was using the old Rubbermaid mop cloth pads with it still. They didn't fit the Swiffer great and I decided to get new ones. These scrub so much better and pick up way more dirt than my other mop pad. I have two dogs and their dried water and drool is around the kitchen and I used to have to scrub to get that up each time. Not with these pads! I never thought I'd swoon over a cleaning product but...here we are :)." —JB

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $11.25.

    39. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to keep in the glove compartment of your car, perfect for when your kiddos somehow manage to transfer their sticky messes onto the backs of your leather seats (lovely). Seriously, how do they always manage to find the most gross things ever to wipe all over the place?!

    Clorox wipes

    You better believe I have a stack of these in my car!

    Promising review: "These are handy and easy to pack for travel. I love using them in hotels and other area where I feel I need to wipe down areas my kids might touch. Much easiest to travel with than a typical container." —Sammi

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $17.29.

    40. And a trio of all-purpose cleaners you can count on to be the Jack to your Sally, the Bonnie to your Clyde, the Chewbacca to your Han Solo... you get the point. It'll be there for you throughout all of your cleaning endeavors.

    three bottles of all purpose cleaner with different scents
    Humble Suds / Etsy

    Humble Suds is a woman-owned small business based in Denver, Colorado that sells plant-based cleaning products.

    Promising review: "Love these cleaning sprays. Use them to clean all surfaces. They smell so nice and I know they're safe for my kids and puppy. Will buy again and again!" —Kati Sharwark

    Get a set of three from Humble Suds on Etsy for $44.85.

    Some reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.