We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    45 Must-Have Parenting Products You Probably Didn't Know You Needed (Until Now)

    You're gonna want to send this list to *all* of your parent friends.

    1. touchless forehead thermometer with a built-in sensor that'll make taking your tyke's temperature a breeze. Perfect for any parents that err on the side of caution and find themselves checking their kiddo's temp anytime they look a bit flushed (ahem, me).

    The forehead thermometer in white
    Reviewer taking temperature of their child

    Promising review: "This is a great thermometer — accurate, looks great, a must-have! If you have kids, forget about sticking a thermometer in their ears. I have four kids now, and a thermometer is a must-have. Hold this thing close to the forehead, push the button in, and you get a reading in about one second. This thing looks good, feels good, and is accurate. We’ve used multiple thermometers in the past. The head scanner that you run across the forehead...no good. In-ear thermometers...accurate, but expect a battle. Rectal thermometers...very accurate, but expect a war. This is the easiest one out of all of them. We find it especially useful when we need the quick 'I don’t feel that great' check...i.e., man cold. Overall, highly recommend!."—BearDownChi1

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99.

    2. A leave-in conditioning spray for curly hair free of parabens, sulfates, and phthalates you can count on to revive your mini-me's precious curls after a day at the pool. Summer tangles are not to be underestimated!

    Reviewers say this spray will leave wavy or curly hair (from 2a–4c hair) shiny, soft, and bouncy. So Cozy is a small business that makes premium haircare products for children.

    Promising review: "You need this! My 2-year-old daughter has curly frizzy hair. And I have tried sooo many leave in conditioners to tame her hair. Nothing thus far has worked. But this stuff is amazing! Truly defines her curls without any hold or crunch. Soft bouncy curls. The smell is quite strong- but it does smell good. If you are sensitive to smells you might want to prepare yourself ahead of time for this. I will buy this again and again. So glad I found something that works for my toddler's curls." —mike

    Get it from Amazon for $8.19.

    3. And a detangling brush that'll glide through knots so tackling your tyke's tangles won't feel like a daily struggle — no more tears or tantrums during your hair styling sessions.

    The ergonomic shaped brush in turquoise
    Reviewer's before photo of their child with knotted hair
    Reviewer's after photo of smooth hair from using the brush

    Reviewers swear this brush works on all hair types: straight, wavy, or curly (from 3a–4c hair).

    Promising review: "I'm a single dad of a 6-year-old girl and combing her hair is the hardest part of taking care of her. She gets really bad knots in her hair. This brush is the only thing that has ever worked. Thank you so much. She even likes to comb her own hair now." —Nguyen P.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in nine colors).

    4. A battery-operated stroller fan with a flexible handle so you can adjust it as needed to keep your mini-me the perfect temperature while heading out on a summer stroll.

    a reviewer's black fan attached to their stroller
    a pink tripod fan

    Reviewers have also attached it to their little one's cribs and car seats for extra air flow. I (Heather) personally used this in my stroller during my son's first summer (he was about three months old at the time) and will definitely be using it during our walks this year as well.

    Promising review: "As summers get hot I knew I needed a fan for my newborn. This was perfect for his crib side, stroller and in the car. Its quiet, and I love the three settings. I don't use the light but it's nice to have. I can leave it on all night on low on a hot night so my son has some air movement in his crib and a breeze on our walks when his stroller gets stuffy. I fully charged it before I used it so the battery life isn't bad but will only last maybe two hours on highest setting before dying. Battery life is short but not bad if you use it on the low setting. I charge it every few days and its held up nicely. Not too bad for the price." —Queen Sweetnez

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in three colors).

    5. A universal cup holder that can be easily attached to your stroller or diaper bag to ensure that you keep yourself hydrated as well as your little one. It comes in an array of fun colors and has drainage holes in the bottom. 👏

    a pink silicone cup holder on a stroller
    a stanley cup in a silicone cup holder attached to a stroller

    Ryan & Rose is a family-owned small business that creates stylish accessories parents will love. Reviewers also love adding this cup holder to other objects like their spin bikes, beach chairs, shopping carts, and more.

    Promising review: "I am obsessed with these holders! I have a huge stroller that a conventional cupholder won't work on, the Ryan And Rose Cutie Holder is perfect! I am actually order a second one that I can use to hold to hold my cellphone! The uses are endless! Stock up when you can!" —ShopTillYouDrop

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99 (available in 11 colors).

    6. A Tushbaby hip carrier you may have seen across your TikTok travels — parents love how much it saves their backs and that it has a ton of pockets for storage.

    reviewer showing how the carrier wraps around their waist and make it easy to hold a baby
    reviewer showing close up of the carrier and how it has a front pocket

    It's recommended for children between 8 and 45 pounds and can be used in four different holding positions — feeding/breastfeeding, side carrying, front facing, and face-to-face. 

    Tushbaby is a small business run by three California moms — they specialize in products that bringing a little more ease to everyday parenting life.

    See it in action on TikTok

    Promising review: "This has been one of MANY items I have purchased thanks to TikTok, and I'm glad I did. Super easy to use, easy to adjust, and most importantly it helps with support tremendously. It comes with pockets and a place to hold bottles/sippy cups, which can be very handy. My 8-month-old weighs around 30–35 lbs, and he's basically attached to me 24/7, carrying all day was killing my back and arms! Thank God for this invention, my arms and back can rest." —Jennifer Calle

    Get it from Amazon for $84.99+ (available in three styles). 

    7. Some reusable pouch tops that'll fit any one you've purchased from the store — yes, even that VERY specific brand that's the only one your kiddo will seemingly CONSIDER eating. It has a no spill control valve you'll thank your lucky heavens for when your little one is eating in the car.

    a baby eating from a food pouch
    a reviewer showing the pouch lid on an apple sauce pouch

    In addition to being dishwasher-, freezer-, and boil-safe, these tops are BPA-, PVC-, lead-, and phthalate-free.

    Promising review: "My now 2-year-old has never, ever eaten more than a few sips out of these pouches, of any kind. I got this spill proof lid to put on it.... she's on her second one in a matter of minute. I think the problem was she didn't like getting messy or having me constantly pull it away. This gave her so much more control and It prevents them from being squeezed all over. Wish I discovered it a year and a half ago!" —Amazonian

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in five color options).

    8. Yonanas fruit soft serve maker your kids will worship you for buying since they'll be able to eat "ice cream" every single day! It turns frozen fruit into a delicious, creamy sorbet they can enjoy without any added sugar.

    The black device on a reviewer's table with sorbet in a bowl under it
    A close up of a reviewer's yellow and red sorbet

    Check out a TikTok of the soft-serve maker in action.

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this. I got this for my girls after they showed it to me on TikTok. I thought it was a great way of making a sweet treat. I didn’t realize how much I would love it. You don’t even need to use a lot of fruit to get a decent size bowl. I buy frozen fruit, freeze bananas, and add some coconut flakes, and it is so delicious. This machine works perfectly. You aren’t suppose to put completely hard frozen fruit in it. You are suppose to let the frozen fruit thaw a tad." —Debbie

    Get it from Amazon for $39.98+ (available in six colors).  

    9. A grape cutter because who on earth wants to spend their precious time cutting grapes??? This lil' gadget will ensure your kiddo's favorite fruit is the perfect size without costing you an entire afternoon.

    reviewer's gif showing the grape cutter in action
    reviewer's photo of the grape cutter

    Watch a mom quartering grapes in a flash with this tool on TikTok.

    Promising review: "Yes. TikTok made me buy it. It’s awesome In my opinion. I use it for my fruit salads and my son's snacks. It’s helpful, and I think it saves a bit of time." —Amanda

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    10. A baby butt spatula you'll either laugh or cringe at but will thank your lucky stars that you thought to purchase it when you see how much nicer it is to apply diaper cream to your baby's booty with it instead of your finger.

    "Both my mom and my mother-in-law poked fun at me for getting this lil' spatula but I have ZERO regrets. I love my son more than life itself, but I am more than pleased to not have to put my finger in his butt after he's recently pooped and I think that is OKAY! I'd like to think he's happier to have a lil' spatula do the job ANYWAYS! That being said, this lil' tool is fantastic as it's super easy to clean, doesn't waste any product, and suctions onto my changing table with ease." —Heather

    Promising review: "If I could give this little tool 10 out of 5 stars I would!!! It makes the whole process of applying diaper rash ointment SOOOOO much easier. And this thing cuts down on how much diaper rash ointment is wasted because your fingers are not getting covered in ointment. I HIGHLY recommend this product to anyone with a baby!!!" —Hazel-91

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    11. car seat buckle release tool that'll save both your nails and your precious time! No one wants to struggle to open those (thankfully) extremely secure buckles while their kiddo is hitting a pitch that could likely break glass.

    The red tool
    a reviewer using the car seat buckle release tool

    This gadget doesn't attach to the car seat, so no need to fret about kiddos unbuckling themselves while you're driving. UnbuckleMe is a small business!

    Promising review: "Love that my kindergartner can unbuckle himself. It makes morning school drop-off SO MUCH EASIER! And he likes the independence of being able to do it himself!" —Lauren

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in five colors).

    12. BOB Gear Revolution Jogging Stroller, which is a must-have not just for anyone who actually has intentions to jog with their kiddo in tow but also for parents who have plans to take their littles on outdoor adventures or hilly paths.

    an editor's child in a bob revolution jogging stroller
    a reviewer's bob revolution jogging stroller
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    "When I added this to my registry my sister (who then promptly bought me this stroller) made fun of me asking 'when will you ever go for a jog with your kid?' However, that's not why I wanted this stroller! We live in a very hilly area and also often go to grassy, muddy, sandy parks, so I knew we'd need a stroller that could handle all of that kind of terrain. The wheels are LARGE and in charge — you won't have an issue getting over any bumps in this bad boy. It's so easy to maneuver. It has the ability to recline the seat for your little one, so they can sit in it pretty early on in life. It also has a cute peek-a-boo window at the top (when you pull the shade all the way down) that my son loves." —Heather

    Promising review: "10/10 jogging stroller. Rolls more smoothly than I ever would have imagined and turns on a dime. This has been worth every penny and I would buy it again in a heartbeat." —Mike B.

    Get it from Amazon for $549 (available in two styles). 

    13. Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine to act as a two-way audio monitor, a night-light, a white noise machine, alarm clock, and a sleep trainer. Fingers crossed you and your kiddo will get some sleep this decade with the help of this gadget!

    a hatch rest next to a mother holding her baby

    "The Hatch Rest is ideal for parents as it also has a sound monitor option. For the hour or so my son used to sleep in a bassinet in our room before my husband and I got into bed, I was able to listen in and hear if he was fussing, crying, etc. We were also able to set it to a specific program so the light/sounds turn off on their own in the morning (one less thing for us to think about). You can check out my full review on both the Hatch Rest and Hatch Restore here." —Heather

    Promising review: "My favorite feature about this product is that I can control everything through my phone. If I'm in a different room in the house, but I want the nursery to play birds chirping for the baby, I can do that through my phone. The audio baby monitor works very well and the speaker quality through the Hatch is terrific. I also love that it's travel-friendly, so we use this baby monitor whenever we're on the go. Lastly, the night-light is perfect when I'm changing the baby's diaper at 3 a.m. or during a middle-of-the-night feeding." —Chelsea

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99.

    14. A pack of child-safe charger covers, so when you're not trying to revive your forever-dead phone you won't have to worry about your baby gnawing away on the rogue wire.

    Geddy's Mom is a small business that develops gadgets to keep baby safe and clear of things that could hurt them.  

    Promising review: "Every parent of young kids needs this! This is a really cool little gadget that gives me the peace of mind that one of my little ones won't decide to put a charger in their mouths while I have my back turned. It is definitely my new go-to for baby shower gifts. The design is super cute and easy to use. Just snap it over your charger when you are done charging to protect your family!" —AV

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $12.95+ (available in four colors).

    15. Fisher-Price kick and play piano you may have seen on TikTok or heard about from other parents — it'll keep your kiddo entertained for MONTHS, which is a lot more than other toys can boast about.

    a gif of a baby kicking the fisher price piano
    the fisher-price kick and play piano in pink
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Check it out on TikTok!

    "I have this toy and even have a backup of it for my parents' house — it's that good. My son is a very energetic little guy and has been fond of this toy since he was about 2-months-old! He loved aggressively kicking the piano (of course), pulling at the toys on the bar, and (once he learned how) would often flip onto his stomach and hit the keys of the piano with his hands. Now that's he's mobile, we've detached the piano and he plays with it separately.

    The attached mat can also easily be tossed into the washing machine and the dryer, which was essential for my kiddo as he spits up on everyyyyything. Overall, this toy gets a 10/10 from me, even if the songs do get a bit annoying. (Just part of the territory these days!)" —Heather

    Get it from Amazon for $39.88 (available in two colors).

    16. sight word Bingo game that'll encourage early readers to practice sounding out words while making it a bit more fun for everyone involved.

    Word board with chips, cards, and packaging

    The set comes with 36 playing cards, 264 playing chips, caller's mat and cards, and a storage box. This version is a fun twist on the classic, but instead of calling out numbers, the leader calls out words (there are 46 most-used words), players search their cards for a match and place a red chip on the match. Once a player has covered the spaces on their card needed to win, they call BINGO! 

    Promising review: "Our first-grader was feeling really discouraged with her sight words and I've been trying to think of ways to encourage her and get her excited to learn things she doesn't already know. She loved this game! We played with the whole family and her 3-year-old sister even enjoyed playing (we show her the cards and have her find the word that matches on her Bingo card). I think this is a great way to make learning/practicing sight words fun! I am very happy with this purchase and I can see how it would be great for teachers in the classroom as well!!" —Jennie

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    17. Outlet covers with a hidden pull handle, so when your mini-me becomes mobile seemingly overnight and is suddenly interested in doing nothing but sticking their tiny fingers into any exposed electrical sockets, you'll be prepared.

    outlet covers with a hidden pull handle

    "We have these in our home and they've been fantastic — honestly they're so efficient I felt like I struggled to figure out how to take them out as an adult. My son literally still tries to pull on them (he's a wild little thing) but they don't budge! One pack (which comes with 45 plug covers) was more than enough to babyproof our home." —Heather

    Promising review: "I purchased these specifically because I've had the regular type and get tired of breaking my nails trying to get them out. Plus, a toddler is watching how you do it, so these are a bit more stealth if you cover your hand while flipping out the handle." —Fair Comprehensive Reviews

    Get a pack of 45 from Amazon for $9.99+ (also available in packs of 32, 42, and 55).

    18. Whiskware pancake batter mixer to make whipping up breakfast the easiest part of your day — break this out and impress your kiddos with your simple-but-delicious pancake-making skillzzzzz.

    Someone holding the Whiskware Pancake Batter Mixer with BlenderBall Wire Whisk
    Someone pouring out batter from the Whiskware Pancake Batter Mixer with BlenderBall Wire Whisk

    You can even store leftover batter in the bottle and pop it in the fridge for a time-saving weekday breakfast!

    Promising review: "This is the best breakfast invention after the waffle maker. LOVE IT! As someone who makes pancakes or waffles three to four times a week (my kids are pretty spoiled, but breakfast is key to getting through the first part of the school day), this is the easiest and fastest way to get that done. I just add everything to the bottle, shake, and pour into the waffle maker or griddle. When I am done, just add some water, shake again, empty, and then place everything in the dishwasher." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $16.45.

    19. Avarelle Pimple Patches that'll blend in with any skin tone and are gentle enough for any skin type, so your teen (and you!) can go about their day without worrying that it looks like you're growing a second head on their face.

    Reviewer before and after using patches
    reviewer photo of used pimple patches

    Promising review: "This is really a must-have in your medicine cabinet. We have two teenage daughters at home, and they both use it anytime they have a pimple. It is discreet and blends in nicely to your skin. It comes in three sizes to choose from, and it is made with tree tea oil, which I have found to be great in acne care." —Vanessa

    Get 40 patches from Amazon for $8.49.

    20. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which is an all-purpose cleaning paste that'll help you tackle all of your kid-made messes but make it *~pretty in pink~* at the same time.

    a reviewer's before photo of their dresser covered in sharpie and after it had been cleaned with the pink stuff
    buzzfeed editor's before and after of their yellow le creuset pan being cleaned with the pink stuff
    www.amazon.com, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    "After hearing what incredible things The Pink Stuff can do, I finally ordered it and tried it for myself. Honestly, wow! It really does work wonders. I tried it first on my Le Creuset cast-iron pan (seen above, right) and really was amazed at how just one pass with The Pink Stuff (and a scouring brush) took off almost every stain! I can't wait to try it on literally everything in my home that needs a deep cleaning." —Heather

    Promising review: "Favorite cleaning product of all time!! This cleaned my walls so well and my kids had colored every inch of my walls. The price is so affordable and the product is strong on stains!" —Marina

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    21. And Grandma's Secret, a spot remover to remind you of those who are older and wiser than you — it's *that* good. It'll make blood (!!!) pet stains, oil, paint, and other pesky substances vanish into thin air.

    Reviewer's photo showing a stained swimsuit
    Reviewer's after photo showing a clean swimsuit without stains

    Promising review: "This is the best stain remover I have ever used! I wish I would have found it years ago! My daughter is 6, and I can't think of how many stains this product hasn't gotten out for us, even old set-in stains that I thought were hopeless. A friend turned me on to this stuff, and now I will never go without it! A must-have for anyone with kids." —Lauren Ruffin

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    22. Sink extenders so you won't need to muster up Herculean strength every time your surprisingly dense toddler wants to wash their sticky little paws. 

    A child washing hands in the sink using a sink extender on the faucet
    A faucet extender attached to a faucet

    Promising review: "Must-have for toddlers and small children! LOVE this! My 1- and 3-year-old love washing their hands now, and my back gets a nice break. Adding the faucet extenders and a stepstool to our bedtime/morning routine has been a godsend. Great bargain for the price." —TeaBea21

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $11.49.

    23. And a pack of brilliant light switch extenders that'll let tykes turn them on all on their own! Don't be surprised if you catch them humming Kelly Clarkson's "Miss Independent" soon.

    A child reaching for the light switch extender
    Reviewer's photo of a child reaching for the light switch extender

    These install in minutes on standard light switches.

    Promising review: "Must-have for toddlers! Perfect solution! As my toddler's independence soars, so do frustrations. This light switch extender pack was a great buy. He can now turn on the lights in his room and bathroom. Installation was easy and works as expected." —AW

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $11.98.

    24. Melissa & Doug My First Daily Magnetic Activities Calendar to teach little ones about the day, month, year, season, and more! It comes with 80 magnets you can easily store on the hinged dry-erase board when they're not in use.

    Promising review: "Loved this product! Super easy to use, especially with little fingers. Has tons of holidays and activities. My son is learning so much! He loves changing the date and weather every day. So kid friendly. If I could give this more than 5 stars I would. So helpful with teaching my son in a fun and creative way. Definitely high quality, will last forever! Thanks again! A+++!!!" —Candace H.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.59.

    25. And a Melissa & Doug activity pad that'll teach little ones how to correctly use scissors — a skill we *all* could likely work on, TBH. It comes with safety scissors (obviously) and a book filled with mazes, puzzles, animal art, sequencing activities, and more!

    a child model using safety scissors to cut pizza shapes
    melissa & doug scissor skills book

    Promising review: "My daughter's been really into cutting up her coloring books lately so when I saw this I knew she’d love it. The concepts of the different pages are very cute, some are slices of pizza, some are ice cream cones with scoops of ice cream, a windy snake, all very cute and she really has fun with this." —Emrogers

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    26. A set of 500+ puffy stickers any crafty kiddo would squeal with delight about —  fear not, they actually don't leave any residue and unstick very easily!!!

    puffy sticker sheets
    a child playing with puffy stickers

    Promising review: "Gave to my grandson when I babysit him. Got a sticker book to put them in. He loves them. Liked them so much bought another set for my granddaughter as one of her birthday presents." —J. Reulet

    Get them from Amazon for $6.99.

    27. CeraVe moisturizing cream that'll become one of your must-have parenting items — it helps keep eczema flare-ups at bay and soothe dry, chapped skin. It's formulated to provide intense moisturizing protection for babies with a gentle fragrance- and paraben-free formula.

    the moisturizing cream
    reviewer's before photo showing their child's eczema and after photo showing  eczema healed after seven days of applying the cream

    Promising review: "We tried so many creams marketed for eczema (most containing oatmeal) and they all made my baby's eczema worse. We were desperate to find a cream that would help and stumbled upon this cream. It did wonders clearing up his eczema and as long as we use it daily it keeps it from flaring up again, this is glycerin-based and doesn't contain oatmeal." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $8.97.

    28. bug bite suction tool, invented by a mom, that sucks the irritating part right out of an insect bite with a pull of the plunger — it instantly relieves itching and swelling so kids aren't left scratching.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it, the editor holding the suction tool and an after of the swelling reduced on the editor's arm.
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the Bug Bite Thing in action and how it can be used to remove splinters too!

    You may have seen this product featured on Shark Tank! It is chemical-free, reusable, and safe to use on all ages, including children, toddlers and babies. Be sure to use light pressure. If you do it too forcefully, you can leave a mark on your skin!

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and had to get it. I’m super glad I did. My daughter and I always get a ton of mosquito bites, and this helps alleviate the itching as soon as you pull the suction back. It’s great." —Rebekka Talley

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in four colors and multi-packs).

    29. A pack of bright laminated flash cards you can use to teach your little brainiacs all about numbers and letters — they're basically tiny sponges at this point, so you might as well help 'em soak up some knowledge!

    The flash cards with numbers, colors, letters, and animals
    reviewer holding the pack of flash cards

    Promising review: "My 2-year-old mastered her numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes, and identifies all animals and objects on the cards. When I first received the cards I thought they may be a little too advanced for her age (18-month-old at the time), but I was dead wrong! After about a month and a half of using the flash cards she mastered them! We usually 'play' with the flash cards for only about 10 minutes before her bedtime. This is a great tool in the early developmental stages for any toddler. I’m excited to get her the next card set. Material = durable, same as a normal deck of cards. Size = a little bigger than your typical deck of cards. Fits nicely in pocket or purse, great for keeping toddlers busy while traveling. Overall = A+." —M. Abdallah

    Get a pack of 58 cards from Amazon for $13.99 (also available for babies).

    30. And a pack of soothing stick-on gel pads, a must have for cold and flu season — they're designed to fit kids' foreheads and provide cooling relief for up to eight hours.

    The gel sheets in a box
    reviewer's photo of their child in bed wearing the gel sheet on their forehead

    Each pack contains four sheets.

    Promising review: "My son had a fever of 102.9 earlier this evening. We still had hours before we could give any oral meds and we're getting concerned. Within 15 min his fever went down to 102.5 and continued to go down to 102.3. Not only did it keep it down but it helped us make it to the next dosage of oral meds and we were so relieved! We LOVE these and ALWAYS have them around the house for when our son gets a fever. They help bring the fever down in between doses of Tylenol. They also help bring down a high fever a few more degrees. Our house will NEVER be without!"Chuck

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $14.39.

    31. A canvas growth chart you can hang in the playroom to keep track of your little one's growth spurts without having to make any permanent holes in the walls. S'cute!

    Reviewer's photo showing the canvas growth chart in their kid's play space
    Reviewer's photo showing the canvas growth chart in their kid's play space

    Promising review: "The designs on this are adorable and look great in my toddler's room. It's soooo tall, too. You'll be able to measure even your giant kids before they go off to college. It rolls up nice and small so it will be easy to store and take out when they are too big for the cutesy designs but you still want to torture them with your parental nostalgia." —Justina Schneeweis

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in two colors).

    32. A pack of toilet seat covers that'll bring you peace of mind knowing your toddler's tush never has to touch a grime-filled public toilet. You might want to use it yourself, TBH.

    Promising review: "Must-have! If you have a toddler these are a MUST! We travel and it gives us peace of mind knowing that no matter where we are, as long as we have these covers we can safely take her to the bathroom and everything is OK. Before we found these, I used to be super stressed when she would ask to use the bathroom and we were out and about but not anymore. They have cute colors and are big enough." —Dayanna Pita

    Get a pack of 24 covers from Amazon for $9.99.

    33. A Wet & Forget shower cleaner you can use to clean your shower with the least amount of effort ever — seriously, you just leave it for the day then rinse it off and enjoy how sparkly and clean the glass will be! A must-have for parents who simply don't have the time to deep clean the bathroom each day.

    Reviewer image of before and after dirt stained shower and clean shower
    White bottle that reads Wet & Forget Shower

    Promising review: "Although this won't clean HEAVY build up, once my shower was clean, Wet & Forget does an amazing job maintaining my shower's cleanliness with weekly use. As a single parent, I like things that make life easy. My old cleaning routine was using a sponge and scrub with bleach or soft scrub. After a long duration of procrastination I was looking for something to simplify shower cleaning and got Wet & Forget after reading the reviews to try. First time I used it, I sprayed Wet & Forget on before going to work then rinsed it off when I got home and I wasn't content with all the results yet was impressed at how well it cleaned the chrome which I wipe daily so it doesn't get water spots. I decided to give the shower a good deep cleaning and started using Wet & Forget every Monday and since then, I'm very happy with the results. Personally, I would describe this Wet & Forget as 'a great way to maintain your showers cleanliness thru weekly use.' Bottom line ... you're responsible for the initial cleaning you want to maintain." —My D 1

    Get it from Amazon for $20.03.

    34. A waterproof potty-training watch to help make the entire learning proccess a bit more fun for kiddos — it has an alarm that'll go off when it's *time* to try to go. Honestly, I could use a reminder like that throughout my work day...

    The blue watch with a dinosaur print wrist band and green timer
    Reviewer's child wearing the watch with the time flashing on the screen

    You can preset intervals of 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 2 hours, and 3 hours. The watch has an inbuilt proximity sensor and only sounds alerts when it is worn so no need to turn it off at night. How smart is that?

    Promising review: "Love this watch! My 3-year-old was giving me a run for my money. He was by far my most stubborn child to potty train. This watch has made a night and day difference. He puts it on when he wakes up and leaves it on all day. He gets super excited when the the countdown timer starts to okay music and lights up. He now will yell 'potty' and run to the bathroom. This watch is a must-have if you have a stubborn little one!" —MamaBear3

    Get it from Amazon for $24.45 (available in five styles).

    35. Sturdy and stretchy toy hammocks that'll provide a designated home for all of your kiddos stuffed animals and act as decor in their room! Win-win.

    Promising review: "Easy to install and stores a TON of stuffed animals! Not to mention, it’s cute playroom wall decor! Lol"—PrattKingBall Family

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $11.87 (available in six colors).

    36. And a bath toy organizer with 9,000 5-star reviews (!!!) that reviewers swear will actually stick to your wall — no more having to collect *all* of your tykes bath toys from the tub because the darn organized fell off (again).

    Tub Cubby is a small business!

    Promising review: "For the price, this thing is unbeatable! The suction cups have held tight to the shower wall since I installed this stuff. It holds all my kid's toys and allows the water to run off of them to prevent mold. I think this is a must-have for bath-time organization!"—internalburn

    Get it from Amazon for $9.98+ (available in two sizes and pre-stocked with toys or by itself).

    37. A USDA-certified organic baby healing balm filled with chamomile, cocoa butter, coconut oil, calendula, and avocado oil that you can count on to alleviate eczema, acne, cradle cap, rashes, and more. Helloooooo, must-have product!

    Reviewer's before photo showing eczema on their baby's face and after photo showing the eczema cleared up
    Reviewer's before photo showing cradle cap on their baby's head and after photo showing the cradle cap cleared up

    Era Organics is a small business!

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this stuff. I use it for my ds rashes. I was so afraid to use anything but coconut oil but I needed something that would soothe the rash as well. My ds also ended up getting eczema and hives from a laundry detergent we had switched to. This completely soothed it away. It was gone by the next day. Needless to say, this is my go-to soothing-everything solution. It stays in the diaper bag and medicine cabinet. A must-have!" —Andrea

    Get it from Amazon for $14.75.

    38. An Oogiebear tool that's confusingly kinda cute even though its purpose is *a bit* gross — to remove earwax and boogers safely from your little one.

    reviewer's photo showing the booger cleaning tool in a packaging
    A closeup of the bear booger cleaner tool
    www.amazon.com, Chandni Reddy / Buzzfeed

    "I use this little tool to remove boogers from my son's nose (which he absolutely hates). It's not an easy task because he's VERY squirmy, but the Oogiebear definitely helps make the process go a bit more seamlessly. Absolutely recommend." —Heather

    Promising review: "Must have! This thing is amazing, it works very well for us. Good length and it's soft/firm. I was able to gently scoop my 4-month-old's ear wax and pick out her sticky, crusty boogers. She enjoys being clean so she sat/laid down very still for us. I would definitely buy this for a baby shower gift and definitely recommend to anyone." —P. T.

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95+ (available in pack with aspirator, two colors).

    39. Spillproof Munchkin snack catchers so your tyke can grab a lil' treat whenever the mood strikes without making a crumbly mess all over your rug.

    Two snack containers in blue and green
    A child model's hand pulling a cracker out of the blue snack cup
    Reviewer's video demonstrating how the container prevent snacks from falling out

    "Once your kiddo learns how to grasp their little treats themselves, you'll adore this product. My son has been using it since he was about 10 months old and it's quickly become his favorite companion (lucky me, haha)." —Heather

    Promising review: "These are a must-have for a small toddler and their snacks. The top is soft and flexible so I don’t have to worry about my little guy scratching his little hands when he’s digging around in the cup. Very easy to clean and they’re priced well. Buy them now!" —Wooty

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $6 (available in two color combos).

    40. Contigo spillproof tumbler reviewers praise for actually not leaking — so if your mini-me has a penchant for tossing their cups across the room, this is THE one for you.

    reviewer holding the cup in nautical blue print
    reviewer demonstrating that the cup is leak proof

    Promising review: "The holy grail of sippy cups!! This cup is THE BOMB! No leaking, easy to clean, my 18-month-old, who wants to do and have everything like his 6-year-old brother, loves this cup! Both boys use them. Not too babyish for my older one and easy enough that my little guy can use them, we now have four of them! I’m sure a couple more are in our future! And the price is great." —shoelover

    Get it from Amazon for $11.49 (available in 11 prints).

    41. A pack of corner guards that'll make all of the sharp corners of your home a lot less daunting — when your toddler starts, well, toddling you won't have to follow behind them with each step they take.

    review closeup of sharp edge of glass coffee table
    same corner covered with clear protector

    Promising review: "Must-have. I love these. We just moved in with family, and they had a coffee table with super-sharp corners and I have a little one who pulls up on everything and is trying to walk. To say I was on edge is an understatement. My sister-in-law didn’t want an obnoxious baby proof item around her house, but these were so discreet she didn’t even notice that I had installed them. They are so soft that my little one started gumming on them to soothe his gums, LOL. They were super easy to install, stuck on very well and with not much effort, and came with plenty so if I need them I’ll have them handy. Super satisfied! If you’re thinking about getting, them please do!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $8.98+ (also available in 18-pack and 24-pack).

    42. And a whale-shaped bath spout cover, so your tyke can splish and splash without accidentally hitting their head on the ever-interesting-to-them spout once their taking baths directly in the big tub. You're welcome.

    reviewer's photo showing the blue whale covering bath faucet
    The spout cover in gray

    "As soon as my son grew out of his bath seat and was ready to sit directly in our bathtub, I knew I had to order this. It does exactly what it's supposed to — it covers the spout of our tub and prevents my son from accidentally getting hurt on it. He's still able to playfully put his hands under the running water, but he can't smash his little noggin' into it. (And that's more than ideal)." —Heather 

    Promising review: "My 1-year-old was always getting close to the faucet to play with the water and would end up crying all the time because he would end up bumping his head. But this saved him from that. Now he gets to enjoy the water without bumping his head, and if he does, it won't hurt him since the whale is made of rubber. It's a plus that I can hang the spray tub lower and not have to stretch in my tippytoes every night. It's adjustable, so it fits pretty much all the faucets. This is a must-have if you have little ones." —Sam

    Get it from Amazon for $10.59 (available in two colors).

    43. A Fridababy three-step cradle cap system with 15,000 5-star (!!!) reviews that'll remove dry skin from baby's scalp so gently they won't even notice — shoutout to the soft rubber bristles that act as a scalp massage.

    Reviewer's before photo of a baby's head with dry scales and after photo of the same baby's head looking smoother and flake-free
    Reviewer's photo of the comb with the flakes it lifted

    Promising review: "My 6-week-old had bad cradle cap all of a sudden and this brush worked miracles. I wish I had it from birth. We have continued to use this brush even though the cradle cap has gone and it does wonders on the scalp and keeping the hair looking healthy. Highly highly recommend. Plus, my baby enjoys the gentle scalp massage from the soft bristles.." —LM01

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    44. A set of handy starter spoons that'll encourage your babe to self-feed (the sooner they learn, the sooner you can feed YOURSELF during dinner time. Imagine?!) They have grooves that purees will stick to easily, so no worries if your tyke hasn't mastered any "scooping" skills just yet.

    reviewer's video showing their child self feeding with the spoon
    An infographic showing the Stage 1 spoon with a textured surface to soothe baby's sore gums and a Stage 2 spoon with channels to capture and hold food
    reviewer's photo showing their child using the spoon to eat oatmeal from a bowl with the words

    The set includes a stage one spoon and stage two spoon. The first stage spoon doubles as a teether, and is designed to introduce babies to holding utensils and exploring purees, as they soothe their sore gums. The second stage spoon is capable of holding more food and can even be loaded with solids for the child to grab and eat. Numnum is a small business!

    Note: The spoons don't have a stopper, so please supervise your babies to make sure they don't stick the spoon too far back in their mouth. Recommended for ages 6 months+.

    Promising review: "Great skill-building utensil. My baby loves gnawing on these for teething just as much as he loves eating with them! I love that you can load the spoon and hand it to baby to feed themselves. My little one just turned 6 months and uses these spoons with wild success. A must have for BLW or feeding, in general." —Christopher

    Get a set from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in three colors and packs of two, four, or six spoons).

    45. Comforting Frida Baby vapor drops made with organic eucalyptus and lavender essential oils you can add to your little one's bath or humidifier to relieve congestion — no one likes feeling gross and stuffy.

    Reviewer holding a bottle of the vapor drops
    Reviewer's photo showing a bottle of vapor drops sitting next to a diffuser and a crib

    Safe for babes 3+ months.

    Promising review: "My little one was sick with RSV and he needed the humidifier on every night. With just the humidifier on, he didn't seem to be able to breathe any better but I got this vapor and during sleep and naps he started sounding so much better. I could tell it was working and it also made his room smell nice instead of like a sick baby! He got much better much faster than I thought with all the extra things we were doing, and this is one I wouldn't leave out of my 'getting baby better' routine!"—Lindsey

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.