We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    If You Swore Not To Treat Yourself To Anything Else This Month, Then Don't Read This Post

    Splurge-worthy bedding, a bouquet of flowers made from Lego, and a set of claw clips in every color you'd ever need.

    1. A hydrating sweet candy-flavored Laneige lip mask to keep your lips nice 'n' soft 365 days a year (and encourage you not to pick at your pout when they're stressed).

    a model applying sweet candy laneige lip mask

    I've been using the Laneige lip mask for the last month or so and it's actually quite fabulous. I'm guilty of picking at my lips when they're dry, but I've been applying this before bed and in the morning my lips are seemingly renewed! It really is a magical product.

    Promising review: "If you suffer from chapped lips, or wake up to super dry lips, I highly recommend this product. It's very soft, a little goes a long way and lasts throughout the entire night. My lips always feel so soft and smooth. Been using it for a year, will never go back!" —Kelly

    Get it from Amazon for $24 (available in six scents).

    2. Crayola Globbles, a fun lil' gadget you can use to burn off some steam in between meetings or when you just need a quick mental break. Don't worry, they won't leave residue on your walls.

    Six colored balls in yellow packaging
    Reviewer's video showing the sticky balls sliding down the wall
    Reviewer holding the balls in pink, purple, orange, yellow, green, and blue colors

    Promising review: "I waited over two months to write my review! My daughter is four and plays with these DAILY! YES they do attract dirt and hair HOWEVER they are so easy to rinse off, it's not a big deal! We took these to a family gathering and ended up giving two away because they were SO loved! The two we gave away went to a 12-year-old and my 19-year-old brother. They discovered throwing them at the ceiling fan and watching them shoot across the room which was pretty entertaining! None of these have busted or ripped and they are definitely NOT gentle with them! I will definitely be buying more!" —Kindle Customer

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $10.18 (also available in a 16-pack).

    3. A shower phone holder, because why shouldn't we be able to watch endless episodes of The Real Housewives while soaking in the tub?

    reviewer watching a tv show while in their shower
    reviewer's tile shower with the holder attached

    Promising review: "This product is the answer to my search for a way to have music or Netflix playing while in the shower! The adhesion quality is great, and it's very easy to use. It fits my iPhone XS Max very well and is very sturdy. I would recommend this to anyone!" —Jackie Donovan

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in four colors).

    4. A carbonated bubble clay mask that starts to bubble once it's applied — get one for you and each of your roomies and prepare for a fun night filled with stress-evaporating giggles (all the while banishing your blackheads).

    The gray foaming mask next to a brush
    A set of nine reviewer selfies in the mask, showing how it goes from flat to super bubbly and fun

    Promising review: "Wow! I purchased this on a whim after seeing one of my favorite YouTubers try it out. I didn't expect a lot from it. I tried it out and was shocked!!! The mask was simple (and fun) to use. I wasn't sure I felt a lot happening while it was on, but it was pretty cool how the bubbles started to grow off of my face. Upon inspection after using this mask I was completely amazed. My face felt cleaner than it has in a very long time AND my pores looked amazing! I don't remember a time when I felt like my pores looked great before using this mask. I would highly recommend this mask to anyone. It's also so much cheaper than the GlamGlow ones I have been using (and didn't see near these results from)." —K. Textor

    Get it from Amazon for $9.10.

    5. Winky Lux Flower Balm you'll find simply magical when it goes on clear, then blossoms into the perfect shade of pink as it combines with your natural pH level. In addition to its lovely color, it'll keep your lips feeling fresh and hydrated.

    a gif of a model putting the lip balm on
    a model applying the lip balm on which is clear with a tiny flower inside
    Winky Lux

    My sister and I have this fun lil' lip balm, and we love it! The flower inside is as pretty as the shade of pink it creates. I like minimal makeup, so this product has been a slam dunk for me. My lips are *always* chapped (also I tend to chew on them, so that's on me) and this has been a solid solution to keeping them hydrated and looking cute.

    Promising review: "This is the best for moisturizing your lips and it gives you a little hint of color. It has the prettiest flower 🌹 inside the lipstick itself. I really appreciate the look. It’s not overwhelming in terms of tint and it really doesn’t have an overpowering scent. I will definitely buy again." —MC Joseph

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in three flower colors and a two-pack).

    6. A milk frother to pack a powerful, spinning punch despite looking rather delicate. It'll help transform your at-home coffee into one worthy of an actual spot on your 'gram (seriously, a fleeting IG story simply won't do it justice!).

    a reviewer's coffee with foam on top
    a lavender colored handheld frother

    I invested in one of these last year and I'm so glad I did — I use it to make lattes at home and have saved a lot of dollars without having to run out to Starbucks every morning (just...once a week or so instead hehe).

    Promising review: "OMG, this milk frother makes my homemade latte taste like it was made by a barista. It was perfect. So perfect that I bought a second one for my brother who loves coffee to use. I've already recommended it to some coworkers. It has changed my coffee-drinking life. This comes highly recommended." —Michelle Pirestani

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in 44 colors).

    7. Glamnetic press-on nails that'll last waaaaay longer than a regular mani — they come in *so* many cool designs everyone will be asking who your manicurist is.

    Reviewer with press on clear nails with white tips
    Reviewer with press on clear nails with rainbow tips

    I've personally tested these out and they really are amazing. I have an 8-month-old so my nails definitely take a beating (diaper changes, washing bottles, laundry, tiny zippers and snaps, etc). These lasted a week on my nails — way longer than any other manicure I've had recently. Definitely recommend! 

    Promising review: "I saw these all over my TikTok FYP and was so curious to try them. The Mariposa nails are the first ones that I have tried and they are absolutely beautiful, and just after two days I have gotten so many compliments. The glue holds super well and the application process was super simple. I don't think that I will ever get acrylic nails again, as a set like this would likely be three times the price." —Leslie and Paige

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in 39 styles). 

    8. Saucemoto dip clip, because eating fries while driving just tastes better and you shouldn't have to sacrifice your favorite dipping sauce to do so! Thanks to this lil' clip you really can have it all.

    sauce dip clip
    reviewer dipping waffle fry in sauce being held by clip

    Promising review: "How did I go so long without one of these??? The Saucemoto was my first 'TikTok Made Me Buy It' purchase and I have no regrets. It clips easily to my car's vent and the sauce cups clip in easily so I can dip and drive. No more trying not to dump the sauce by accident while steering with the same hand that's holding the dip cup. It even comes with a dip cup for those places that do the pouches for their sauces rather than the cups. (I'm looking at you, Arby's.) Ya know, you end up squeezing the sauce onto the wrapper that's balanced on your lap and you end up getting some sauce on your steering wheel. OR you try the whole 'wrapper and sauce on the passenger seat and try to dip while watching the road,' which usually doesn't turn out so great." —Pleasure Pamela

    Get set of two from Amazon for $11.99 (available in three colors and sets of four, five, six, and 10).

    9. A too-cute wireless portable charger that'll likely be praised as your savior on more than one occasion if your phone just always happens to be dead when you need it most.

    gif of reviewer holding the pink charger and showing its built-in lightning cable
    hands holding a phone with the white charger plugged into it

    Check out a TikTok of the portable charger in action.  

    Promising review: "The holy grail of portable chargers!!! I was traveling to Disney for vacation and knowing me, I would drain my battery with just taking pictures alone. I wanted a portable battery but didn’t want a carry a cord either, so I was excited when I found this little baby! It does exactly as described, pretty pink color, and I get one full charge of battery for my iPhone 11. Get it, you will not be disappointed!" —Meghan Doble

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in six colors). 

    10. A pack of 12 rectangular claw clips in a mid-size that'll become a staple item for anyone with medium to short hair lengths — and the set comes with *so* many colors it'll match every single one of your outfits.

    12 acrylics hair clips
    buzzfeed editor with a pink hair clip in her hair
    Amazon, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I asked for these for Christmas and received them as a stocking stuffer (shoutout to my husband who put the entire plastic bag of 'em directly into my stocking...). They're fantastic! A handful of reviews said some arrived broken, but I had zero issues with mine. I chopped my hair off a few months ago once my son starting violently pulling at it (yay) but then found that my larger claw clips no longer worked for my hair length. Luckily, these have been the perfect size for my medium-length hair, as they're not too big but also not too small! They hold my hair in nicely so my son can't rip it out with reckless abandon 🙃.

    I love the many color options and that most of them have a matte texture (with the exception of the tortoise shell and clear clips). I have the 3.5-inch clips, but they also come in a smaller 2-inch option or a 4.1-inch option if your hair is shorter or longer! Definitely a great investment.

    Promising review: "I have long/thick hair, and these are the ONLY clips that work in my hair. I can work a 12-hour crazy shift as a nurse, and these clips won’t even budge. I will always have these stocked in the house and in my work bag!" —Whitney

    Get them from Amazon for $9.99 (available in three sizes).

    11. Essie's "Set in Stones" glitter polish, a must-have for anyone who wants to *~make the whole room shimmer~* a la Taylor Swift (or at the very least, your nails).

    a silver glitter nail polish
    buzzfeed editor's hand with red nails and silver glitter polish on top
    Amazon, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I recently received this top coat and am obsesssssssed. The glitterly is perfectly chunky but not overwhelming and can totally be worn on its own in addition to over any color of nail polish. Add it to your favorite dark blue (perhaps Essie's "Caviar Bar") to recreate Taylor Swift's Midnights manicure 😉.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.79.

    12. A blackhead scrub stick that'll exfoliate your clogged pores and remove excess sebum while also being a bit reminiscent of the adorable lil' character from Finding Nemo that said "you made me iiiink!"

    reviewer image of stick with extractions from skin on it
    reviewer holding facial blackhead remover stick

    See it in action on BuzzFeed Shopping's TikTok!

    Promising review: "Here’s the thing. A scrub is never going to solve your blackhead issues long term. But there is truly no other product like this. It’s an amazing quick fix to get your pores unclogged and less noticeable, and once you’ve done that, slap on some retinol/salicylic acid with a moisturizer. Adorable packaging, unique product, and effective!" —Molly

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    13. A winged eyeliner stamp to help you nail that chic liquid eyeliner look without having to remove the uneven line you drew yourself 10x.

    the winged eyeliner stamp
    a reviewer's perfect winged eyeliner

    Promising review: "Let me start by saying this isn't my first cat eye rodeo. I've tried the taping method, normal liquid liner, plastic winged stamping devices, stencils, all of it! Well, this gem arrived and I immediately had to try it out, all while laughing at how terrible this would probably turn out...but to my surprise I put the left cat eye on first and it was perfect. I thought this was a fluke and did the right eye...again, it came out clean and perfect! I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE BEEN ABLE TO DO A CAT EYE IN UNDER 10 MINUTES, LET ALONE THE TWO MINUTES THIS TOOK TO DO! There were no sloppy streaks that I had to touch up or anything you would expect. Just a clean crisp line. I can now do a cat eye EVERY day and look/feel like a badass. Everyone can think I spend hours doing my makeup in the morning." —LadyMeow

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97 (available in three colors and a combo pack).

    14. A plush blanket reviewers swear is *just like* Barefoot Dreams (y'know, the blanket the Kardashians are always seen toting onto their private jets?) but without the extra dollar signs on the price tag. 

    A green and white checkered blanket draped on a couch
    a golden retriever in a plush blanket
    Amazon, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    My sister, who is a biiiiig fan of Barefoot Dreams, ordered this blanket to see if it really was *just as good* as the real thing. She was pleasantly surprised! She said it's definitely not as thick, but it is very soft and super warm. For a fraction of the price she said she'll definitely order another. I even ordered one as a gift for a grab bag!

    Promising review: "I saw this blanket on TikTok and I have to say I absolutely love it. I washed it several times now and it’s maintained its elasticity and softness after each wash. It’s warm enough but not too hot for a throw. Absolutely recommend this blanket!" —Amy

    Get it from Amazon for $24.64+ (available in 12 styles and two sizes). 

    15. A rechargeable lighter to light every candle in your house to create the *perfect* ambience without concern you'll run out of lighter fluid.

    a gif of the lighter being used to light a candle
    a reviewer holding a rechargeable lighter in gold
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    I'm obsessed with candles, so it was a no-brainer for my husband to gift me this surprisingly super fun gadget for Christmas. It's really simple to use and charge, and it really works! I'll never have to buy another lighter again.

    Promising review: "This is seriously the coolest device of my winter holiday. It makes lighting candles a breeze. Yes, there is a weird crackling noise, but that's a super minor annoyance. It's a super intuitive device. Plus the lighter with the USB (included), charge for a bit, then pop it open and light ALL THE THINGS; well, candles. I don't know how well it lights cigarettes or whatever. However, for my personal intended use, it's awesome!" —Jee W

    Get it from Amazon for $8.79 (available in 12 colors).

    16. And a "Comfort Zone" candle, perfect for anyone who loves nothing more than last-minute canceled plans (guilty), lounging on the couch watching Netflix, and the soothing scent of vanilla and cedarwood. 

    a candle with a green label that says
    Anecdote Candle

    Anecdote Candles are made with cotton wicks and a coconut-soy wax blend to create a clean burn. This specific candle is scented with orange blossom, coffee, jasmine, vanilla, patchouli, and cedarwood — soooo soothing.

    Get it from Anecdote Candles for $14+ (available in three sizes).

    17. Essence Lash Princess Mascara might just leave people wondering if you recently got eyelash extensions (which it feels like everyone and anyone has been raving about). Joke's on them!

    Before shot of a Buzzfeed editor without mascara
    After shot of BuzzFeed editor with long lashes
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    My colleague Emma Lord is a BIG fan of this mascara. She said:

    "Hello, that is my face above, because I bought into the hype of over 35,000 5-star reviews and now I will never look back!! Putting it on is like giving my eyelashes butterfly wings. It doesn't get clumpy, it stays put ALL the live long day (I spent all of a ridiculously hot pandemic summer wearing it, so I can speak to that), and you can apply it on very lightly if you don't want it to look so dramatic, or continue applying for longer lashes each time."

    Promising review: "I have to be honest, for a 'cheap' three-pack mascara, I did NOT have high expectations. These, however, exceeded my expectations and went MUCH MUCH farther. I had been buying a certain $25/tube brand (rhymes with truepique) and I like these just as much!! I’m saving a TON of money and like my lashes just as much." —Liz

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    18. Exfoliating skincare mitts designed to lift away dead skin (and remove a spray tan that's seen better days) — an excellent way for you to kickstart your spa-like experience at home.

    Promising review: "If you're trying to find something for body exfoliation...this is it. Just this glove, water, and some time. I soaked in the bathtub for about 10 minutes, then got to exfoliating." —Kari Shawhan

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (also available in a two-pack).

    19. color-shifting mushroom light because you're a ~fun guy~ and will totally appreciate the cozy lil' cottagecore aesthetic these bring to any room.

    Reviewer holding white plug with pastel mushrooms and leaves blooming out of it
    The mushrooms lit up in the dark

    Check out a TikTok of the mushroom nightlight in action. 

    Promising review: "I LOVE this night-light. It's in my bathroom and is a lovely addition. It turns off the second the lights go on, which is nice because I don't have to worry about accidentally leaving it on. Super cute and the little itty-bitty lighting element does a good job lighting, just enough so I don't have to turn the main lights on in the middle of the night." —1Thand

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97

    20. A heated eye massager complete with five different massage modes and Bluetooth music so you can fully indulge and relax while relieving pain from eye strain and headaches.

    Promising review: "I saw this product on one of Amazon’s must-have TikTok videos and I knew I had to get it. It was so worth it — even though price may seem higher compared to other sellers, this is for sure a good investment piece. The quality is top-notch, the strap that goes around your head is comfortable, and most importantly, the duration of each mode is long enough that it doesn’t interrupt your rest. I work a 12-hour night shift as a nurse and this technology has helped me get through the night easily.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $51.79+ (available in four colors).

    21. A mini beauty fridge that'll keep your skincare products (think: serums, rollers, the works) chilled so they'll feel super refreshing on your face before bed.

    a small pink beauty fridge
    a reviewer's pink beauty fridge filled with skincare products

    Promising review: "Very quiet, keeps everything very cool, and fits in my bathroom perfectly. I keep my facial products in there: I love that my face masks can fit in the door." —Lex

    Get it from Amazon for $48.49+ (available in seven styles).

    22. waterproof desk mat to tie together the color scheme of your desk space and provide you with an awesome mousepad at the same time.

    You'll spot this one in the same TikTok as above from @life_with_jocelyn! I have a similar one at my own desk and absolutely love it.

    Promising review: "The color is exactly as described and shown, a sweet little pink. It's got great desk coverage and I love it so much. I hate using a mouse pad and this works so perfect for my wireless mouse. The texture isn't weird so my arms resting on it isn't uncomfortable, and it wipes clean very easily. A great buy!" —Faline Keller

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in 17 colors and four sizes).

    23. Lego flower bouquet you'll enjoy assembling and appreciate much more than a vase filled with living florals that will, sadly, die in a few days. 

    a hand holding a vase with the lego flowers inside, plus fairy lights
    a mason jar filled with the lego flowers

    Check out this viral Lego flower bouquet in this TikTok from @shaelorend

    The bouquet includes 15 stems with a mix of flower and leaf varieties, including roses, snapdragons, and poppies, and it uses elements made from plant-based plastic. 

    Promising review: "Buy this for anyone in your life who loves gardening and you are guaranteed to see their face light up when they open it up. Got it for my mom on her birthday and she thought it was the coolest gift ever." —Greg

    Get it from Amazon for $47.99.

    24. A pair of plush slippers to protect your feet from the ice-like tiled floors in your home while also letting you show off your fresh pedicure. 

    Promising review: "The coziest, softest slippers ever! And adorable! Great rubber traction on the bottom. Yet, soft and lightweight." —Lauren Fuquay

    Get them from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in women's sizes 5–10, including narrow sizes, and nine colors).

    25. A floral desktop weekly planner that'll help you keep track of the endless to-do list you find yourself typically making in your head — go on and write it down, you'll feel a lot more organized!

    a gif of a floral desktop weekly planner being opened
    a floral desktop weekly planner
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Rifle Paper Co.

    I have and love this Rifle Paper Co. desktop planner. It's *so* pretty, obviously, but it also has double-sided sheets of paper that include a daily breakdown of the week on one side and a notes/to-do checklist on the other side. It's been super helpful for keeping both my work day and my day-to-day more organized. It has, honestly, given me a lot of peace of mind as someone who both works from home and has a child galavanting around the house. There's a lot to be done, and this has helped me keep it in check!

    Get it from Rifle Paper Co. for $22.

    26. A "Liquipen" for anyone who grew up with a lava lamp but knows setting one up at their desk probably isn't *ideal*. Watching the little blobs float up and down will ease your mind and give you a chance to regroup before diving back into a project.

    A clear thick pen with orange gel dripping like lava inside of it, writing with orange ink
    The green version of the pen showing the gel drip down

    Promising review: "I broke up the three-pack and gave one pen as a gift for a class gift exchange and put the other two in stockings for Christmas. Good quality and approved by both the 8-year-old and 49-year-old husband who is a kid at heart! Definitely recommend." —Kindle Customer

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $15.99 (available in three styles). 

    27. A hilarious Lilo and Stitch sticker inspired by the scene where Lilo "punishes her friends." Make room on your water bottle or laptop — this sticker is certainly worthy of a prime spot.

    a sticker of lilo shaking her makeshift dolls in a pickle jar
    Club Grape Soda / Etsy

    Club Grape Soda is a small business that sells creative Disney-inspired stickers — good luck only buying just one!

    Promising review: "Oh my gosh, 😭 these are the cutest stickers I have ever owned!! Seller is seriously the sweetest and ships so fast! Highly recommend! :) <3!!!" —Maranda

    Get it from Club Grape Soda on Etsy for $3.87.

    28. A subscription to Book of the Month because there are few things as soothing to a bibliophile as cracking open a hardcover book. Mmm, I can smell the freshly printed pages already.

    a stack of books from book of the month
    a book of the month box
    Book of the Month, Book of the Month

    I was gifted a BOTM subscription many years ago and I've stayed loyal since! It's the only subscription service I've kept up with and gifted to multiple people. Each month your gift recipient will be permitted to choose from a selection of books (and more recently, audiobooks!), all of which are different genres. Then the book they select will be delivered to their door. Half of my beautifully color coordinated bookcase is filled with books from BOTM and I couldn't be happier!

    Get three months from Book of the Month for $59.99.

    29. The I Love Trader Joe's Cookbook complete with 150 recipes, all using ingredients you can pick up at your beloved supermarket. Enjoy a night of unwinding with a tasty new meal.

    the cookbook cover
    a crostini with jam and cheese

    Promising review: "For Trader Joe's lovers everywhere, this is a fantastic cookbook! It is filled with hints and tips, shopping guidelines, nicely organized recipe categories, and beautiful mouthwatering pictures. I love how the recipes are noted if they are gluten-free or vegetarian, etc. I ❤ Trader Joe's and I ❤ this cookbook!" —Love My Bookish Life

    Get it from Amazon for $14.35.

    30. shampoo scalp massager so even if you only have the time and energy for a quick rinse you'll still be able to indulge in a relaxing scalp massage. 

    BuzzFeed editor holding pink scalp massager with silicone bristles
    editor showing other side where there's a gripper for fingers
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord is a big fan of this product:

    "I have one of these and WOWZA, it really helps you get extra mileage out of your shampoo. I have a whole lot of hair on my head so sometimes it's a struggle to feel like I've soaped up my whole scalp thorough, but this is a very effective way to spread out the suds and really get them to the roots. I was worried it might tangle in my hair, but it was totally fine on that front, too. I've noticed that my hair has been a little less greasy at the roots since I started using it. And I'm echoing a ton of reviewers here when I say it just feels reeeeeally, really nice."

    Promising review: "I can't say enough about this product. I have long hair and I do not wash my hair more than every four to five days. My hair is dry and it doesn't get dirty until nearly a week goes by. However, my scalp is another story. If I have been sweating due to weather or working out, my scalp is going to be accruing dirt. This has been a godsend. This brush does an amazing job of getting my scalp squeaky clean and I don't have to be concerned about that buildup not coming off. I always loved going to the salon for a good scrub of my scalp but it can be expensive to do all the time. This makes it so much easier and I can do it every time I wash my hair. I was having some hair loss and couldn't figure out what was going on other than just stress. Since I started using this, the hair loss has stopped and I actually think my hair is growing better. I wrote an earlier review but I have been using this now for awhile and wanted to update what I said then so this is it. I am buying several more of these for stocking stuffers at Christmas. I know once they use this, they will be thanking me until next Christmas! LOL! ;-)" —KG8

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    31. An electric waterproof bubble massage mat complete with a built-in heater and an aroma clip for essential oil aromatherapy. Just imagine how wonderful this will feel after a long workout or a long day.

    Reviewer's bath with bubble massage mat suction cupped to bottom of tub.
    Same reviewer's tub with mat turned on, showing the large amount of bubbles that come up from the air pads

    Promising review: "This product provides a great massage technique for my back muscles. I experience a lot of pain and tension in my shoulders. And I have chronic pain in my lower back. I also like the aromatherapy pad. What a great, soothing, and relaxing experience for the low cost." —Octavia

    Get it from Amazon for $96.63.

    32. Tozo earbuds many swear are *just* like AirPods but for waaaaaay cheaper — you'll finally be able to listen to your favorite podcast in peace.

    Check out a TikTok of them if you're not yet convinced!

    Promising review: "Okay these are by far the best earbuds I’ve ever used. No exaggeration. My husband had these in his Amazon cart a couple of months ago but never checked out. Well it’s about to be Christmas soon, so I chose to get these on the sly for him. When they came in I wanted to make sure everything was working correctly before wrapping them up for Christmas. The sound quality is absolutely perfect, the noice cancellation is AMAZING! They were on low and the sound was crystal clear. I asked my 6-year-old son to talk so I could see how well they canceled out noise and I couldn’t hear him, so I told him to shout and I still couldn’t hear him at all. My husband will absolutely love these!! Also, now I need to get myself a pair as well! Definitely happy with my purchase!" —Ashley Haley

    Get them from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in five styles). 

    33. A SwitchBot Smart Switch Button Pusher you'll likely want to buy for every single switch in your home (apologies) as you'll be able to use it to transform *any* device into a smart one! Once you set it up you'll be able to use Google, Alexa, or an app on your phone to control it. Technology, man.

    the white square shaped SwitchBot on a lightswitch, fan, and computer
    The black version on a coffee machine button

    Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart enable" other parts of your home. I need to get one of these for my husband who drags himself out of bed every morning to turn on his espresso machine.

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for and had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little Switchbot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin

    Get it from Amazon for $29+ (available in white and black). 

    34. A beloved popcorn salt with over 8,000 5-star reviews that'll have everyone in the house salivating. It's been referred to as the *perfect* alternative of the iconic movie theater popcorn we all know and love. Aaaand, now I'm hungry.

    A carton of Flavacol salt
    Reviewer image of buttery popcorn
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    BuzzFeed writer (and serious snack aficionado) Emma Lord is a big fan:

    "Our family recently unearthed this because beloved To All The Boys I've Loved Before author Jenny Han mentioned that it was her secret to delicious popcorn, and it may have just wrecked me for other at-home popcorn for the rest of my life. It genuinely tastes just as salty and buttery and savory as fresh movie theater popcorn. I inhaled it so fast that every single one of my organs lit up in mild alarm."

    Promising review: "I am a person who will make myself sick eating buckets of popcorn (I have no self control). This has by far been my favorite 'TikTok made me buy' item. My at-home popcorn is now my favorite thing to make and I don't need to go the theater for popcorn. Very much worth the purchase and this will last me such a long time." —S Martinez

    Get it from Amazon for $9.60.

    35. A Digimon X virtual pet monster for anyone who enjoyed keeping a Tamagotchi alive but would much rather enjoy raising, training, and battling a little creature against others instead.

    a digimon in teal and purple with a little person on the screen
    a yellow and gray digimon with a monster egg on the screen

    Promising review: "Man, I love the heck out of this thing. I'm an adult, and I grew up with the original '90s Digimon V-pet. Two Digimon at once, five plus sets of eggs to raise, colosseum mode, and the sleep and mute buttons. 👍 For the price and all the features, this is everything that my nostalgic heart wanted. I got the glow-in-the-dark version, and I've never ever regretted it." —Franco

    Get it from Amazon for $13.19+ (available in 24 colors and two styles).

    36. A TikTok Bluetooth scrolling remote that'll take your laziness trait to the next level but leave you feeling smug at the same time for working smarter not harder. You can set this bad boy up then get under your covers and enjoy some seriously cozy scrolling, hands-free.

    You can also use the remote to take selfies on your phone from afar! 

    Check out a TikTok of the remote in action!

    Promising review: "I love this for scrolling through TikTok videos on my phone while I'm in bed. It is comfortable to wear. I use it with a mounted phone holder, so it's completely hands free! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who spends hours scrolling on TikTok like I do!" —Shawn P.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95+ (available in three colors).

    37. color-changing moon lamp to keep you company during late night gaming sessions (and encourage you to stop sitting in darkness, save for your monitor light). It works alongside an app that'll let you customize the color of your lighting and it also has color modes that are sound-reactive and will change along with whatever music you've decided to vibe with that night.

    the glowing moon lamp in a reviewer's darkened setup
    the color-changing moon lamp in a dimly lit room

    Check out an unboxing + how it works in this TikTok from @heartdefensor!

    Promising review: "I bought this lamp after seeing it on TikTok. It looked really cool and thought it would be a nice addition to my bedroom! I actually expected to have some buyer's remorse but I couldn't have been more wrong! This lamp is so adorable and perfect for bedrooms of any age and would definitely go well with a kawaii gamer setup too. It has a multitude of color options; the gradient pastel rainbow is my favorite! It's controllable from your smartphone or touch, and it has a neat little feature where it changes color based on the sound it picks up! It's super affordable, especially compared to other smart lights like Phillips Hue." —Alice

    Get it from Amazon for $35.99+ (available corded or cordless, and with or without Wi-Fi for Amazon Alexa/Google Home compatibility).

    38. Tarte's Shape Tape Contour Concealer you've likely been eyeing for months now and will be so excited to finally learn what the hype is about. Let me tell you — it'll live up to it.

    a model applying the shape tape under their eye
    the buzzfeed editor wearing shape tape
    Tarte, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I can finally say I've tried out this magical product and confirm it really does work! The bags under my eyes have definitely been a bit more noticeable these days (what is sleep, anyways?), so I gave Shape Tape a try. You can see in the photo above (right) how good of a job the product did of masking any dark circles or redness on my face. I'm definitely a fan and will be recommending this to all of my friends (and you, of course!).

    Promising review: "Best concealer till time!! Just love the consistency. Can be worn without powder to give a more dewy look! Love the travel size. Medium to high coverage! Would definitely recommend!" —Mehwish K.

    Get it from Tarte for $14 (available in 37 shades).

    39. A comfy pajama set made of rayon and spandex that'll feel so soft against your skin you'll want to cancel all of your plans so you can wear 'em for hours — heck, you could probably get away with working from home in these!

    a model in a light blue collared button down pajama shirt and coordinating shorts
    Crane & Canopy

    I received these pajamas as a sample, and boy, are they comfy. I'm not typically one for fancy pajama sets (I reach for my worn-in oversized T-shirts I've been wearing since high school), but these have won me over. They're lightweight so I don't sweat through them in the night, and I love how soft they are. I feel just a bit fancier while wearing them to bed (an upgrade from my mismatched PJs). I like that they can also be monogrammed — they'd make for a great gift!

    Get them from Crane & Canopy for $99 (available in women's sizes XS–XL and four colors).

    40. Kylie Cosmetics Pink Me Up Lip and Cheek Glow Balm — you'll want to keep it in your handbag at all times so you can add buildable color to your lips or cheeks whenever the mood strikes to channel your inner-King Kylie.

    a model with a pink glowy cheek
    four kylie cosmetics glow balms
    Kylie Cosmetics, Kylie Cosmetics / Via www.instagram.com

    Promising review: "Beautiful color, great pigment, and easy to blend! A little product goes a long way. What’s not to love!!" —Malerie

    Get it from Kylie Cosmetics for $12.75+ (available in four shades).

    41. An iced coffee holder, because you drink iced coffee year round, and this will make that task oh so much more fun and enjoyable.

    editor using the handled holder to walk down the street with iced coffee
    a bundle of iced coffee carriers with different patterns and colors on each one
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, VIS Paradise Goods / Etsy

    VIS Paradise Goods is a Florida-based Etsy stop established in 2021 that specializes in personalized and sustainable goods. 

    Promising review: "This is perfect! I constantly have my hands full and now I can comfortably carry my coffee with me everywhere I go. I will be purchasing more!" —Erin

    BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord loves hers:

    "Psst — I own one of these myself and love it for the convenience of texting on the go! These even have a holder for a straw if you happen to get iced coffee or bubble tea and don't want to stick the straw into the drink just yet. I've found this to be very sturdy and easy to use, plus they're a fun conversation starter — people always want to know where I got it!"

    Get it from VIS Paradise Goods on Etsy for $12.18+ (available in eight colors and 10 option designs). 

    42. A phone case filled with glitter and sprinkles shaped like fun things like smiley faces, flowers, strawberries, aliens, and more! You can customize it with whatever word or phrase you'd like so *no one* will ever accidentally mistake your phone as theirs again.

    buzzfeed editor's pink phone case filled with different sprinkles and
    an array of glitter-filled phone cases in different colors
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, The Sprkl Shop / Via www.instagram.com

    The Sprkl Shop is a woman-owned small business based in Brooklyn, New York that creates magical phone cases, hair clips, pet tags, and more that'll add a bit of fun to your everyday items.

    I have one of their custom phone cases and have *never* gotten so many compliments! My phone now has the perfect amount of sparkle (hehe) and I was able to create a fun accessory to honor becoming a mom. Win-win! I've recommended this brand to so many people and know lots of my friends have one of these cases on their wish lists.

    Get it from The Sprkl Shop for $45+ (available with or without customization and 12 styles).

    43. Or a customized Barbie-themed phone case — it's what your inner '90s-kid deserves! You'll be giving "come on Barbie, let's go party" vibes whenever you answer a text.

    a pink phone case with a heart in the middle that says
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I have this phone case (as you can see above) and it is so fun! As a child I had countless Barbie dolls, so paying tribute to one of my favorite toys of all time through my phone case has been an absolute delight! It's also very sturdy, an added bonus!

    Get it from Casetify for $65 (available in sizing for Apple, Samsung, and Google devices).

    44. A plush bath pillow, so you can happily lounge and read the novel you've been dying to crack open from cover to cover comfortably.

    Promising review: "This has a lot of cushion for your back and neck. I had no issues with sticking it to the tub. The best part is the hook which allows it to dry out well. In this time of working at home, I need a nice tub to help relax." —Danielle Piacentini

    Get it from Amazon for $32.29.

    45. A HyperChiller to cool your favorite drink in less than a minute. A must-have if you're like me and prefer to drink iced coffee all year. 

    I snagged this for myself last Prime Day and I'm never looking back! I basically only drink iced coffee (yes, even in the winter) and have forever been plagued by how long it typically takes for my coffee to cool to a temperature that won't melt ice (thus watering down my beverage). Luckily for me (and all iced coffee drinkers) the HyperChiller actually gets the job done. It's very simple to use: you fill the two separate chambers inside with water then pop it into the freezer. When you're ready to make your coffee you can either brew it directly into the lid of the HyperChiller or pour it in yourself. Let it sit for a minute or so, then pour it into your glass. No more attempting to chill my too-hot coffee in the fridge! It really cools it super quickly — I can happily add as much ice to my drink as I'd like without ruining the taste! 

    Promising review: "For those not fully familiar with how it works, what it's accomplishing is trying to surround your liquid with as much ice-behind-metal as possible. So, it has a center chamber of ice behind the metal, then an outer chamber of ice. The inner chamber fits inside the outer with about a cup's worth of space that's between the inner and outer chamber. This exposes your liquid to the greatest surface area of super-cold metal that they can, and since your liquid is only touching metal, and not the ice itself, it doesn't matter the temperature of the liquid poured in. You can pour in boiling water and while it may end up melting a bunch of the ice behind the metal, none of that water will mix with your drink. So, whether you're chilling a wine, dropping hot coffee to cool it off, or just wanting to rapidly drop the temp of that fresh lemonade you made without making it watery, this will get that done." —P. Ericksen

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in five colors).

    46. A tie-dyed sweatshirt you can personalize to show off your favorite team, so whether you're a diehard football fan or want to cheer on your kiddo's little league team you can look the part without sacrificing coziness or style.

    buzzfeed editor in a blue tie dyed usa sweatshirt
    a red tie dyed chiefs sweatshirt
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Bffs and Babes / Via www.instagram.com

    I have many sweatshirts from BFFs and Babes, a woman-owned small business, and I simply adore them — I've purchased so many as gifts as well! The Game Day collection is so fun, especially for someone, like myself, that loves to be on-theme but also super comfortable. I have a USA-themed sweatshirt (pictured above) that I wore during the Olympics and broke out again for both the Fourth of July and while watching The World Cup and I also have a New York Jets-inspired green tie dyed one that I wear all the time. The sweatshirts are super cozy, don't run in the wash (thankfully) and I love that you can customize them to say whatever you want!

    Get it from BFFs and Babes for $65+ (available in unisex sizes S–2XL, 10 colors and with personalization on the front and cuff).

    47. And an Ouai Melrose Place Body Cleanser with a delicious scent you'll happily let your body drink in — it's formulated with bergamot, lychee, white musk, and champagne.

    pic of Heather holding bottle of the body cleanser in her hand
    Heather Braga/BuzzFeed

    I’m basically a fan of everything from Ouai and Jen Atkin, so it was no surprise when I immediately deemed their Melrose Place cleanser my new favorite body wash. The smell is absolutely heavenly, I’ve almost finished my first bottle! We all know an empty = a good beauty product. 

    Anyways, it features notes of bergamot, lychee, white musk, and champagne (fancy, right?) and is made with jojoba seed oil and rose hip oil, making it super hydrating. It lathers up nicely and makes my sometimes all-too-short-new-mom showers feel luxurious even when I’m exhausted and rushing to crawl into bed. The pink hue also just looks lovely on my shower caddy, not a necessity but something I’ve come to appreciate. 

    I received my first bottle as a sample but already plan to order another before I run out of this one. I love the scent so much I basically bullied my sisters into trying the body cleanser when they’ve visited me (they love it, too) and use Ouai’s Melrose Body Cream alongside it. Honestly, just writing about it has me daydreaming about the shower I’ll take tonight…

    Get it from Sephora or Amazon for $28. 

    Getting my credit card bill after I've ordered myself *quite* a few li'l treats....