We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    32 Products To Make You Comfy And Cozy While You Power Through Your TBR Stack

    "Let's go girls" —me, to the pile of books on my nightstand.

    1. A "flaming" humidifier that'll impress anyone who cherishes nothing more than cozy cottagecore vibes, soothing aromatherapy, and sleeping amongst delightfully hydrated air. More importantly, it'll make sure your room is more than ready for you and your plan to read for 20 hours straight.

    A black humidifier with lights mimicking flamse coming out of it
    A still shot of the humidifier

    Promising review: "I like how this diffuser kind of looks like a mini fireplace and it’s perfect for winter. I also like how long the water of this diffuser lasts — I always add my favorite essential oil in it when I go to sleep every night without worrying it will run out of water. I used to have insomnia and it helped me to sleep through the night with my relaxing essential oil scent, and it also worked as a humidifier." —Benny

    Get it from Amazon for $32.69 (available in two colors). 

    2. color-shifting mushroom light because you're a ~fun guy~ and will totally appreciate the cozy lil' cottagecore aesthetic these bring to your room while you dive into that murder mystery you've had on your shelf forever.

    Reviewer holding white plug with pastel mushrooms and leaves blooming out of it
    The mushrooms lit up in the dark

    Check out a TikTok of the mushroom nightlight in action. 

    Promising review: "I LOVE this night-light. It's in my bathroom and is a lovely addition. It turns off the second the lights go on, which is nice because I don't have to worry about accidentally leaving it on. Super cute and the little itty-bitty lighting element does a good job lighting, just enough so I don't have to turn the main lights on in the middle of the night." —1Thand

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97

    3. A rechargeable clip-on reading light to attach directly to your novel, so even if your partner wants to hit the hay you can stay up as late as you want without disturbing them as you dive deeper and deeper into that New York Times Best Seller your friends have all been raving about.

    a reviewer using a book light to read in the dark
    a reviewer's light blue book light

    I purchased this lil' gadget when my son was first born and slept in a bassinet in our room. I wasn't always ready to go to sleep at 8 p.m. but I did want to curl up in my bed and read — this light let me do exactly that without waking the baby. Big parenting win, if you ask me. It has three colored light options and five brightness settings, so you can set it to the perfect brightness for your eyes.

    Promising review: "This little light is the best thing I’ve bought on Amazon! It’s so bright and easy to use." —Faith Chase

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in five colors).

    Don't forget to clip the 20% off coupon before checking out!

    4. Or a similar light you can wrap around your neck, in case you have no interest in fumbling with a clip-on light while you turn the pages of your book. Reviewers have also said it's great if you tend to fall asleep while reading, leaving your overhead lights on in the process.

    a reviewer with a pink reading light around their neck
    a reviewer using a reading light around their neck to illuminate their pages

    Promising review: "I also ordered one of those book lights that you have to clip directly on to your book. I haven't even tried the clip-on yet because I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH!! It's so versatile. It is the perfect solution for when I'm up in the middle of the night and I still want to stay in bed and read while my husband sleeps next to me. Even when I don't have to worry about disturbing someone this light is still my go to when reading. It's better than any night stand lamp because you can focus this light directly on your book or other types of hands-on projects. I had worried that it would be uncomfortable around my neck but It's so lightweight I hardly even notice it" —Linda Holloway

    Get it from Amazon for $18.09+ (available in eight styles).

    5. A curtain of twinkle lights to help you transform your space into a cozy nook where you can sip on a cup of tea, crack open a book, and enjoy some much-needed me-time.

    Promising review: "I saw a few pictures online of fairy lights with sheer curtains and loved the look. These lights in particular are perfect for what I was looking for. It gives off a warm cozy glow, and really adds a nice touch of oomph to the room." —NG

    Get it from Amazon for $17.93+ (available in 11 colors).

    6. A pullover sweatshirt that'll become a staple in your wardrobe faster than you can say "cozy." It comes in *so* many colors you can absolutely stock up on 'em. (Who wants to do laundry when you can be curled up with a book instead???)

    a reviewer in a gray oversized sweatshirt with leggings and a vest
    a reviewer in a black oversized sweatshirt

    Promising review: "I can't stop buying more and more of these sweaters. I am not joking, they are the most comfy thing ever. Make sure to wash on a cold, gentle cycle and tumble dry low so it stays softer for longer. It is the PERFECT lazy day comfy outfit. Couldn't recommend more. Going to get everyone one for the holidays." —Caroline Cycon

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99 (available in sizes S–XL and 26 colors). 

    7. A 7-quart Crock-Pot slow cooker you can use to make your favorite cozy-weather foods (soups, chili, stews, etc.) without having to hover around your oven. While your dinner is cooking you can continue to hunker down and get through a few more chapters.

    Promising review: "This works amazing! I was surprised with it being so cheap but I use this so much especially during the fall and winter when I’m able to just throw everything in for a soup. Love this Crock-Pot!" —Olivia Adams

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99.

    8. And a pack of slow cooker liners, because who wants to ruin the warm, cozy vibe they've curated with the unpleasant task of cleaning out their Crock-Pot? With the addition of these lovely liners, you can simply toss it, wipe down your appliance, and get back to enjoying your book.

    a model scooping mac and cheese out of a lined crockpot

    These liners fit three to eight quarts.

    Promising review: "I will never NOT have some on hand. These things are a lifesaver (and time saver). Great quality and thickness. They don't rip easily if I accidentally scrape with a fork. Highly recommend!!" —Erin M

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $11.60.

    9. A light-up essential oil diffuser that'll make every day feel like a cozy rainy reading day (the best kind of day) — the soothing scent it gives off and the relaxing sound of water falling will help ease your mind. Deeeeeep breaths, friends.

    a gif of the raining cloud essential oil diffuser on and glowing red
    the purple-lit raining cloud essential oil diffuser

    Check out a TikTok of the rain cloud diffuser in action.

    Promising review: "I love this thing. I have anxiety and insomnia, and I need background noise to function/sleep. This little desktop fountain is SO SOOTHING, both aesthetically and the sound of the little raindrops. If I’m in the room with it, it’s probably on. If you love the sound of rain this is for you. Because I’m paranoid and I want this to last, I run it with plain distilled water and I have not used essential oils with it even though they say it’s fine. It’s very dry here right now, and I still only have to top up the water every few days, even with it running daily. It’s a solid 12/10 from me." —Violet

    Get it from Amazon for $56.80

    10. And an adorable mushroom cup/tea infuser because we're really into anything that screams "I-BELONG-IN-AN-ISOLATED-FOREST-CABIN-WITH-FAIRY-CREATURES." What pairs better with a good book than a cup of tea? Nothing.

    A glass cup with a yellow polka dot mushroom cap on a matching yellow saucer
    The pink version of the mushroom cup

    Check out a TikTok of the mushroom cup in action. 

    Promising review: "It's so cute. It gives me so much serotonin drinking from it and having it on my desk. I'm always craving any sort of liquid so I do drink it pretty fast, but I just keep a refill close. The cup makes it worth the trip to refill." —PoisonedTendrils

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99 (available in five colors). 

    11. An oversized knit cardigan in an array of gorgeous colors — ideal if you're someone who *waffles* between being too hot and too cold and loves nothing more than a go-to layering option. Just think of how darling you'll look wearing this while settled in at your favorite bookstore, making your way through all the books you've been dying to read this year.

    Reviewer wearing cardigan in pink
    Reviewer wearing cardigan in tan

    Promising review: "I have these cardigans in three different colors, need I say more? They are thick and heavy, which I like because I bought them for winter, but since it’s cotton, I feel like they will be comfortable in spring and fall too. They keep their shape and quality after washing. For sizing comparison, I have them in S, and I usually wear US S in tops." —Anonimous

    Get it from Amazon for $40.99+ (available in sizes S–3XL and 29 colors).

    12. An incredibly soft chenille throw so when you wrap yourself up like a burrito to read a romance novel you'll feel like you're living in the beachside cottage the story takes place in (you know the kinds I'm talkin' about.)

    A cream colored chenille blanket
    a reviewer's bed with pumpkin pillows and an orange chenille blanket

    Promising reviews: "The color and material are perfect! Perfect fall aesthetic." —Renee

    "My husband and I both love this blanket! I mostly got it for the look, but it's so soft and cozy! We've always used fuzzy blankets while sitting on the couch at night, but now we both prefer this one! It's perfectly light weight, a good size, and all over very nice. 10/10 would recommend!" —Cori

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in three sizes and 31 colors).

    13. Or a plush blanket reviewers swear is *just like* a Barefoot Dreams (y'know, the blanket the Kardashians are always seen toting onto their private jets?) but without the extra dollar signs on the price tag. You'll never want to put your book down once you're all snugged up in this beauty.

    a reviewer with a white plush blanket
    a black and white checkered throw blank

    Promising review: "I saw this blanket on TikTok and I have to say I absolutely love it. I washed it several times now and it’s maintained its elasticity and softness after each wash. It’s warm enough but not too hot for a throw. Absolutely recommend this blanket!" —Amy

    Get it from Amazon for $28.99+ (available in 16 styles and three sizes). 

    14. A "Cup Cozy Pillow" — aka an absolute essential for achieving peak comfort goals in your living room. It features a spot to hold your remote, two mugs, and two additional beverages. You honestly may never want to leave your couch again.

    Cup Cozy Pillow is a small business that specializes in family-friendly snack and drink organizers. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Cup Cozy Deluxe Pillow in action.

    Promising review: "This thing is great! I’m home on maternity leave with my new baby and spend most of my time on the couch under a sleeping baby. This product makes it easy for me to keep my drinks, remote, etc close by even with dogs running around. It’s a little more expensive than I would have liked but it works and I love it so money well spent!" —Amber

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.  

    15. A set of cylindrical wineglasses that'll feel like a major upgrade from the ones you somehow inherited from your older sister when you moved into your first apartment — these beauties are *yours* and will make any space feel like home sweet home. Fill one with your favorite vino, find the coziest spot on the couch, and crack open that Nicholas Sparks book you and I both know you've been dying to read in secrecy.

    A cylinder shaped stemmed clear wine glass with pink gin in it
    The glass with white wine in it

    Joy Jolt is a small business that specializes in modern and pop culture-themed drinkware and kitchen accessories. 

    Promising review: "I saw these wine glasses on TikTok and had to order them. They are perfect! Will be purchasing again as gifts for my friends!" —diana

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.95+ (available in three styles). 

    16. Or a "Book Club" mug, in case you prefer to sip on hot tea or coffee while you mentally escape into a whole new world courtesy of the latest book you checked out from the library.

    a mug with a gold handle and a design of books all around it
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    I have this mug and it's one of my favorites. It's from Rifle Paper Co, a woman-owned small business, and it is covered in stunning classic novels. It's an absolute must-have for any book lover. It is, however, worth noting that it cannot go in the dishwasher or microwave! If you love this design as much as I do, you should also check out this beach towel and this notepad featuring similar styles (yes, I have both).

    Promising review: "Love this mug! I am a Jane Austen fan and I cannot wait to curl up with my book and hot chocolate in such a cute mug! Ah thank you!" —LexiAmazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $25 (available in 11 styles).

    17. A too-cute lap cushion designed to hold a tablet or book, so at least when you start yelling "THE HUSBAND DID IT!" while reading a crime novel you'll have an adorable animal friend nearby that *likely* won't judge you.

    a reviewer using an owl shaped plush cushion to hold their book in place
    a sloth lap cushion holding a tablet and a book

    Promising review: "I almost always read softcovers, so I cannot speak to how well this holds hard covers. However, I can say that it holds the book very well, even at the beginning and end of the book when the number of pages are super uneven.  I read a lot in bed and this is great for resting on my chest or while lying on my side. I wear glasses for distance, but almost always take them off for reading so I need my book to be only a few inches from my face. This little owl buddy let’s me set up my book in perfect spots to accommodate my poor vision while being comfortable and not having to contort my arms/pillows to hold up my book." —Rebecca T.

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in eight styles).

    18. A fuzzy three-piece loungewear set reviewers have praised as being delightfully similar to Skims (apologies, Kim K!). A must-have if you want to test run the style before potentially treating yourself to the real thing — or just another set of these in another color!

    A customer review photo of them wearing the set in white
    A customer review picture of them wearing the set in camel

    Promising review: "This is by far the best money spent on clothing! I love this outfit, it's so comfortable! I will say the tag was a bit itchy on the top piece so I had to cut it off, but otherwise 20/10. This outfit is what I treat myself to on my self-care days and relaxing moments. Personally, I don't think I'd wear it out and about, but around the house it is just so perfect! And what I look like in my own house doesn't matter, but my comfort definitely does!" —Wendy

    Get the three-piece set from Amazon for $49.99 (available in sizes S–XL and 31 styles).

    Psst: This is included in Prime Wardrobe, so you can give it a trial run if you're a member!

    19. candle lamp warmer that'll help you bring the coziest of vibes to your living space without fretting over open flames. It'll also double as cute home decor!

    Check out a TikTok recommending the candle lamp warmer

    Promising review: "This was perfect for my wife and me. She especially loves to have the scent of candles throughout the day, but because of our pets, we can't have lit candles. We tried this with both a jar candle and a glass bowl with some wax melts, and it worked perfectly for both. One of my wife's favorite features is the on/off switch on the cord, rather than having an ugly button or knob on the lamp/light itself. It's really a statement piece, like a desk lamp with a pretty wooden base. Overall, it works well for what it is and is well worth the money." —Scott Rarden

    Get it from Amazon for $45.99+ (available in 11 colors). 

    Don't forget to clip the 5% off coupon before checking out!

    20. A candle you'll want to immediately purchase and light up before cracking open that hot 'n' heavy romance novel you've been proudly reading — because there's absolutely no shame in being a smut savant. It'll *~add a little bit of spice~* to your life 🌶️.

    a candle with a maroon label that says
    Evil Queen

    Evil Queen is my all-time favorite small business, let alone my go-to shop for candles. They're woman-owned and sell all kinds of candles with fun labels that'll make you want to try 'em even if the scent isn't your typical go-to. This "Smut Lover" candle is honestly one of the best things my nose has ever had the pleasure of sniffing. The label is hilarious and makes it *very* gift-y, but the scent, WOW! Evil Queen also has a less "naughty" book-related candle called "books > people" and it smells equally incredible. It's currently sitting on my desk as I write this and I cannot wait to light it, get into bed, and read.

    Scent notes:

    Top: Lemon, Lime, Eucalyptus
    Middle: Lavender, Marine, Ozone, Cyclamen, Anise
    Base: Cedar, Orris, Frankincense, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Musk

    Do yourself a favor and stock up on this baby.

    Promising review: "This candle is so good, from the label to the smell. Light this candle while reading to give you a nice, cozy vibe while you read your favorite smut. For any A Court of Thorns and Roses fans, this candle gives me Rhysand vibes. It's manly and strong, and I could just sit here and smell it all day." —Caitlin Duncan

    Get it from Evil Queen for $22.

    21. And decorative jar filled with 135 matches (you can strike 'em on the bottom!) so you can stop hunting around your junk drawer for that lil' matchbook you pocketed the last time you were out at a bar and focus on more important things (like the novel you finally made some time to read).

    a glass jar filled with matches and topped with a cork ball
    the bottom of the jar with a striker area

    Promising review: "Beautiful to display and the matches work great! I’ve bought other decorative matches and the striker or matches haven't worked well — this one is perfect!" —Sarah

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99.

    22. A two-piece lounge set worth investing your hard-earned dollars on. Once the weekend rolls around and you've solidified your very important plans of making your way through your TBR stack, you're going to want to live in the utmost comfort. This set will certainly check that box.

    reviewer wearing the set in pink
    reviewer wearing the set in purple

    Promising review: "This is a cute and comfortable two-piece set. The fit was as expected, and these pieces could easily be worn for travel or just lounging around the house. They washed up nicely, but I wouldn't recommend putting them in the dryer due to possible shrinkage." —H. Brien

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99+ (available in sizes S–XL and in 35 colors). 

    23. A set of velvet pillow covers you'll love for the way they'll feel oh-so-soft on your skin when you face plant directly into your pile of pillows while sobbing from the life-changing novel you just finished. They're also super easy to swap out when you inevitably get the itch to redecorate your room (again).

    A variety of the velvet pillow covers on a sofa
    blue pillows on a bed

    I have these velvet throw pillow covers! I break them out during the holiday season when I want to re-theme my living room to look a bit more festive. They hold up very well in the wash, really are extremely soft, and look great on display!

    Promising review: "This is the second set of these I've purchased (bought two different colors to change out when one set is in the laundry), and I completely love them. They are so soft, easy to put the pillows into, and they come out of the laundry looking brand-new. Get a couple of different colors and switch out for holidays, or when desiring a quick easy decor change. I highly recommend them." —Melanie Mastin

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in 12 sizes and in 49 colors).

    24. Fellow electric kettle that'll heat up faster than you can have the thought "I could go for a cup of coffee right now." It's so chic you likely won't be able to resist keeping it out on display all the time. (I mean, look at it! It's a minimalist's dream come true!) It's the ideal tool for making pour-over beverages and fresh cups of tea all the live-long day. I personally cannot think if a better way to stay cozy and caffeinated while reading a good book.

    a hand reaching for the blue and maple wood electric kettle on a countertop
    Pink version of the kettle

    Fellow is a small business that sells at-home coffee products.

    Promising review: "We waffled about getting this kettle. Surely the cheapie electric one we had would do the trick for amateur pour-over enthusiasts? No. Wrong. This is superior in every aspect. The temperature-holding feature is amazing — no more heating up the water, forgetting you started, and heating it again. Definitely more consistent in temperature, creating more consistent cups of coffee." —Emily A.

    Get it from Fellow for $195 (available in 12 colors and styles) or from Amazon for $165+ (available in six styles). 

    25. And snail teabag holders that'll prevent your tea bag string from *~slippin' into the lava~* aka your steaming tea. Reviewers also love adding them to their potted plants — s'cute.

    Reviewer's tea mug with the snail shape holders on the edge while holding another one of the snails
    Reviewer's tea mug with a snail perched on the edge holding up the tea bag string

    Promising reviews: "These little critters are awesome! I like using them on the edge of my tea cup when I make hot tea. I just wrap the teabag string around the snail and it keeps everything from falling back into my tea. I like that each one has a different color and I keep them all handy to grab." —KA7DRE

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $6.48.

    26. Silk pajamas covered in peonies, which will pair beautifully with your plan to re-read The Secret Garden before you move on to the other books that have been BEGGING you to pick them up already.

    a model in. black silk pajamas with yellow flowers on them

    Get them from our Goodful shop for $35 (available in women's sizes XS–XL)

    27. A set of "Loops," a magically designed ear plug that blocks out distracting or irritating sounds but doesn't fully cut you off from hearing the world around you (safety first, friends). Pop these in and you won't be tempted to watch Gilmore Girls with your roomie for the umpteenth time when what you've really been wanting to do is start cracking onto the stack of books on your bedside table.

    A set of small pink earplugs with loops on them
    black earplugs subtly inserted in a model's ear

    Each set comes with a carrying case and several sizes of silicone tips to get your perfect fit! 

    BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord is a fan, "I recently used these at Taylor Swift's Eras tour, and could not swear by them more. I had what I fondly describe as the literal worst seats in the stadium (behind the stage in the 300s, help, LOL), and not only did these block the WALLS of noise from my beloved fellow Swifties, it funneled Taylor's audio so I could hear the music more clearly. The few times I pulled them out I couldn't hear her as well, and the noise was quite overwhelming. It made the concert a calmer, more enjoyable experience."

    Promising review: "Got these to use at night while sleeping, and I would definitely recommend and rebuy. The noise cancellation is just enough where I can sleep comfortably. My concern before buying was that they would block out too much noise, and for safety reasons, I wanted to still be able to hear any alarms or alarming noises. That doesn’t seem to be the case. I can still hear the important stuff, but am able to sleep because the snoring that I usually hear is majorly cut back."PB Mom 

    Check out the Loop Store on Amazon for more options based on your sound-blocking needs! 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95 (available in 10 colors). 

    28. A pair of horizontal glasses, because if you're planning to dedicate an entire evening to reading and relaxing you absolutely *must* be able to lounge at the same time.

    Promising review: "I saw these on a couple of TikTok videos and immediately bought them. They are literally the best thing I’ve ever bought. I was scared they wouldn't fit over my glasses but they do just fine. I use them to read, watch TV, and scroll through my social media all while lying down. Such a great buy!" —Kivy

    Get them from Amazon for $11.95

    29. A 3-in-1 convertible "reading chair" you've likely seen bubble up on your FYP — it has a spot to charge your phone/Kindle, a cup holder, a side pocket to keep your current read in, and pulls out into a full sleeper bed.  There's even hidden storage at the bottom you can fill with MORE books (or, you know, sheets/pillows).

    A dark blue padded arm chair with arm rests
    Model pulling out the store at the bottom to turn it into a lounger

    Check out a TikTok of the reading chair in action. 

    Promising review: "Amazing reading chair/lounger. If you're one of those people who needs to change positions often while reading, this chair is the bomb. I leave a charging cord in the arm for my phone and headphones, slide out the foot, and grab whatever book I chucked under there. I can lay down, recline, sit straight, etc. with ease. The foot stool part, being collapsible and held up with thin bars, did kind of sink a little after awhile but nothing that makes the chair feel broken or look lopsided. It's a solid little guy and I plan on picking another one up eventually for another room I like to read in." —Calvin Andrews

    Get it from Amazon for $269.99+ (available in eight colors). 

    30. An arc floor lamp that'll add the perfect amount of light to your space without making it as bright as the sun (yikes). It'll illuminate your go-to reading spot and ensure you're good to go whenever you finally get around to tackling that ever-growing TBR stack.

    Curved linear lamp with warm glow hovering over a couch
    The same lamp hovering over a  desk

    Check out a TikTok of the arc floor lamp in action. 

    Brightech is a California-based small business that specializes in home lighting. 

    Promising review: "I have gotten compliments on this light from someone in every single meeting I’ve been in the last few weeks. Provides very good reading light (and adjustable) and unusual, visually appealing style. Have sent the link to three colleagues who were also intrigued!" —Steve

    Get it from Amazon for $74.99 (available in two colors). 

    31. A drawstring jumpsuit, perfect for anyone who wants to lounge and read a book *most* of the day but also has a handful of errands to run. When the cute cashier at CVS starts checking *you* out while you're checking out, you can thank me.

    Promising review: "Originally, I wanted a comfy outfit for air travel and bought this before my last trip to Mexico. As soon as I put it on, I fell in love with it. I now live in it. It's comfortable and fits perfectly. I will be purchasing more!" —Meg Fanslow

    Get it from Amazon for $37.99+ (available in sizes S–2XL and 12 colors and styles).

    32. And an oversized hot pink tee Swifties and book lovers will not be able to contain their excitement over — pair it with some leggings and fuzzy slippers for the coziest reading 'fit around.

    a hot pink t-shirt with an illustration of a girl on it reading a book that says
    Bookshelf Tees

    Bookshelf Tees is a woman-owned small business that creates book and pop culture–themed apparel and stickers. I personally placed an order as a gift for my bestie and cannot wait to finally give it to her! I also ordered a sticker for myself and it's so freakin' cute. I'm going to have a very hard time not ordering a shirt for myself from here in the very near future.

    Get it from Bookshelf Tees for $32 (available in unisex sizes S–4XL).

    In case you were wondering how many books are currently in my TBR stack, it looks a little something like this: