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What's The Most Messed Up Thing You Were Taught In Sex Ed?

Looking @ you, abstinence-only curriculums.

Let me state the obvious: Sex ed sucks. You're thrown in a room with your hormonal, yet inexperienced peers so adults can inform – or, in many cases, misinform — you about your own body.

So we wanna know: What's the most messed up thing you were taught in sex ed?

Maybe your instructor said that you'd straight-up die from any kind of sexual contact.

Maybe they neglected to tell you about one of the most important parts of your reproductive anatomy: the clitoris.

Or maybe they told you that kissing could transmit everything from HPV to gonorrhea, leading you to avoid giving anyone a smooch 'till you were well into your twenties.

Whatever it was, we wanna hear about it! In the comments below, tell us the wildest parts of your school's sex ed curriculum, and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!